Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 180: The real chef is a little girl

The chef's behavior in this restaurant made the crowds at the door look silly. m.

Xiao Gang, Zhang Jiasan, and so on, who have long been stunned, understand that he is so rude because Wu Hao’s performance is too amazing.

Time returns before half a tea time.

When Wu Hao pulled out the machete, the proud chef shook a big jump, for fear that Wu Hao was annoyed to take his own knife.

Wu Hao smiled and did not explain, the left hand in the kitchen case put a few porcelain plates, and then a basket of vegetables to the air.

"Don't mess!" The chef quickly dissuaded.

Hey - the knife and the light burst.

The chef was so scared that he had to step back a few steps, but he saw the quirky girl raising his hand and waving the machete, and swiftly drawn countless flashes in the air.

The sound of cutting is constantly changing. After the vegetables are tumbling in the air, they fall down again, and they are magically classified and dropped in several porcelain plates.

The vegetables that were originally mixed in the basket were automatically classified as a plate of cabbage, a plate of celery, a plate of lettuce, and so on.

And cut neatly, it is like a hand, carefully cut with a kitchen knife against a knife.

Then another basket of food was thrown in the air, and soon it was cut into the plate by a knife.

Following the chicken, diced and other ingredients, all of them have become neat in the shadow of Wu Ling's volley.

Later, Wu Hao cut up and took out the second machete.

Two scimitars flew in the air, and countless vegetables and meat became a neat item.

The fairy sister is so powerful! Xiao Gang, who was sneaked at the door, exclaimed.

After a dazzling volley knife, the restaurant chef's eyes were round and his tongue was straight, and the scorpion slammed for a long while, but he couldn't say a word.

Knife is a very important knowledge of the chef's technique. The idea of ​​a gentleman is far from the mainstream in this world. I have never seen a knifeman who can make a volley will be willing to be a cook.

Wu Hao is such a freak. In her concept, the cook is not a low-lying profession, but cooking for friends, especially beautiful women, is a kind of glory.

For the chef who was just arrogant, would you like to be a teacher? Also paying the teacher silver two? Pooh! Wu Hao improvised to stimulate him.

She cut the dish at the level of the super knife, wiped it with a machete and put it back on the side of the leg. Another refers to the bellows, and the kitchen helper who is also dazed to be dazed: "Pull the bellows for me."

"Yes, female and female," the kitchen helper quickly promised. In the past, the bellows was pulled up diligently, and the flames on the stove were flourishing.

He did not dare to violate the arrangement of this woman, otherwise maybe after a knives, he would become a rib of ribs, neatly coded in porcelain plates.

The small iron bucket slammed a few rings, and the two oily lights were smashed in the air, accurately falling into the hot two cauldrons of the stove.

Another world's sizzling technique began to take place, and Wu Hao started the work at the same time.

The evolution of the body is comparable to the most outbreak-level multi-threaded high-speed computers.

With such core help, Wu Hao's left and right hands are completely unaffected.

In fact, Wu Hao and his left hand are doing at the same time, let alone the situation of no left-handed right-handed, even the left and right feet are not weak.

That is to say, Wu Hao's body limbs can be controlled by them at will, and they are greatly cheaper in the fight, and even do not fear a small degree of besieging. It is completely possible to realize the fantasy of one person and four attacks of the old urchin.

The oil in the pot began to smoke, and Wu Hao threw some of the ingredients in his pocket.

Onion **** blasting pot, and adding some Chinese medicine to help the flavor.

A tempting scent has already floated in the kitchen.

The chef is moving.

The so-called one-handed fresh food all over the sky, just relying on the taste of this pot, I know that the dish made by this girl will not be under her own.

Then the ingredients in the two pots were added when the oil temperature was the most appropriate.

Wu Hao and his left and right hands picked up the big pot handle and raised the spoon.

Great strength! The chef simply does not believe that such a delicate figure girl has such a wrist.

The two pots seemed to be bigger than the girls, but they were arbitrarily controlled by her.

But it is not surprising to think about the knife that has just blossomed.

Then, the pepper that is used as a Chinese medicine is added to the pot.

Wu Hao brought such materials such as pepper, pepper, pepper and other similar materials with him, and he could also be used as a weapon to throw out people at a critical moment.

In the left pot is the Kung Pao Chicken, and on the right is the fish-flavored pork.

These two classic Sichuan dishes were formed in the hands of Wu Hao in two or three minutes.

The seductive scent goes straight into the chef's nose.

When he hit the hand, he tried to take a spoonful of Kung Pao chicken and put it in the mouth. The eyes slammed out, and then trembling, and scooped a spoonful of fish.

After the entrance, he screamed as if he had seen a miracle.

The porcelain spoon fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

After the chef called, he stayed on the wood for a long time, slammed a large amount of silver from the purse on the ground, and then squatted on the ground, respectfully looking for a teacher.

Then there was a scene that everyone saw when they came to the kitchen. The original proud chef was surprised to ask the little girl to accept him.

"Good fragrance and good fragrance!" Someone exclaimed.

"What kind of dish is that? Never seen it?"

Needless to say, no need to question, absolutely good food!

The crowd gathered at the back of the kitchen can already smell the nose.

"Brothers please take a seat back." Wu Hao smiled at the crowd, greeted the buddy to send out the two dishes, and then continued to cook.

Her movements are extremely fast, the cooktop is fully open, and the speed of serving is even faster than the experienced two or three chefs.

During the cooking, Wu Hao has also received a helping hand to help.

"I naturally can't accept you as a disciple. You should be a helper. How much you can learn is your blessing." Wu Hao responded to the chef's request.

"I am willing to serve the master." The chef climbed up from the ground, thanked him with respect, and then picked up his sleeves and began to help clean up the equipment. He became a helper for the little girl.

The huge kitchen in his forties is really incredible for a little girl.

And this obese chef, bowed and deliberately humbled around the girl, the body shape of the two more than doubled, there is a kind of hilarious smile.

The people sneaked back into their seats.

Zong Zhilian three people, Li head collar, Zhao dart head, Qian Junzi, Zhang Jia three rats this table is the main table, naturally first of all to the dishes.

In the gathering of dozens of pitiful eyes around the table, several people extended the chopsticks and spooned the two dishes from this end.

"Spicy, but good!"

“Great! Delicious!”

"I thought she was not good at cooking, and she didn't want to be good at it. The old man's previous advice was really ridiculous."

"Screaming -"


"Giggle -"

Zhang Jiasan did not speak, focused on or sandwiching or licking, and most of the two dishes entered their mouths.

The three brothers used to get rid of things when they were young. At this moment, they were relaxed and met with delicious food. For a time, they forgot to pose in front of everyone.

Of course, Zong Zhilian and others are also embarrassed to say what they are, but the feeling of the eyes reveals that it is doubtful whether they will slash the enemy.

It’s just pitiful Mu Qingya, as the lady is holding her hand slower. I ate a fish-flavored pork with chopsticks, and it was still spicy for a while.

She slammed a large mouthful of tea, but she could only quietly cover her lips with her hands and secretly sighed.

Although the Sichuan cuisine is full of spicy it is ugly, but after eating, it is delicious.

Mu Qingya's twin visions fluttered to the kitchen, and it was rare to have some mouths.

At the moment, the shopkeeper of the restaurant was coming back from the outside, and was shocked by a small tune into the restaurant.

The man full of restaurants suddenly made his heart happy. After the reaction, he urged the buddy to make a profit: "Small scorpion, it is not good to receive the guests. Good tea, good wine, good food, if there is a half-difference pool, I am Deduct your monthly money!"

Still not happy for a long time, he found that everyone stopped to hold a few dishes on the table and kept the chopsticks.

After carefully looking at the diners who were eating, he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

And it is clearly the dress of the rivers and lakes! Most of them are equipped with steel knives!

Oh my mother! The treasurer almost squatted on the ground.

A small restaurant, was robbed by so many people tonight? q

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