Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 237: Wu? Cixi Aikong?

There is something strange about Mo Shiren. Most of the young women like the lively places such as the market, the lantern festival, etc., but there are a few who can feel the suburban gardens in their teens.

Wu Hao was on the wheeler, gently pushed by Mu Qingya, and walked into the garden and the door was also simple.

Mo Shiren walked slowly by the Wusong wheeler, accompanied by the design of the park, and asked Wu Hao to give advice.

The busy people in the garden quickly stopped and went to salute. After Mo Shiren passed, they continued their work.

The class concept of this world is very deep, and these helpers see the masters naturally and pray.

In the garden, Wu Hao will make some suggestions from time to time, which surprised Mo Shiren.

For example, at the corner of the door, Wu Hao will propose to pile up a rockery to block the sight of the entry, which can produce a clear visual effect.

Mo Shiren couldn't help but screamed: How does this girl know the garden?

Soon, he found that the gimmicks of this girl were endless.

Seeing that there is a spring underwater mountain, running through the garden, she proposed to be a spring water circulation road for individual workers.

Even considering a few laps around each room, you can cool in summer and form a water supply line like running water.

Tap water? Mo Shiren felt that this statement was magical when he touched his chin, but it was easy to understand.

Even when Wu Hao noticed that the whole garden was made up of mountains, he smiled and said that it is best to dig a sewer.

Howling is the sewer? Don't say that Mo Shiren, even Zong Zhilian and others can't understand.

"The waterer, the road to the underground water is also." Wu Hao patiently began to explain.

This involves issues such as toilets, toilets, flushing, and running water.

"So very good!" Mo Shiren listened to this idea and almost doubled his eyes.

He knows that the nephews of the inner palace most hate the smell of going to the toilet. They loved to be beautiful, and at that time they simply couldn’t wait to fill the whole house with incense.

There is also the old Qi Wang. People have old noses but they are spiritual, and each time they go to the toilet, they have a long time because of their age. What kind of tap water toilet is needed for this water flushing.

If you can build this... what is it called? Oh, called the sewer system, that’s a wonderful thing!

Wu Hao’s suggestion made him seem to have extended a small hand. Constantly scratching the itch meat on the heart and liver.

The **** is the most dependent on the horse. If you can move this architectural effect into the palace, you can imagine that Qi Wang’s praise is better than any time in recent years.

it is good! Let this garden become a place for experimentation, let Xiao Ruoyao toss here! Mo Shiren, who was going to take the garden as a gift, secretly made up his mind.

It took less than a quarter of the time in the park and it took half an hour.

Wu Hao felt that he was able to catch up with Jiafu Grand View Garden.

Many roads have not been repaired yet. Wu Hao’s wheeled vehicle is inconvenient to walk, and everyone has returned to the core of the garden.

Zong Zhilian played drums in his heart.

I thought that Mo Shiren would send a garden. But this garden is too big, who is willing to send?

Just thought of it. Mo Shiren smiled at Wu Hao: "This garden has not been completed, but the landscape layout can be thrown out. The girl can still see it?"

Wu Hao sincerely praised: "This is a really good place, and the scenery is not enough to describe it."

Mo Shiren nodded: "If the girl likes..."

Follow the words of Zong Zhilian in the back: Send it to you? No way? If this place is given to Ruo Yao, it is too much to be artificially famous!

Think about it, a gimmick who lost the identity of a latent disciple, was sent by such a large garden to the **** of the general manager, how do people think?

Zong Zhilian feels wrong in his heart, how can Mo Shiren think of it?

Mo Shiren said slowly: "The family has long known that the girl's mind is flexible. There are many superman's insights. Just visiting the garden, the sister really put forward a lot of suggestions for the family to slap."

Wu Hao modest: "Hey talk about it. When I was young, my family was poor..."

She just said this, Mu Qingya turned a blind eye. It was a poor family when I was young.

Wu Haodao: "When I was young, my family was poor. I didn't have much fun. I was so muddy, I had a lot of mud gardens and I had a lot of messy ideas and ideas."

In fact, many ideas are the experience of building the Grand View Garden in "Dream of Red Mansions". There are also suggestions in combination with another world aesthetic.

"Why should the girl be humble, these ideas are even more than a few decades of civil engineering masters." Mo Shiren praised a sentence, the words turned: "If the sister likes it, the family is missing a supervisor."

"Supervisor?" Wu Hao and others are inexplicable.

"Yes, supervisor." Mo Shi Renzheng said: "I hope that my sister will live here. Help take care of this garden. The construction of the garden should be decided by you."

"This is not good..." Wu Hao was hesitant.

Mo Shiren had a little angry appearance, and he said: "What is wrong? You are afraid that your family will have a deep relationship with each other and will not pay for the supervision of the workers."

Wu grinned. This Mo Shiren is really thorough.

"As the supervisor here, the money here is paid by me every month. The monthly supply is five thousand silver, all of which are decided by the sister. But there are deficiencies, even though they are spoken." Mo Shiren said that he has already responded to himself. Down: "When you have unloaded this general manager's robe, come back here and enjoy the garden created by the sister. When you need to review the performance of the sister's supervisor, don't let the family disappoint."

Yun Yun injured and Mu Qingya heard a glimpse. Doesn't this mean giving a garden to someone?

Zong Zhilian was also a slight glimpse, but soon understood.

This old **** is so oyster, so there is no drop in the [feed]. Others also said nothing, and reduced the impact on her team's reputation.

Here, the civil arrangement is dominated by her, and she has to wait until the Mo Shiren to rob her, then she is actually the owner of the garden!

Wu Hao smiled and laughed did not swear by hand: "That would thank the father-in-law, I am also having a design to achieve here."

"There is a good eye for the family. So it is a hard girl." Mo Shiren nodded, and the voice turned: "The garden has not been named yet. Do you know if the girl is lucky enough to have a name?"

Wu Hao looked around and saw the garden leaning against the forest, when a few leaves were blown down by the wind.

I am here to visit the park. Although it is not the ridicule of Liu Wei’s visit to the Grand View Garden, it is also pushed by people using a wheelchair.

Somehow, Wu Hao recalled that she was in a different world, and especially remembered a holy place in the house culture.

I am willing to remember the sacred place where I longed for... Wu Hao’s heart mourns. .

The voice of her girl gently whispered: "Autumn Xiao is red and mournful, and the leaves fall into the mud and finally report grace. When the next year, Yan Jingyue, the garden flower weaving dreams come true."

After reading an impromptu oil-sounding poem, Wu Hao secluded and said: "This garden is called [Autumn Garden]..." (To be continued.)

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