
Chapter 823 Reward Order

It was just dawn, and the air was mingled with the coolness of last night. The street outside Xu's mansion was wet, and the bluestone slabs were soaked with dew.

Vegetable farmers carrying fresh fruits and vegetables passed by, and when they saw a crowd gathered outside Xu's mansion, they went over to watch the excitement.

"What's going on, who are these three, and why were they hung outside Xu Yinluo's mansion?"

Vegetable farmers often sell vegetables in this area, and I was surprised.

"Didn't you see, the one on the right is clearly written, Li Lingsu, the holy son of Tianzong."

"A person who is ruthless must have been punished by Xu Yinluo."

"Who are the other two, unworthy disciples? I haven't heard that Xu Yinluo has any disciples."

"It doesn't matter if there are disciples or not. Didn't you see that it says unworthy disciples?"

Listening to the chattering voices not far away, Miao Youfang said angrily:

"Why should I hang with you two scum."

The three of them had their meridians and primordial spirit sealed, and they were poisoned with soreness all over their bodies. They could only be hung like this and suffered all kinds of humiliation.

Li Lingsu sighed:

"You can be content, one of you didn't show up, and the other didn't write your name, the dog thief surnamed Xu has saved face for both of you.

"Oh, sure enough, while I hate dog thieves, dog thieves also hate me, and the same kind repel each other, that's right. Hey, Brother Yang, why don't you speak?"

Yang Qianhuan did not respond.

Brother Yang is a person who cares about face, so he can't stand this blow, Li Lingsu thought to himself.

At this time, a commoner pointed to Yang Qianhuan and said:

"This guy is wearing a hood. It looks like a warlock from Si Tianjian. I don't know what his name is."

The person next to him said:

"Take his hat off and have a look."

"No, don't do this." Yang Qianhuan, who was silent, suddenly raised his voice.

Then, he paused for a moment, and said in a deep voice:

"Picking the stars with the bright moon in hand, I will not change my name or sit down without changing my surname, so does Si Tianjian Sun Xuanji!"

Sun Xuanji? The first prodigal son of Dafeng. The people onlookers silently wrote down.

Xu Mansion, inner hall.

My aunt got up early in the morning, and under the service of Lu'e, she dressed up and went to the inner hall for dinner.

Walking through the corridor, there was a sound of knocking on wood in the distance. It was the early servants repairing the house. The Xu Mansion was expanded. After the purchase of several surrounding houses, the area of ​​the Xu Mansion is now comparable to The residence of princes and nobles.

On both sides of the corridor are beautifully constructed flower gardens.

After entering the inner hall, my aunt took a glance and saw Lina and Lingyin sitting at the round table, concentrating on handling the piles of steamed buns, deep-fried dough sticks, meat buns, and a large bucket of soy milk.

The amount of food increased again, and two people would eat the amount of twenty people. Even though the Xu family is already rich and powerful, but the aunt who is used to thrifty housekeeping, seeing this scene, still feels unbearable pain in her heart.

Second Uncle Xu was going to be on duty, so he had already left the house.

After my aunt sat down, she drank a few sips of soy milk and asked:

"Why haven't Lingyue and sister come yet? Lu'e, go and see."

As for the newlyweds, she never thought of asking the princess to serve tea, because there was no such rule.

Although because of her nephew, the princess does not have so many privileges in the Xu family, but the princess is a princess after all, and my aunt has always believed in governing the family by doing nothing.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of Wang Simu's inner voice that the monkey read yesterday.

This future daughter-in-law actually slandered her so much.

My aunt was so angry that she stayed up half the night.

Lu'e turned around and left, after a while, she returned with small steps and said:

"Miss said she was unwell and couldn't come out to eat, so she ordered the servants to bring breakfast to the room. Aunt Mu also said the same."

"Huh, don't eat if you don't come out." My aunt put down the chopsticks, took a breath, picked up the chopsticks again, and said:

"Lu'e, send them there."

Lingyue's heart is so deep, full of slander; Wang Simu thinks so badly of my old lady; my sworn sister really misses Ning Yan, although there are many women who miss him, I'm used to it as an aunt, but my sister doesn't care. how old are you?

If she really got along with Ning Yan, wouldn't she have to call me aunt? absurd! Fortunately, she was mediocre in appearance, and Ning Yan definitely looked down upon her.

No matter how dull my aunt is, she is not a fool after all. She pinched the center of her brows with a headache.

What are these things!

Hit the yamen.

The corners of the eaves are flying up, and each floor has a watchtower. Two birds are grasping on the railing, chirping and chirping, and the dark eyes reflect the calm and upright figure in Tsing Yi.

Drinking tea leisurely.

thump thump thump. Amidst the sound of footsteps climbing the stairs, Nangong Qianrou entered the tea room.

The two birds on the railing flapped their wings in shock and flew up, disappearing into the blue sky.

"When you can control your evil spirit, there will be hope for the third rank."

Wei Yuan opened a teacup, poured Xu Ningyan Xiaojing's premium scented tea, and signaled Nangong Qianrou to take a seat.

Nangong Qianrou has already reached the pinnacle of the fourth rank, but it is far away to reach the extraordinary.

"Father, I just heard something."

Nangong Qianrou took a sip of tea, and there was a rare bit of banter between her eyebrows and eyes:

"It's related to yesterday's trouble in the bridal chamber. The adoptive father is really good at predicting things."

Predict things like a god? Wei Yuan looked at him calmly, with a gentle smile as always.

Nangong Qianrou whispered:

"After we left, the group of people flocked to the wedding room, preparing to make a big fuss."

Wei Yuan nodded and said:

"As expected, Yang Qianhuan and Li Lingsu seem to "hate" Ning Yan very much, but Xu Ningyan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. But..."

But his trick is to bully others.

Xu Ningyan was brought out by him alone, and he knew exactly what that kid was thinking, so he definitely wouldn't fall for it.

Wei Yuan didn't say these words out of his mouth, he has always been a reserved and wise man.

Nangong Qianrou raised her eyebrows and said:

"That's the reason.

"During the bridal chamber last night, Xu Ningyan found a monkey monster. It is said that he has cultivated the Buddhist heart to a very high level, and can see through people's hearts. Even the extraordinary and strong cannot be spared."

Nangong Qianrou told Wei Yuan in detail what happened last night.

Wei Yuan smiled and remained calm, the more he listened, the heavier he felt.

After all, Nangong Qianrou cast her eyes in admiration:

"Father, did you already know that Xu Ningyan had left someone behind, so you took us away from Xu's mansion, a place of right and wrong after dinner last night?"

Being able to see through people's hearts, even the superpowers are not spared Wei Yuan's heart was awe-inspiring, with a smile on his face.

Such a calm appearance made Nangong Qianrou more and more sure of her guess.

"How do you know?" Wei Yuan asked.

"What Xu Qi'an's two followers said has already spread throughout the yamen." Nangong Qianrou replied.

Wei Yuan let out a "hmm":

"Go to work."

When Nangong Qianrou retreated, Wei Yuan exhaled lightly, drank the scented tea in the cup with lingering fear, and heard the sound of "thump thump" footsteps coming from the stairs.

This time it was a python-robed eunuch who came in.

"My servant has seen Duke Wei."

After saluting, the python-robed eunuch said:

"Your Majesty ordered two white apes to be captured in Nanyuan this morning, and ordered your servants to inform Wei Gong that they will enter the palace for lunch to enjoy the monkey brains."

Nanyuan is the royal hunting ground.

For the sake of making Huaiqing angry. Wei Yuan nodded slowly:


Si Tianjian.

Yuan Hufa lay by the window, watching the people downstairs vigilantly.

"That person has been wandering outside the Observatory for a while."

Yuan Hufa turned his head and looked at Sun Xuanji.

Then, he asked and answered Sun Xuanji's inner voice:

"That's a shopkeeper, of course he has to wander. Hungry"

Yuan Hufa nodded, and continued to watch every move of the outside world vigilantly.

After a while, he turned to look at Sun Xuanji again:

"I always feel that outside the Observatory, there are people lurking everywhere who want to assassinate me."

Sun Xuanji shook his head.

"With me and Xu Ningyan covering you, no one will assassinate you." Yuan Hufa expressed Sun Xuanji's heartfelt feelings, but this did not give him a sense of security.

"What if it's a warlock in the Observatory." Yuan Hufa said.

He offended Jianzheng's third disciple Yang Qianhuan and fourth disciple Song Qing.

"Stay in my room and don't go out, don't eat what the magician in the building gives you." After Yuan Hufa finished reading, he nodded slightly: "Okay! This is safer."

He looked out the window for a while, and said uncomfortably:

"Is it true that no one will assassinate me?"

"No!" Sun Xuanji silently expressed his heart.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Yuan Hufa became alert for an instant, as if he was facing an enemy.

Sun Xuanji waved his sleeves and opened the door.

It was Song Qing who knocked on the door, holding a notice in his hand.

He looked at Yuan Hufa with pity, and said:

"Today, some people put up notices everywhere in the city, offering a reward of one thousand taels for each limb, three thousand taels for the tongue, and ten thousand taels for the monkey brain."

Yuan Hufa froze in place, like a lifeless paper monkey.

It stared blankly at Sun Xuanji, its thick lips trembling:

"I want to go back to southern Xinjiang!"

In the morning, Ye Ji woke up and found that she was sleeping in a strange room.

She checked her dress first, and it was intact, but immediately felt a burning pain in her buttocks, which was a little swollen.

"Your Majesty was spanked by Xu Lang?"

Ye Ji murmured in her heart, she had rich experience and knew that Xu Lang didn't touch her last night.

The empress must have made trouble last night taking advantage of Xu Yinluo's wedding, I'd better forget about it. She turned over, adjusted a comfortable sleeping position, and closed her eyes again.

"Someone offered a reward for Guardian Yuan's dog's life. No, monkey's life?"

When Xu Qi'an received Sun Xuanji's "Paper Crane" letter, his first reaction was not anger, but—I accepted it!

"The whole monkey is worth 17,000 taels. I'm tempted to spend such a large amount of money."

He complained in his heart, and analyzed the "behind the scenes" who posted the reward order.

"Being able to post the reward orders all over the place quietly shows that there is some energy. From the perspective of financial resources, Huaiqing is very likely. Then there is my good Xu Lingyue, she is in charge of the Xu family. She is an out-and-out little rich woman.

"One of the most serious people who died in the society last night. Of course, if the reward order is just to scare Yuan Hufa's revenge, then most of the people who made a nuptial room last night are suspects. Yuan Hufa offended too many people.

"Poor Protector Yuan."

Xu Qi'an put down the paper crane, turned his head to look at Lin'an who was sleeping in Jinta, and shook his head.

After Lin'an unlocks more postures, you can try to teach her the method of double cultivation.

Practice can not only prolong life, but also improve endurance.

Xu Qi'an put on his robe, came to the outer room, and saw two maids serving breakfast, they stared at the dark circles under their eyes, it seemed that they didn't sleep well last night.

When he saw Xu Qi'an coming out, there was some fear in his eyes.

The poor His Majesty and the maids muttered in their hearts.

PS: The typo is corrected first and then corrected.

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