
Chapter 453 Joan of Arc's 26th Year (Big Chapter Presents)

After marching for three hours, they finally arrived at the campsite of the Chuzhou army before dusk.

After the 10,000 troops arrived, they set up camp skillfully. Jiang Lvzhong led a group of generals, Xu Xinnian and Chu Yuanzhen into the tent of Yang Yan, the commander of the capital of Chuzhou.

Yang Yan and the senior generals of Chuzhou had been waiting for a long time. .

Everyone took their seats, Yang Yan looked around at Jiang Luzhong and the others, paused for a while on Xu Xinian and Chu Yuanzhen, and said in a cold tone:

"The war in the north is not optimistic. We lack artillery, bed crossbows, and military supplies, so we have been focusing on containment and harassment. It is impossible to cause serious damage to the Yasukuni army."

Jiang Lvzhong nodded slightly. Chuzhou's military supplies are limited, and most of the artillery and crossbows have to stay in the territory to defend the city. It is impossible to call out all of them, otherwise the Yasukuni cavalry will come to attack Chuzhou, and the chassis of the Dafeng army will be completely disintegrated.

Jiang Lvzhong glanced at the lieutenant general beside him. The latter understood and reported the total amount of food and grass, military supplies, and the ratio of cavalry, infantry, and artillery this time.

Yang Yan nodded in satisfaction after listening, and at the same time looked at the lieutenant beside him.

The lieutenant stood up and said in a deep voice: "Let me explain to you the current battle situation in the north. At present, the main battlefield is deep in the north, and the monster-barbarian coalition forces and the Yasukuni cavalry are fighting like a raging fire.

"Youman's individual combat power is stronger than that of Yasukuni, and there are more troops, but they are still defeated by Yasukuni. In the past few days, we have analyzed the reasons and classified them into three points: First, Yaoman's military quality is not as good as that of Yasukuni. In Yasukuni, Yaoman has the blood of gods and demons. Once the blood is hot, he will lose his mind. In small-scale battles, this is an advantage. But in large-scale battles involving tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people, this is fatal defect.

"Second, the Sorcerer Sect. The battlefield is the home field of wizards. You are all experienced generals. I don't need to go into details. The most important thing is that there is a third-rank wizard in the Yasukuni army. It is because of his existence that the injury has not stopped. Healed candle nine tied hands and feet.

"Three, Xiahou Yushu is a top-notch handsome talent, and his level of command in battle has reached the point of perfection. Facing such a character, unless he is overwhelmed with absolute strength, it is difficult to defeat him with a so-called ingenious plan."

After a pause, he continued: "The army currently fighting with us on the border of Chuzhou is the left army of Yasukuni. Thousands of infantry and artillery. Tuoba Ji intends to hold us to death on the border of Chuzhou."

He was going to die on the border of Chuzhou, that is to say, the distance between the two sides was not far at the moment. Xu Erlang judged in his heart.

Sure enough, Jiang Luzhong murmured: "So, if we want to go north to help the monsters, we must first win the Tuoba Festival."

Yang Yan nodded slowly: "Only by defeating Tuobaji's army can we have no worries. The problem is, in terms of cavalry, we are far from the opponent of the Yasukuni cavalry. In terms of artillery, they are also equipped with a lot of artillery and crossbows. In addition to the number , we have an overwhelming advantage, and the rest do not.”

A general laughed and said: "So you came at a good time. Now we have enough troops and armaments. The soldiers are precious and fast. We can go to war directly. Tuobaji is caught off guard."

The generals in Chuzhou also smiled. They had been waiting for reinforcements for a long time.

Jiang Lvzhong nodded slowly: "Do you know where they are?"

Yang Yan said "hmm": "I only know the specific location, there are scouts watching, and I come back every hour to report back. So far, nothing abnormal has happened."

Jiang Lvzhong looked around the crowd and said, "This battle must be settled quickly, otherwise with the ability of wizards, if we fight a protracted battle, there will be more and more corpse soldiers. We may not be able to burn the corpses in time on the battlefield."

Wizards have the ability to manipulate corpses, so the best way is to burn the dead corpses on the spot, so as to effectively curb the number of corpse soldiers.

Everyone started a discussion on this topic.

"The warlock of the Sitianjian will give us a direction, and then a few rounds of bombardment will come first. Then the archers and firecrackers will advance."

"But if the opponent retreats, except for the cavalry, other troops will not be able to catch up. If the cavalry pursues, it will be a sheep in the mouth of a tiger."

"How about taking advantage of the large number of troops to form a siege?"

"No, the encirclement is to disperse our forces, and instead lose our advantage. The opponent can break through in any direction, and even launch a counterattack."

"We also have to guard against the wizard's fortune-telling skills. It would be great if there are high-quality warlocks to cover up the secrets for us."

"The hexagram master can only predict their own good or bad. If their lives are not in danger in this battle, they can't calculate it. Heh, if the opponent has a third-rank spiritual wisdom teacher, then I didn't say anything."

During the fierce battle, Xu Erlang took a look at Chu Yuanzhen. The former number one scholar closed his eyes and meditated, not intending to intervene in the discussion.

Xu Erlang could only keep silent. After a quarter of an hour, the generals were still discussing, but they had passed the disagreement stage and began to formulate details and strategies.

Xu Erlang glanced at Chu Yuanzhen again, he still didn't speak, but Xu Erlang couldn't help it, coughed, raised his arm, and said loudly:

"Everyone, why don't you listen to me?"

The discussion stopped, and all the generals frowned, staring sharply at the only scholar in the military tent.

Xu Nian was not qualified to sit here in the first place, no matter whether it was his status as a judge in Dingzhou or his qualifications. But Jiang Lvzhong and Xu Qi'an had been to the Jiaofang Division together, and they had investigated the case together in Yunzhou, so they naturally paid special attention to the younger brothers of their prostitutes and comrades-in-arms.

Not to mention Yang Yan, he glanced at the displeased generals and nodded calmly: "It's okay to say something."

With the tacit approval of the commander of the Chuzhou capital, Xu Xinian heaved a sigh of relief, and asked the generals present: "What is our goal?"

A general frowned, and replied in a deep voice: "Naturally, it is to kill Tuoba Ji's army and go to the north to help the monsters."

Xu Erlang nodded: "So our real purpose is to help the monsters, not to fight Tuoba Ji to the death."

"What's the difference?" A general asked with a sneer.

Xu Erlang glanced at Yang Yan, saw that he was listening attentively and showed no sign of interruption, so he said:

"Of course there is. When marching and fighting, attacking the city is the bottom line, and attacking the heart is the top priority. Winning at the least cost is what we want to do. If you only know how to be reckless, filling out a victory with the lives of soldiers is rude."

"Cough, cough, cough!" Chu Yuanzhen coughed suddenly, interrupting Xu Nian's speech.

"Siege of the city is the bottom, attacking the heart is the concept in Xu Qi'an's military book. You may not have read it. This book is called Sun Tzu's Art of War, and Xu Ningyan recently wrote it. By the way, let me introduce it to everyone. This is Xu Qi'an's book." Cousin, second-class Jinshi in this subject, well, you can continue with Xu Qian." Chu Yuanzhen smiled.

Xu Yinluo knew the art of war? Attacking the city is the bottom, attacking the heart is the top, wonderful

It turns out that this white-faced scholar is Xu Yinluo's cousin

All the generals were full of thoughts, and after knowing that Xu Xinian was Xu Yinluo's cousin, they put away their displeasure and adjusted their attitudes.

The martial artist who just sneered at the question, showed a friendly smile, and said: "Xu Qianshi, you continue to talk, we will listen."

Attitudes are quite different.

The story of Xu Qi'an avenging 380,000 people in Chuzhou City and Zheng Xinghuai, the governor of Chuzhou City, has already spread throughout Chuzhou.

Among the officers present, some were locals from Chuzhou. This group of people respected Xu Qi'an like a god and were grateful.

Of course, soldiers and officers who are not locals also respect Xu Yinluo. When talking about him, who doesn't brag and give a thumbs up?

Since this unruly white-faced scholar is Xu Yinluo's cousin, he is not unruly, but just like his cousin, he is an outspoken and talented man.

Well, the talent has yet to be confirmed, but it does not prevent the generals from looking at him differently.

Xu Cijiu's face is still a little thinner. There is a cousin with a terrible reputation who doesn't know how to take advantage of it. If you move out early, who won't sell your face? If I insist on helping you, Chu Yuanzhen shook his head.

I don't need my elder brother's blessing. Xu Xinian muttered arrogantly, took a deep breath, and continued:

"Getting rid of the Tuoba Festival is our goal. Yasukuni left this army on the border of Chuzhou to contain us, wear down our troops, create time for them to kill the monsters, and reduce the pressure.

"If we really fight to the death, even if we win, it will only be a partial victory, which will not benefit the overall situation."

Jiang Lvzhong frowned: "We know this truth, what do you think?"

The military generals looked at him one after another, they understood these principles, but if they don't kill the enemy, how can they go north to help?

Xu Nian looked around at the crowd and said: "Our advantage is the large number of people. I think that to seize this advantage is not to fight the few with more, but to use the numbers reasonably and deploy troops."

He paused and said, "Why don't you send a large army to bypass it?"

Hearing this, the generals were extremely disappointed.

Only Yang Yan and Jiang Lvzhong frowned in thought.

"How to go around? Don't solve the Tuoba Festival, just make a detour, and then wait for someone to make dumplings?"

"Xu Qianshi, your method, um, is still possible, but it is not applicable at this time."

The generals said euphemistically.

Compared with his elder brother, this promise is far worse.

Xu Nian put his hands on the table, and said calmly: "Listen to me, I just heard you say that the number of Tuoba Sacrifice troops, combined, is about 18,000 people, right?"

Yang Yan's lieutenant general nodded: "Except for logistics and militia, it is true."

Xu Nian asked, "How about attacking the city with 18,000 people?"

A general laughed and said, "It's wishful thinking. Let alone Chuzhou City, even a small city with 18,000 people cannot be breached. Besides, there are hundreds of strongholds on the border defense line, and they can rush to help at any time."

Yang Yan's deputy general added: "We have fortified the wall and cleared the country."

Xu Nian smiled: "Since that's the case, it won't be difficult for us to draw another 10,000 troops from Chuzhou."

Yang Yan's deputy general pondered: "Of the 20,000 people you brought, 10,000 will stay in Chuzhou City. It will be no problem to transfer those people here. It will not affect the defense of the city."

Xu Nian's smile deepened: "Then let me ask again, how many troops are enough to face Tuoba Ji, not to kill the enemy, but to fight and protect oneself?"

This time it was Yang Yan who replied: "Twenty thousand troops are more than enough. This place is not far from Chuzhou. If they are deployed well, the guards of Chuzhou can rush to help, so fifteen thousand is enough."

Xu Nian nodded: "A conservative estimate is to keep 20,000 soldiers. At this time, there are more than 40,000 soldiers in the barracks. 20,000 soldiers will be withdrawn to join the 10,000 troops in Chuzhou City. The 30,000 troops will detour and go deep into the northern border to fight with the monsters." Quite a teacher.

"As for the Tuoba Festival, 20,000 people will be left fighting to confuse each other, so we don't have to worry about them making dumplings."

There was a moment of silence in the military tent, and the generals stopped talking, each evaluating the feasibility of this plan.

"We still have warlocks, and the qi technique can help us find the enemy. Even if they react and rush north to help, we can hold the opponent back."

"If the enemy moves, we will move. If the enemy does not move, we will drag them along. In this way, we can not only rush to the rescue of the monsters, but also hold back the 18,000 troops of Tuoba Ji."

"Well, it's not very cool, but this strategy does work"

The military commanders present were rich in experience, and after weighing Xu Nian's strategy for a while, he could have an idea in his mind.

In the military tent, the senior generals looked at Xu Xinian with a little more approval, at least they agreed with his brain.

I think he is a figure who can participate in the discussion.

Yang Yan exhaled and smiled: "Yes, this plan is feasible, but the details need to be discussed."

In the military tent, the senior generals looked at Xu Xinian with a little more approval, at least they agreed with his brain.

I think he is a figure who can participate in the discussion.

Xu Nian let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't proud of it. Just because he came up with a good idea while discussing matters in the military account, didn't mean he was a real genius. These generals present must have had a flash of inspiration, when they made plans.

Marching and fighting is not enough to rely on a single strategy. The knowledge in it is so profound that it is so profound that the location of the latrines in the military camp is unique.

Ci Jiu did have a talent for military art, but what he lacked was the ability to command battles. It would be good to be a military adviser at present. Chu Yuanzhen nodded secretly.

"The national teacher is very aware of the details!"

Xu Qi'an boasted first, and then analyzed: "The Daoist chief of the Dizong and Emperor Yuan Jing did collude, but what does this mean? I already knew about it when I was in Chuzhou."

Besides, the head of the Dizong Dao now disowns his relatives, and his mind is full of doing bad things and fucking women. There is no need for him to check this line, right?

The beautiful national teacher, who is all over the world, glanced at him lightly: "Isn't investigating cases what you are good at? If I know, you still need to investigate?"

It makes sense, I was speechless.

Next, Luo Yuheng asked him a few words about his cultivation, and gave him advice on the cultivation of the Heart Sword. After learning that Xu Qi'an was stuck in the level of "meaning", Luo Yuheng pondered for a long time, and said:

"Tricks are tricks, meaning is intention, there is no intention. What you have to do now is to understand meaning, not to integrate tricks. The cart before the horse."

But I don't have a "meaning". If white whoring is a meaning, I'm now at the peak of the fourth rank. Aunt Xu Qi'an shook her head.

"Haste makes waste. Others will spend several years, more than ten years to comprehend it. You have only practiced for more than a month." Luo Yuheng warned: "Don't worry."

After a pause, she added: "But I hope that within two years, you will achieve your wish."

Um? Why is it within two years? What's the point? Xu Qi'an nodded: "I will settle down."

Luo Yuheng nodded, didn't say any more, turned into a golden light and escaped.

But she didn't return to Lingbao Temple, she turned around and landed in a small courtyard not far from Xu's residence.

The small courtyard is full of flowers of various colors, and the air is sweet and greasy. A mediocre woman is lying comfortably on a bamboo chair, eating precocious oranges, grinning sourly, and unable to hold back her greed. , endured.

"Why are you here again? What if someone finds out?" Mu Nanzhi said angrily.

"No one can see me except the supervisor." Luo Yuheng said indifferently: "If you think that the supervisor will covet your beauty, then I will not come."

"Then I'm still self-aware." Mu Nanzhi hummed twice.

Luo Yuheng ignored her, walked straight to the water tank, glanced at the nine-color lotus root that was growing happily, and nodded with satisfaction.

"I've been living a good life recently." She looked away and looked at the princess.

"I feel my waist is thick." The princess pinched her waist and complained, "It's all because of that bastard Xu Qi'an who always takes me out for big meals."

Luo Yuheng smiled, when she was the concubine of Duke Huai, she had all kinds of delicacies from mountains and seas, but she always didn't like to eat them. Now she has become a mediocre little woman in the market, eating simple food, but her appetite is better than before.

After being trapped in the palace for twenty years, she was finally free, and the look on her face was different.

At this time, if she showed her true colors, she would definitely be the most touching woman in the world.

Luo Yuheng said casually: "Xu Qi'an is leaving the capital, will you let him go?"

The princess quickly shook her head and denied: "Of course I won't go. Why should I go with him? I'm not his concubine. I just borrowed some money from him and temporarily lived in his outer house."

Luo Yuheng was very satisfied with this answer, and said lightly: "Remember your words, if you contradict your promises, I will sell you to a kiln."

Mu Nanzhi asked suspiciously, "What does it have to do with you!"

Luo Yuheng ignored him.

The princess threw an orange: "I'll try it for you. I bought it at the market this morning. It's very expensive."

Luo Yuheng waved his hand and beat the orange back without looking at it: "I won't eat it."

The princess said, "Tsk tsk, I really envy a woman like you who doesn't go to the toilet."

Luo Yuheng frowned slightly: "The way you speak now is like a vulgar market woman."

The princess smiled hehehe.

On the other side, Xu Qi'an was thinking about how to find a breakthrough here.

"The Daoist of the Dizong must not go to investigate. First of all, I don't know where the Dizong is, so I can't go if I know it. Daoist Jinlian will report me to give away the head. But now, I can't go to the Longmai because it is too dangerous. No gain either.

"I've read the daily record, and there are no major clues. How should I check? No, what exactly am I looking for?"

Xu Qi'an reviewed his own clues and ideas. At first, he found out that Emperor Yuan Jing was because the other party supported King Zhenbei to slaughter the city, and the contribution was not proportional to the return. There was a problem here.

After searching for so long, Emperor Yuan Jing did have a big problem, but Xu Qi'an didn't have a clear answer and direction for the specific problem.

"What I want to do is to unravel the mystery of Emperor Yuan Jing. The soul pill, human trafficking, and dragon veins are all clues, but they lack a thread to connect them. In the soul pill, there is the shadow of the Daoist chief of the earth sect, and the dragon veins also have clues." The Shadow of the Emperor

"Luo Yuheng's thinking is correct. The head of the Dizong may be the thread that connects everything. But how should I find the entry point?

"I've also fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking. To find an entry point, I don't have to start with the Daozong himself, but also with what he has done. Go to the Yamen of the Changren."

He immediately left the mansion, rode on the filly and went straight to the Daganren's yamen.

At the gate of Dagenren's Yamen, he lost the rein of the horse and shook his robe, and entering the Yamen was like going home.

The guards guarding the gate did not stop him, and even held the reins for him to watch the horse.

After entering the yamen, I searched around, but couldn't find Song Tingfeng and Zhu Guangxiao. Maybe they went to Goulan to listen to music while patrolling the streets.

Fortunately, Li Yuchun is a good and dedicated silver gong. Seeing Xu Qi'an's visit, Li Yuchun was very happy, and while happily pulling him in, he looked behind him fiercely.

"Don't worry, that sloppy girl didn't follow." Xu Qi'an knew this superior too well.

"No, don't say it, don't say it"

Li Yuchun waved his hands vigorously: "To this day, when I think of her, I still get goosebumps all over my body."

It seems that Zhong Li has left a heavy psychological shadow on Brother Chun. They are as big as two bedrooms and one living room. Xu Qi'an did not talk nonsense, and proposed the purpose of his visit:

"Boss, I want to take a look at the confession of Pingyuanbo's human trafficker."

"It's easy, I'll get someone to fetch it for you." Li Yuchun didn't ask any more questions, and beckoned to the official, and told him to go to the case office to fetch it.

The files of such cases do not even require a watchman to go in person, it is enough to send an official.

The two sat down to drink tea and chat, Li Yuchun said: "By the way, Guangxiao is going to get married at the end of the year, the date has been fixed."

"This is a good thing!"

Xu Qi'an showed a sincere smile, and said that Zhu Guangxiao could finally get rid of Song Tingfeng, a bad friend, and leave from the road of no return, the tree-lined path covered with hoarfrost.

During the investigation in Yunzhou last year, Zhu Guangxiao said that when the Yunzhou case was over, he would return to the capital to marry his childhood sweetheart.

It's time to pay again! Under Xu Qi'an's smile, there was an instinctive complaint from his previous life.

Speaking of it, the worst thing in my previous life was not getting married. My college classmates, high school classmates, and childhood friends got married one after another, and I gave and gave money, and now I have no chance to come back.

It hurts to think about it.

Not long after, the officials came back with the file organized by Ren Yazi, a thick stack.

After the death of Uncle Pingyuan, most of the leaders and minions of the Renyazi organization were captured, and only a very small number were at large. Those who were imprisoned had already been dragged to Caishikou for questioning and beheading.

Only the confession at the interrogation remained.

Xu Qi'an directly skipped the confession of the little minions, and focused on reading the confessions of the little bosses within the organization.

The nominal leader of the organization is a man named "Black Scorpion".

The identity of the black scorpion is mysterious. Heng Yuan killed Uncle Ping Yuan before the policeman's office had time to lock him down, disrupting the policeman's plan.

As for these little bosses, they didn't even know that they were serving Uncle Ping Yuan. They were only responsible for seducing and abducting single children, women, and even adult men.

Men are sold as slaves and hard labor, while women are sold into kilns or left to be played by brothers in the organization.

He was even more ignorant of Ping Yuanbo's secret transfer of people to the palace.

"With Uncle Pingyuan's status, he will definitely not come forward to contact the Renyazi organization in person. This black scorpion is an important person. Before the watchman could lock him in, Hengyuan killed Uncle Pingyuan's mansion."

Xu Qi'an took a breath, "Would the boa constrictor in Fuxiang's story refer to this black scorpion? He knew that the watchman was checking him, so he secretly reported to Emperor Yuan Jing, and after receiving the instruction of Emperor Yuan Jing, he revealed the information to Hengyuan , use Hengyuan's hands to kill people and silence them?"

This guess flashed in my mind.

It just flashed by, the fate of the black scorpion, either escaped from the capital and flew away, or was silenced.

There is no need for this person to check.

Xu Qi'an continued to read the confession, looked at it, and an inconspicuous detail caught his attention.

There is a confession from a small boss named "Master Dao". In the confession confessed by Master Dao, it is mentioned that when he entered the industry, he followed a senior named Master Lu.

As for Lord Lu, he claims to be the veteran of the Human Yazi Organization, and Master Dao followed him when he was young. Master Lu was getting old, and slowly retreated to support this confidant.

The biggest problem with this piece of information is that Lord Dao started his career in his early twenties, but now he is in his forties.

Before Lord Dao, there was Lord Lu, which meant that the Human Tooth Organization had existed for at least thirty years.

The Human Tooth Organization has existed for at least 30 years. This is a conservative estimate. Emperor Yuan Jing practiced Taoism for only 21 years. Xu Qi'an took a deep breath:

"Is this Lord Lu's family still alive?"

He handed the confession to Li Yuchun to read.

Li Yuchun shook his head: "I'm not handling this case, I'm not sure, I'll help you to ask."

He took the confession, got up and left, about a quarter of an hour later, Li Yuchun returned and said:

"Master Lu died of illness a long time ago. According to the law of Dafa, a little bit of human beings were sold. Depending on the severity of the circumstances, he was sentenced to Lingchi, beheading, exile, and punishment with a stick. Father died and son paid, and the crime was reduced to a second degree.

"Master Lu's crime must be sentenced to Ling Chi. Because of his illness and death, his son paid for it, and the crime was reduced to a second degree. He was already exiled to the frontier at that time. Master Lu's first wife is still alive."

Xu Qi'an drank the tea in one gulp, got up, and said, "Take me to find her."

Although Lord Lu made countless fortunes in his early years, he was well aware that his profession was "dangerous", so he left behind early on, bought a house in the inner city, and left behind a lot of property.

After his son was exiled, Master Lu's first wife brought his family to live in the inner courtyard, and he could still live a life of luxury and luxury.

However, the beaters are all hob meat, extorting the family members of the traffickers every now and then, and draining all the black money they earn.

So Master Lu's family moved back to the outer city, and now they live in a small courtyard in the northern city, with a grandson, a daughter-in-law, and a grandmother.

Li Yuchun took Xu Qi'an and knocked on the door of the small courtyard, a pretty woman with a weak expression opened the door.

She was starching and washing clothes, and she was wearing a coarse sarong, which was very plain.

In the yard, a child was riding a bamboo horse, and an old woman with white hair sprinkled feed to raise chickens.

Seeing Li Yuchun's watchman uniform, the faces of the old lady and the young lady changed drastically. The latter was obsequious and trembling all over, while the former was very violent, throwing away the dustpan, crying and screaming:

"Officers and soldiers are bullying people, and officers and soldiers are bullying people again. You can force me to death. Even if I die, I will let the villagers see the faces of you bastards."

It's not surprising that the old woman was tough when she was young, after all, she was the first wife of the leader of Human Tooth.

Li Yuchun stepped forward and kicked a few times, cursing: "Shut up, if you keep making noise, your grandson will be arrested and sold."

It seemed that the old woman's back scales had been touched, and she really became quiet, glaring at Li Yuchun and Xu Qi'an resentfully.

Xu Qi'an closed the courtyard door, bypassed piles of chicken feces, stepped in front of the old woman, and said in a deep voice, "I'll ask you a few questions, and answer them honestly."

After the old woman nodded, he asked, "Master Lu is the elder of the Human Yazi Organization?"

The old woman's eyes flickered, and she said: "What kind of veteran is not a veteran, I am a woman, I don't know anything."

"Oh, nothing."

Xu Qi'an suddenly nodded, dragged the little woman into the house, and said with a smirk: "The little girls are quite beautiful, it's a pleasure for me to enter the house once."

What was embarrassing was that the little woman blushed and secretly looked at Xu Qi'an, but she didn't cry out.

Xu Qi'an became annoyed and said, "Sell it to a kiln again."

Then the little woman screamed: "Mother, save me!"

"Sell this little bastard too," he added.

The old woman hurriedly hugged her little grandson and said loudly, "Don't, don't, I'll say anything, everything."

The old lady told Xu Qi'an that Master Lu was originally a loafing bastard, who was idle all day long, aggressive and aggressive, and befriended a group of market thugs.

Until one day, someone asked him to "get" a few people, and later, from entrustment to recruitment, the Human Tooth Organization was born. Master Lu brought his brothers into the organization and made his fortune.

"When did this happen?" Xu Qi'an asked.

The old woman recalled for a moment, frowned, and said, "If I remember correctly, it was the 26th year of Joan of Arc."

The impoverished life ushered in a turning point, which meant a lot to her and left a deep impression on her.

Joan of Arc's 26th year, why does it sound familiar? Xu Qi'an murmured for a moment, his body shook suddenly, and his expression immediately froze on his face.

According to the records of the first emperor's daily life, in the 26th year of Joan of Arc, the first emperor invited the emperor of the emperor to enter the palace to discuss Taoism.

According to the records of the first emperor's daily life, in the 26th year of Joan of Arc, King Huai and Yuan Jing were hunting in the depths of Nanyuan.

In the 26th year of Joan of Arc, someone entrusted Lord Lu to secretly plunder the population, and these populations were secretly sent to the palace. From this, it can be speculated that the earth dungeon formation in Pingyuanbo Mansion was built in the 26th year of Joan of Arc.

All in the same year.

After a long, long time, Xu Qi'an exhausted all his strength and muttered to himself: "The head of the earth sect"

PS: The big chapter is here to make up for the lack of power in the recent update. Ask for a subscription and ask for a monthly pass.

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