
Chapter 445 That’s it?

Xu Qian's words were like an enlightenment, opening up Pei Manxilou's thoughts.

Among the three northeastern countries, the capital of Jingguo is in the north, bordering the original northern demon clan territory. Now that the Jingguo cavalry is almost out in force, the internal defense must be weak.

This does provide the conditions for a sneak attack, but if you want to attack the capital of Jingguo in a detour, you must meet one condition, and that is to have a siege weapon.

Pei Manxilou had not thought of this tactic before because the demon and barbarian tribes were not good at siege warfare. But it's different now, with the addition of Dafeng's army, artillery, crossbows, and siege vehicles.

It is not difficult to break through the capital of Jingguo with a weak garrison.

Pei Manxilou looked at Xu Qian and said excitedly:

"This plan is feasible, but you must seize the opportunity. Jingguo also knows that the defense of his country is empty, so they must be prepared. The troops of Kangguo and Yanguo have not yet been dispatched. If I guessed correctly, they are the ones of Jingguo who dare to come out in full force. protective umbrella.”

ah? Doesn’t this plan work? Xu Qi’an was stunned, and then heard Pei Manxilou continue to say:

"But if the Dafeng army divides into two groups, one joins up with our God Clan, and the other advances from the northeast of Dafeng to fight with the armies of Kang and Yan. In this case, the two countries will have too much to take care of themselves and will definitely reduce the number of troops deployed in Jingguo.

"Similarly, in Jingshan City, the headquarters of the Wushen Sect, are the high-quality wizards inside dealing with the Dafeng army that dares to invade the country, or are they eagerly guarding the capital of Jingguo? The answer is self-evident.

"The armies of Yan and Kang have no time to worry about other things, and high-level wizards are involved. It must be under such a background that we can attack the capital of Jingguo. Because neither the two countries, Kang, Yan, nor the high-level wizards of the Wushen Sect, can hardly attack in a short time. He traveled thousands of miles within a short period of time to rescue Jingguo.

"So, as the capital is about to fall, will the Jingguo cavalry continue to wreak havoc in the north, or will they rush back to rescue?"

Pei Manxilou became more and more excited as he talked, and even formulated a series of strategies in his mind for the follow-up return of the Jingguo cavalry.

Pei Manxilou stood up solemnly, cupped his hands and said: "Master Xu, you are a true master of the art of war. You have a bright eye and have learned a lesson."

It turns out that my sudden whim turned out to be so powerful. Could it be that I am really a wizard in the art of war? Xu Qian was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

Pei Man Xilou added: "After dusk, I will hold a banquet at Tianxiangju in the city to entertain Mr. Xu alone. I hope Mr. Xu will come."

Xu Qian nodded: "Okay."

He then stood up and sent the two demons away. Huang Xian'er, whether intentionally or not, twisted her waist in an extremely charming way, and her buttocks swayed in a breathtaking arc.

She is a great beauty with first-class appearance and figure. Xu Qian, the master of hooking, commented silently.

In the imperial study, Emperor Jing of Yuan Dynasty sat behind a large table laid with yellow silk, with a thick stack of memorials in his hand.

He only spread out one of them, which was from Wei Yuan.

Wei Yuan is the coach of this expedition. This has been decided long ago.

It's not that Dafeng doesn't have people who are good at leading troops in war, but since there is a generation of military gods here, why bother?

Wei Yuan gave his own idea in the excerpt. He wanted to mobilize 120,000 troops, of which 20,000 troops would go north to join the 50,000 troops in various military posts in Chuzhou.

These 70,000 horses are responsible for assisting the northern demon barbarians and dealing with Jingguo's unparalleled cavalry.

Another 100,000 soldiers and horses were led by him personally, starting from the three northeastern states, breaking into the hinterland of Kangguo and Yanguo, and going straight to Huanglong Jingshan City.

Of course, 100,000 soldiers and horses must be mobilized from various states. From the three major battalions in the capital, a maximum of 10,000 elite troops can be mobilized, and no more will be possible.

Because we have to protect the capital.

Emperor Jing of the Yuan Dynasty looked at the memorial in silence and did not move for a long time. The tea in the cup cooled down and then cooled down again. After repeating it three times, he picked up his pen and criticized the red tea.

After the negotiations, the imperial court, a huge institution, quickly took action. The Ministry of War and Wei Yuan were responsible for dispatching troops and generals, and the Ministry of Revenue was responsible for levying money and grain.

All the current princes in the court had participated in the Battle of Shanhaiguan and were no strangers to war.

In fact, when news of the war in the north came back to the capital, these big shots were well aware of it and silently warmed up.

Emperor Yuan Jing opened the second memorial, which came from the Ministry of War. It contained the list and positions of the generals who went on the expedition. After a brief glance, he sneered:

"They are actually a group of noble disciples who plan to seize the opportunity to gain military merit. Yes, if they follow Wei Yuan on an expedition, isn't military merit equivalent to gaining for nothing?"

He picked up his pen with an expressionless face and was about to comment when he suddenly paused and said, "That cousin of Xu Qi'an is Zhang Shen's disciple and majors in the art of war, right?"

The old eunuch was frightened: "Old slave, I can't remember."

Emperor Yuan Jing laughed: "But I remember, there is no problem. The talents of Yunlu Academy are also trained in the art of war. I cherish talents and give him a chance to go out with the army."

"Oh, if he doesn't want to, I will take off his title of concubine and throw him into a corner."

Immediately add the words "Xu New Year".

Si Tianjian.

Jian Zheng was still sitting behind the drinking table, twirling his wine glass and looking at the world half drunk and half awake.

The sound of footsteps climbing up the stairs was heard, and a man dressed in Tsing Yi stepped onto the Bagua stage alone, his wide sleeves swaying lightly with his steps.

"Here he comes."

Jian Zheng's old voice laughed.

"Before we go on the expedition, I wanted to come over and see you, you lousy old man."

Wei Yuan walked over and stopped side by side with Jian Zheng, overlooking the blossoming capital city, and sighed: "Don't you find it boring after watching it for five hundred years?"


Jian Zheng nodded and said: "In the past five hundred years, there have been only a handful of people who can catch my eye, and you, Wei Yuan, are one of them. Being forced into the palace is nothing, a third-grade martial artist can regenerate your limbs and turn you into a man again. easy."

"Wei Yuan, do you know what is the most difficult thing for a person to overcome in this life? It is yourself. You have been trapped by love your whole life, which is pitiful, sad and deplorable.

"Your self-destruction of cultivation, in my opinion, is just a matter of breaking and then establishing. Even if you don't worship me as your teacher, as long as you don't give up your martial arts heart, I can help you become a first-class martial artist. There has never been a first-class martial artist in history. Several.

"But you were guarding that woman in the palace, wasting your talents, wasting your time, and losing the possibility of becoming the supreme king."

Wei Yuan stood on a high place, facing the wind, and smiled:

"Do you know why I didn't want to worship you as my teacher? Because you and I are not from the same place. In this world, some people pursue immortality, some pursue glory and wealth, and some pursue martial arts to reach the top.

"And what I pursue is the girl who held flowers and smiled under the shadow of the tree when she was young."

Jian Zheng stopped talking and raised his head, looking up at the blue sky.

High in the sky that mortals, even monks, could not see, a certain star burst out with a dazzling brilliance.

"It's so beautiful. Wei Yuan's natal star is one of the most dazzling stars in this world. He should have been more dazzling. It's a pity that he is trapped by love."

Somewhere on a mountain peak, a man dressed in white stood on the top, looking up at the sky, mumbling to himself.

Next to the white-clothed warlock, stood a purple-clothed man, with a noble aura, a long beard, and a sense of majesty that had been in a high position for a long time.

"If we can take Wei Yuan under our command, there will be no need to worry about failure in our great cause."

The man in purple sighed and said: "Yuan Jing is an emperor, but he thinks about immortality. He is so disobedient to the way of heaven. It is strange that the great worship will be immortal."

The white-robed warlock said with a smile: "Don't underestimate Yuan Jing."

After a pause, he stood with his hands behind his back and said: "Looking at Dafeng and even Jiuzhou, Wei Yuan is the only one who can lead troops to attack the main altar of the Wushen Sect. It has to be him. It has to be him."

"That old guy Sarun Agu has lived too long. It would be very satisfying if Wei Yuan could kill him this time."

The middle-aged man in purple glanced at the warlock in white and said slowly: "Qian'er is dead. He died in the hands of Xu Qi'an. You must have arranged this."

The white-clothed warlock was still looking at the sky. Hearing the words, he chuckled: "You said Ji Qian, he didn't learn much about his skills, but he adopted most of the habits of a playboy. Can such a person be an emperor? Is he worthy of being your successor?

"I think it's better to die and remain an eyesore. Your future heir must be well-received by everyone, must be able to answer hundreds of calls, and must be famous in history. This is not something Ji Qian can do."

The middle-aged man in purple didn't respond, but he didn't refute either.

Southern Xinjiang, Tiangu Department.

The clouds in southern Xinjiang are colorful, intertwined with poisonous gas and miasma. The jungles of southern Xinjiang are beautiful, but the beauty hides many murderous intentions.

Endless years ago, the Gu God slept in the abyss. Since then, Southern Xinjiang has become a paradise for poisonous insects and ferocious beasts.

Human beings with a tough nature succumb to the environment, adapt to the environment, and control the environment. After being passed down from generation to generation, the Gu tribe was born.

There are many human tribes in southern Xinjiang, and the Gu tribe is the most special tribe. They live near Jiyuan, associate with the Gu insects, and use the power of the Gu god to create a special practice system: Gu masters!

On this day, another terrible roar came from the abyss, an unconscious roar.

The roar sounded like it came from hell, accompanied by slight vibrations on the ground.

With Ji Abyss as the center and a radius of hundreds of miles, all the Gu insects were irritable and restless, as if they had encountered natural enemies. In the dense jungle, weak Gu insects fell down from the branches and leaves, and died suddenly one after another.

The Gu clan's Gu insects also fell into a rage and attacked their master in turn. Fortunately, the Gu clan had already learned a lesson. Although the response was hasty, fortunately there was no danger.

Long Tu of the Li Gu Department knocked out the crazy Gu insect, and with the clan members calming down the chaos, he looked to the north and thought of his beloved daughter.

I don’t know how Lina is doing in Dafeng. She is so smart and smart, so she must be able to get along like a fish in water in Dafeng.

Granny Tian Gu, who was dozens of miles away, was also looking at the north.

"The power of the Confucian sage is fading. If the Witch God escapes from trouble, the Gu God will be next. When will the martial arts produce a being who transcends the level?"

Grandma Tiangu thought worriedly.

"You must take good care of the Seven Jue Gu, Lina."

After dusk, Xu Qian came to Tianxiangju as promised. Pei Manxilou and Huang Xianer stood at the door of the restaurant, waiting for a long time.

The three of them chatted and laughed, entered the private room, and exchanged glasses.

Huang Xian'er deliberately put on northern-style clothes, exposing her round and tight calves, slender but strong waist, and plump and straight breasts.

When she sat upright at the table, her waist was straight and her two waist hollows were looming, seducing Xu Qian.

Huang Xian'er felt that although she was as beautiful as a fairy, she was facing a good man like Xu Yinluo who was not moved by women. If she continued to pretend to be a noble lady, she really couldn't get Xu Qi'an into bed.

So she simply changed her style and returned to her true self, trying to impress Xu Qian with the exotic charm of the northern beauty.

In matters between men and women, either you take the initiative or I take the initiative. Since Xu Qi'an doesn't take the initiative, she can no longer pretend to be a lady.

But what discouraged her was that this Xu Qian seemed to have a strong immunity to beauty. If it were any other man, he would have lost his mind under her charm.

But he remained unmoved, showing no signs of being "passionate".

Huang Xian'er winked at Pei Manxilou, who immediately said: "It's getting late, and it's already curfew, so let's rest in the restaurant. I've already booked a good private room for the young master."

Huang Xian'er immediately said: "I will take Mr. Xu there."

The three of them immediately left the box. Huang Xianer led Xu Qi'an towards the guest room and pushed the door open.

In the luxuriously decorated room and small hall, there was also a banquet table.

Passing through the small hall is the bedroom.

Huang Xian'er turned around and closed the door, smiling and saying: "Mr. Xu, you didn't enjoy your drink just now. Would you like to have a few more drinks with me?"

She secretly looked at Xu Qi'an and saw that he frowned slightly, but she did not object immediately. She felt happy immediately and did not refuse, which meant that there was a chance.

It depends on whether you can grasp it.

So she took his arm and came to the table and continued drinking.

"Mr. Xu, my family has admired you for a long time. Being able to drink at the same table with you is a blessing that my family has cultivated for eight lifetimes."

Huang Xian'er held up the wine glass, her eyes filled with charm after drinking.

Xu Qian nodded reservedly, and was about to pick up the wine glass to respond, but saw Huang Xian'er's little hand trembling, and she accidentally spilled her sleep on her chest.

The beauty's skin was as smooth as cream, and the wine reflected the candlelight, making her skin sparkle.

But with the infiltration of wine, the scenery immediately changed.

Xu Qian calmly moved his eyes away, not looking at anything inappropriate.

Huang Xian'er, such a gentleman, bit his lip and looked like he was about to cry: "Oh, what should I do? My clothes are all wet. Mr. Xu, please wipe it with me."

"No, don't be like this" Xu Qian frowned.

"Why don't you give me a wipe?" Huang Xian'er raised her face and looked at him shyly.

After drinking, her cheeks had a pink blush, her lips were brightly colored, and those foxy eyes made people feel itchy.


Suddenly, Xu Qi'an changed the subject, raised his hand and stepped forward.

Huang Xian'er was stunned for a moment, and her face became a little stiff. She really didn't expect that his attitude changed so suddenly, and she said in confusion: "Mr. Xu?"

"Hold your words and open your mouth!"

The next day, early morning.

Huang Xian'er had bags under her eyes and left the room with a slight stagger while holding on to the wall.

She walked cautiously, frowning slightly from time to time.

Coincidentally, I met Pei Manxilou coming out from the other end of the corridor. The silver-haired Pei Manxilou looked at her embarrassed appearance repeatedly and said hesitantly:

"Didn't you agree to beg for mercy and call me aunt? That's it?"

Huang Xian'er gritted her silver teeth: "I've been tricked."

Xu Qian rode on his beloved little mare and rode towards Xu Mansion in the morning light.

He felt refreshed and said sincerely: "The taste of the witch is really good!"

PS: I’ve just finished a chapter, go to sleep.

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