
Chapter 378 Return to Beijing

"Boom boom"

There were two knocks on the door, but there was no response in the room. Xu Qi'an listened carefully for a while, and caught the slight and even sound of breathing.

The sun is shining on her buttocks, and she is still sleeping. This woman is so heartless. Xu Qi'an muttered, pressing the door of the house with his palm, and under the push of the air machine, the door latch automatically popped open.

Stepping into the room, in the clean and tidy room, the windows are closed, and there are four teacups upside down on the round table, one of which is upright, and there is still unfinished tea in the cup.

On the screen facing the door, there are skirts, clothes and bellybands embroidered with pale pink plum flowers.

She should have taken a shower last night, and after taking a shower, she lay down on the bed and fell asleep, and she didn't have time to collect her clothes and personal belongings.

This is the original underwear of the first beauty of Dafeng. If it was in my time, it would definitely be sold online for a lot of money. The induction of the magic weapon finally found that it was used to pad the corner of the table.

Suddenly, he wanted her to know what a whip was. Xu Qi'an took the fragments of the Book from the Ground back into his arms in distress.

The woman didn't realize the preciousness of this small jade mirror, which contained Xu Qi'an's life savings.

Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at the woman who was sleeping soundly on her side on the bed, her sleeping position was very quiet, she had the temperament of a princess.

When I woke up, I was speechless.

Time passed by, and there was a water leak on the side of the dressing table. The woman on the bed sometimes mumbled, twisted her body restlessly, or dreamed of something, frowned, and kicked her feet in resistance.

Didn't sleep well.

Time ticked to the beginning of Sishi (9:00), she finally murmured and slowly opened her eyes.

Afterwards, Xu Qi'an saw Wang Hao's delicate body stiffen suddenly, and then slowly relax. He took a sip from the teacup, and smiled at her, "Are you awake?"

Seeing him, the concubine's eyes flashed with surprise, and she stood up, pretending to be indifferent:

"Why did you come back, huh, you figured it out, right? King Zhenbei is the third rank, and no one in the whole Dafeng is more powerful than him. It's good that you can seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

After a pause, his tone softened slightly: "Leave this matter to the imperial court, there is no need for you to show off your prestige."

The princess tossed and turned last night and couldn't sleep. Of course, all of this has nothing to do with her worrying that Xu Qi'an will be killed by King Zhenbei

Xu Qi'an said lightly: "The king of Zhenbei is dead."

The princess stayed there like a sculpture.

"I, I don't believe it." She stared at Xu Qi'an.

"This is not something worth joking about," Xu Qi'an said angrily, "The dignified prince was killed, such a big matter, why should I lie to you?"

The concubine looked at him blankly, and tremblingly said: "Really, really?"

Xu Qi'an nodded.

He saw Wang Hao's long eyelashes tremble, one teardrop rolled down, two, three, and four teardrops fell like broken pearls.

She cries for freedom.

Xu Qi'an thought that he didn't know her that well, so he watched Dafeng's number one beauty cry with cold eyes.

After she finished crying, Xu Qi'an comforted her conclusively: "You are free now, Kyushu is so big, you can go wherever you want, just like Mondo."

Wiping away her tears, she didn't forget to ask, "Who is Mondo?"

With such a boring question, Xu Qi'an didn't bother to answer her.

While eating breakfast, the recovered princess said furtively in the room where there were only two of them, "Did you kill it?"

Xu Qi'an shook his head: "King Zhenbei is so strong, how could I beat him? It was because a mysterious master appeared and beheaded him on the spot. Everyone in the mission can testify about this, and you will know later."

The concubine said "Oh", and felt that it was unlikely that Xu Qi'an did it. She was a smart and rational woman, not those ignorant girls in the capital who blindly worshiped Xu Yinluo.

Although the king of Zhenbei said that he had a rebellious and ruthless temperament, his cultivation base was not compromised, and he was much, much stronger than the current Xu Qi'an.

She was holding a scallion pancake and gnawed, her little hands were greasy, and her bright eyes lingered on Xu Qi'an's head: "Why did your hair grow back?"

"I already had hair."

"you have not."

"I have."


The princess was tapped by Xu Qi'an with chopsticks, and she changed her words wisely: "You have."

Thanks to the power of Shenshu, Xu Qi'an's hair finally regenerated, and a third-rank martial artist can regenerate his severed limbs, let alone his hair.

This is something that makes Xu Qi'an very gratified, and what is even more gratifying is that he has always protected his bald head very well, wearing a mink hat, so others don't know how his hair grows.

In the future, I will still wear a sable hat outside, and after a while, I can take it off. I am still the young man with fluttering long hair. Xu Qi'an thought happily.

After breakfast, he sat in front of the dressing table, and in the mirror was Xu Qi'an who had returned to his original state, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, a straight nose, thin lips, and tough cheek contours, and the overall look of a man was handsome and masculine.

Xu Erlang with red lips and white teeth, and Nangong Qianrou with picturesque features are completely different types of handsome guys.

The concubine sat by the bed, dangling her feet, watched him tie his hair in a bun, and asked, "What should I do in the future."

Xu Qi'an coiled her hair, and said in a nonchalant tone, "It's already been said that you can go wherever you want."

Realizing that Xu Qi'an didn't want to take care of herself, she said angrily, "Lend me another ten taels of silver, and I'll go back to Mu's house in Jiangnan. When I have money in the future, ask someone to return the money to you."


Xu Qi'an put a silver coin on the table.

The concubine bit her lip, put a stern face, and put away the money. Then she packed the dirty underwear silently, carried the small package on her shoulders, and announced:

"I am leaving."

"Go!" Xu Qi'an nodded.

The princess took a deep look at him, turned around abruptly, and ran out of the room.

After running out of the inn, she walked out of the city alone, through the bustling crowds, through the downtown area and the long street. The city is not big, and she walked to the gate of the city soon.

However, looking at the spacious city gate, the princess suddenly became timid. It seemed that it was not the way to freedom. The outside world was so dangerous, and people's hearts were so complicated.

When she was thirteen years old, she was sent to the palace by her family in exchange for a high official and generous salary.

She lived in layers of palaces for many years, and then Emperor Yuan Jing donated it to King Zhenbei, and lived in the palace for twenty years.

She longed for freedom, longing to be unrestrained, but when freedom was at her fingertips, she suddenly realized that she couldn't survive outside.

She is like a canary in a cage. Over twenty years of fine clothes and good food have made her lose the ability to fly to the free sky.

Even though she could go back to her "natal home", it was just being betrayed by her parents again. No, there was a high probability that she would be sent back to the palace the next day by her clansmen as soon as she returned home.

She stood there in a daze, and after a long time, she was no longer dazed, but the light in her eyes went out little by little.

The princess lowered her head, looking at her toes, with thin shoulders and a thin back, like a little homeless girl.

At this time, a man's sigh came from behind: "Little aunt, I thought about it, and I think I should take you with me."

The princess was so angry that she didn't turn around.

Xu Qi'an walked in front of her, squatted down, and didn't speak.

The princess stared hard at his back, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, she opened her arms, and threw herself on his back.

After leaving the city, Xu Qi'an ran wildly along the official road with her on his back. At this time, he missed his beloved little mare a little bit.

"I'm in trouble." The princess whispered in his ear.

The warm breath sprayed on Xu Qi'an's earlobe, making him frown. The earlobe is Xu Bai's sensitive area, and only Fuxiang knows this secret.

You do have self-knowledge Xu Qi'an asked: "Does Emperor Yuan Jing know what you look like?"

The princess shook her head: "But he knows that I have a magic weapon to change my appearance. I have sneaked away several times, and he must know it too. But he has never seen me like this."

She thought for a while, and added: "The guards of the palace have seen me like this."

Xu Qi'an didn't answer, but thought about it.

Although the king of Zhenbei is dead, the princess is still a favorite. Emperor Yuan Jing will never ignore her, although the whole mission agrees that the princess was taken away by the barbarians.

But those maids knew that I finally found them. Of course, they didn't know that I defeated the strong barbarian and rescued the princess. But they can survive and return to Beijing smoothly, which itself is a doubt.

Although it cannot be used as evidence for me to save the princess, as long as there is any doubt, Emperor Yuan Jing will definitely send someone to investigate. There is no need to monitor, and the investigation will be conducted openly and aboveboard.

So the princess cannot follow me back to the mansion. But it can be kept outside.

With a population of three million in the capital, it is impossible to search for it from door to door. Moreover, there is no clue that I brought the princess back to the capital.

The best way is to keep her outside, not far from Xu's residence, but not too close.

After considering the details, Xu Qi'an nodded in satisfaction, feeling very secure.

Then, he was inevitably at a loss, why should I do this for an old aunt?

When did I get poisoned by her?

Xu Qi'an did not go in the direction of Chuzhou City, but planned to meet Zheng Xinghuai first and take him to Chuzhou City.

Now that the city of Chuzhou has been destroyed, he is the governor of Chuzhou, and he has to clean up the mess. By the way, tell him that King Zhenbei has fallen and there is no need to hide in Tibet.

On the way, he deliberately asked Taoist Master Jinlian to block the members of the Tiandihui, started a private chat with Li Miaozhen, and asked her where she was.

Unsurprisingly, he was scolded by the saintess of Tianzong, and then told the news of the death of King Zhenbei.

Xu Qi'an was "shocked" and said it was impossible. Fully demonstrated the quality that a "shock party" should have.

This made Li Miaozhen feel a little proud, so she was no longer so angry at him for letting go of the pigeons.

Afterwards, Xu Qi'an asked her to leave Chuzhou City and meet up in the valley under the pretext of looking for "Xu Yinluo who is on his way here".

At noon, Xu Qi'an finally arrived at the valley with the concubine. He bid farewell to Zheng Xinghuai that day. He found an inn in a nearby county town to accommodate the concubine. The two places were not far away.

In the cave, with a blazing bonfire, Li Han and Zhao Jin were roasting prey such as pheasants, hares, and fresh fish respectively.

The tall and thin Shentu Baili closed his eyes and breathed out cross-legged.

The fat and strong Wei Youlong wiped the machete, and said in a deep voice:

"I don't know what happened to Xu Yinluo and Feiyan heroine. Que Yongxiu and King Zhenbei are brutal and vicious. If they find out about it, they may be killed. And if something happens to them, we will most likely be caught by the vine. .”

Tang Youshen, a spearman who was born in the army, glanced sharply at the entrance of the cave, and then looked back, holding the spear, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Zheng Xinghuai waved his hands, his voice was soft, but his tone was firm: "No, even if the two of them get nothing, they won't be targeted by King Zhenbei and Que Yongxiu."

The pretty young woman asked, "Why is Mr. Zheng so sure?"

Zheng Xinghuai said: "Flying Swallow heroine wanders the rivers and lakes, meddles in other things, can win such a big reputation, and is safe and sound. She is definitely not a reckless person. As for Xu Yinluo, it may be luck to solve a major case. But this One by one, it is enough to illustrate his ability."

Everyone nodded slowly.

Whether it's Feiyan Lady or Xu Yinluo, they are dragons and phoenixes among people who make people feel at ease. They are the kind of characters who will feel at ease when they entrust the matter to them, and don't have to worry about being afraid all day long.

At this time, Shentu Baili opened his eyes suddenly, and said in a low and urgent voice, "Someone is here."

Li Han and Zhao Jin subconsciously dropped their prey, grabbed their weapons, and rushed out of the cave with the others.

A man and a woman come together.

The man is masculine and handsome, with extraordinary bearing, it is Yingong Xu Qi'an. As for the woman, they just glanced at her and ignored them, they walked carelessly, and followed Xu Yinluo staggeringly.

The appearance is mediocre, with a slight pant while walking, she is an ordinary woman.

Zheng Buzheng from behind came up to him, cupped his hands and said, "Xu Yinluo."

The warriors behind him were surprised, Xu Yinluo had sworn the night before that he would go to Chuzhou City to investigate the case, unexpectedly he would return today.

This place is hundreds of miles away from Chuzhou City, and this time is not enough for a round trip.

Xu Qi'an didn't talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "I have received news that King Zhenbei has fallen in Chuzhou City. I am here to pick you up."

a bolt from the blue!

Zheng Buzheng's face suddenly froze, his eyes slowly popped out, and his mouth slowly opened wide, making Xu Qi'an understand that this is the real quality of shocking the party.

All the knights looked at each other silently, and they all saw the word "unbelief" in each other's eyes.

"Yes, did you receive an error in the message?"

Zheng Buzheng took a few steps forward, with complicated expressions on his face, hoping that the news was true, but at the same time believing that what Xu Qi'an had received was wrong news.

Shentu Baili and the others didn't speak, but they also thought that what the chief minister said was reasonable.

It is absolutely true that the King of Zhenbei was killed by me personally. Xu Qi'an smiled and nodded: "That's right, it's true."

Bang bang, bang, Zheng Buzheng heard his frantic and intense heartbeat.

"Flying Swallow Lady will be here soon, she knows what happened." Xu Qi'an threw the pot out.

Everyone then returned to the cave, waiting in a state of anxiety.

The concubine sat obediently beside Xu Qi'an, gnawed on the chicken leg, and the first beauty was trying her best to play an insignificant passer-by.

On the way here, she learned about Zheng Xinghuai's identity from Xu Qi'an, and understood that his family members died in the massacre.

Although I have no relationship with King Zhenbei, they are a famous couple after all, and the princess feels guilty towards Mr. Zheng.

Half an hour later, Li Miaozhen came to the valley, lowered the flying sword, and fell lightly into the valley.

She looked around at the people who had been waiting at the entrance of the cave, nodded slightly, and then paused for a while on the mediocre princess.

"Flying Swallow Lady, Xu Yinluo said, King Zhenbei died in Chuzhou City?"

Zheng Buzheng walked a few steps quickly and stared straight at her.

Li Miaozhen gave an affirmative answer: "Yes, his body is still in Chuzhou City."

He immediately gave a brief account of the battle in Chuzhou City.

Zheng Buzheng listened and nodded slowly. His bloodshot eyes glanced at the crowd and said in a low voice: "My lord, I want to be alone for a while."

He arched his hands, turned around, and walked slowly back to the cave.

A few seconds later, there was a heart-piercing cry from inside.

Xu Qi'an sighed, and Li Miaozhen's voice transmission sounded next to his ear: "Who is she?"

"A person with a hard life, I just need to ask you for something. The blood massacre three thousand miles case has been settled, and you don't need to worry about the aftermath. Can you help me take her back to Beijing? Don't be ostentatious, it's best to find her first." Go to an inn to rest and wait for me to return to Beijing."

Xu Qi'an replied via voice transmission.

Li Miaozhen did not answer, looked at the princess for a moment, curled her lips, and said via voice transmission:

"A person with a miserable life, why do you want to take her back to Beijing for resettlement? This woman looks like a childbearing woman, but when did you become so hungry?"

Miaozhen, it's not that I'm belittling you. After taking off the bracelet, she can confidently say: Everyone here is rubbish!

Xu Qi'an noticed that Li Miaozhen was a little unhappy, so he didn't respond, but just cupped his hands.

Then he turned around and whispered to Wang Hao: "She is my concubine's natal family, you can trust her, you go back to Beijing with her first, and listen to her arrangement."

The concubine frowned when she heard this, it was the first time she had heard that Xu Qi'an had a concubine, but thinking of his identity and status, and a regular visitor to the Jiaofang Division like him, wouldn't it be normal to have a concubine. As for Li Miaozhen, she knew her well.

"Yeah!" She nodded coldly.

Three days later, Zheng Buzheng, who traveled day and night without stopping, finally returned to Chuzhou City after more than a month.

The gray-haired Zheng Xinghuai stepped up to the top of the city step by step. He saw that the formerly prosperous Chuzhou city had been turned into ruins, with ruins and ruins everywhere, and the earth was devastated.

Half of the northern wall collapsed, and the western gate was also knocked down.

More than 20,000 soldiers were scattered in the city, each busy, some searching for food, rice noodles and other food. Although the city was seriously damaged, the materials hidden in the cellar were well preserved, and many materials could be found in the collapsed ruins.

Some soldiers are building houses and serving as temporary barracks, providing temporary accommodation for more than 20,000 soldiers.

Some soldiers are repairing the city wall.

Some soldiers were burying the corpses, some were in the same robes, some were from the people in the city, and some were from barbarians and demon clans.

These works have been carried out in an orderly manner for three days.

"History books will definitely record this incident to alert future generations. At the same time, they will also record the crimes of King Zhenbei, so that he will be stigmatized forever."

Liu Yushi appeared beside him, and the mission had already learned from Li Miaozhen that Zheng Xinghuai escaped from death, and knew that the Zheng Xinghuai they saw in the city was a fake.

Most likely it was written by the third-rank wizard, otherwise it would be impossible to hide the truth from the fourth-rank Yang Yan.

"Is the imperial court really going to punish the Northern King?" Zheng Buzheng said in a low voice.

"Victory is achieved by fighting for it." Liu Yushi said word by word.

At this time, Xu Qi'an, Yang Yan, Chen Tuotou and others climbed up the city wall, and the host Xu Yinluo said in a deep voice: "Next, we will return to Beijing to settle the crime of the Northern King and build a coffin for this case." conclusion.

"But before that, Zheng Buzheng should want to toast a few glasses of thin wine to the souls of the dead in the city."

Centurion Chen Xiao stepped forward with a flagon in his hand.

Zheng Buzheng took the jug and looked at the city below again. Before worshiping, he wanted to take some time to recall his first half of his life.

Zheng Xinghuai was born in Zhangzhou, known as one of the two major granaries of Dafeng, but his family was very poor when he was a child. He relied on his mother to wash clothes and do embroidery for a wealthy family, making a difficult living.

What the young Zheng Xinghuai looks forward to most is the autumn harvest, when he can go to other people's fields to pick wheat ears.

Picking up a basket of wheat ears, he and his widowed mother can drink porridge for three days. Don't pick up too much, or you will be beaten severely.

After the autumn harvest, the hardest thing to endure is winter, and his hands and feet are cracked every winter. And her mother, even in winter, has to wash clothes for people by the frozen river for a few copper coins.

Little by little, the widowed mother saved enough money for him to enter the Imperial College.

Zheng Xinghuai entered the Guozijian at the age of 16, and studied hard for ten years. In the 19th year of Yuanjing, he was named on the gold list and a second-class Jinshi.

He rushed back to his hometown non-stop, wanting to give joy to his mother, wanting to pick up his mother to settle down in the capital, wanting to glorify the lintel, and impress all those who had said sarcastic words with admiration.

But what he saw was the short tomb of his mother.

The widowed mother passed away for many years, and she never told him that the family letter was written with the help of the clan, because the ordinary woman who had worked hard all her life did not want to affect her son's studies.

Zheng Xinghuai knelt in front of his mother's grave for a day and a night.

Zheng Xinghuai's official career was not smooth, because he was too rigid and unwilling to join forces, he offended the chief assistant at the time, and was demoted to Chuzhou in the northern part of the country, where he became the eighth-rank county magistrate.

At first he didn't like Chuzhou, because of the bitter cold in the north of Saibei and the tough folk customs. The rigid man finally came to his senses, and exhausted his savings to find acquaintances to establish relationships, hoping to be transferred back to the capital.

Until one year, the barbarian cavalry came to raid the Grass Valley and plundered dozens of miles.

Afterwards, Zheng Xinghuai was sent to comfort the people and inspect the situation. He walked on the ridge of the field and looked at the young crops trampled by the cavalry; he walked on the official road and looked at the corpses devoured by the barbarians; I saw the people who had escaped by chance, and looked at their faces of poverty and vicissitudes.

Zheng Xinghuai thought of his mother who had been dead for many years.

Later, the chief assistant became an official, and his classmates and friends worked in the court, planning to transfer him back to the capital.

But Zheng Xinghuai did not want to leave Chuzhou at that time, because he devoted all his energy and heart to this land.

He is so desperate, and often stays up all night dealing with government affairs, it seems that this can make up for his debt to his mother.

Time flies, eighteen years have passed, most of his life has been handed over to Chuzhou, but now he has ended up alone.

"Fame and wealth are a piece of paper, but ashes are scattered in the dust." Zheng Buzheng felt sad and burst into tears.

The wine poured down, splashing dust.

No one spoke for a long time, until Zheng Xinghuai's mood stabilized, Dali Sicheng cleared his throat and said:

"Que Yongxiu has absconded in fear of the crime, and the King of Zhenbei was punished, but their crimes have not been announced to the world. Zheng Buzheng is the main witness, and he must return to Beijing with us. But the scene of Chuzhou City, today's northern border, Someone needs to stay and run the show.”

Liu Yushi frowned, and analyzed: "380,000 people in Chuzhou City died tragically, and the aftermath is simple, just arrange more than 20,000 soldiers.

"As for other states and counties, they can just keep them as they are and don't need special care. The barbarians and monsters, who have just experienced this war, have already been scared out of their wits. They are afraid of the mysterious master and will not invade the border again in the short term. Not even for many years.”

Zheng Xinghuai pondered for a moment, then looked at Yang Yan: "Scholars don't command soldiers. I'm good at handling government affairs, but I'm a layman in managing the army. Yang Jinluo, you have the highest level of cultivation and experience in commanding soldiers. You can both manage and intimidate soldiers. .”

Yang Yan nodded, and said lightly: "OK."

The boss is actually an upgraded version of Zhu Guangxiao, taciturn, but down-to-earth and hard-working, very reliable. Xu Qi'an never interrupted from beginning to end.

Because what he wanted to say was finished by these civil servants.

"By the way," he suddenly remembered something: "Bring the body of King Zhenbei back to Beijing. He is the protagonist in this case. If he dies, he must be brought back to Beijing."

"Naturally." Envoy Zheng Buzheng nodded.

King Zhenbei's body must be brought back to the capital no matter what.

In this case, the killing of Zhenbei King is only the initial conclusion, and the finalization of the case is a perfect ending.

Seeing that the matter was finished, Yang Yan looked at Xu Qi'an and said in a deep voice, "Come with me."

Boss, your serious look and arrogant tone are just like Xu Qi'an, my class teacher in middle school, who obediently followed him away.

After the two walked along the city wall for a certain distance, Yang Yan stopped, turned around and said:

"When King Zhenbei offered sacrifices to the people in the city, I saw the souls of the people in the city flow into the ground, and there seemed to be a formation in the ground. But when I went to dig afterwards, I dug three feet into the ground, but found nothing."

Soul into the ground? What kind of operation is this? Wasn't King Zhenbei slaughtering the city to refine blood pills? After hearing this, Xu Qi'an's first reaction was:

Miaozhen, I need you!

If you have blind spots in knowledge about souls, you can find Li Miaozhen. If Li Miaozhen is not good at learning, it doesn't matter. There is also the old silver coin of Daoist Jinlian.

Yang Yan stared at him and asked, "Do you have any clues?"

The benefits of having a wide network of contacts are very obvious. I will continue to develop the fish pond in the future. By the way, the little sword carved with butter jade has not been given to the army lady.

"Boss, wait a moment, I'm going to the toilet."

Yang Yan knew that he was holding the shards of the book from the ground, and Yang Yan single-handedly killed the Taoist Zilian back then.

Xu Qi'an went down to the top of the city, found a secluded corner, took out fragments of the book from the ground, and passed the letter as No. 3: 【Master Jinlian, I have something to discuss with you alone. 】

At night, the members of the Tiandihui who read this letter were very upset.

I don't know what happened recently, Li Miaozhen, the female champion, asked to block everyone every three days, and now No. 3 is also following suit.

A few seconds later, Daoist Jin Lian sent a letter: [What's the matter? 】

[Three: What about Miaozhen, Miaozhen can participate in the topic. 】

Daoist Jin Lian sighed, and passed on the letter: [Miaozhen, you can pass on the letter now. 】

[Two: What do you want from me, just talk if you have something to say, and fart if you have to. 】

What's the matter, so angry? Xu Qi'an sent a letter and said: 【You don't seem very happy, what's the matter. 】

Li Miaozhen: [Oh, what's the matter with you woman, she's about to treat me like a maid, and those who don't know think she is a princess. That attitude of peace of mind is very irritating. 】

Like Zhong Li, you are also a great prophet? Xu Qi'an sent a letter to comfort the saint: [Don't care about her, she is used to it. 】

The princess, that stupid woman, may not have done it on purpose. She has been a princess for half her life, well-clothed and well-fed, served by maids, and many habits in life can't be changed just by changing them.

Unless Li Miaozhen was like him, beating the princess non-stop.

Li Miaozhen: [If you have something to say, don't disturb my meditation. 】

It was obvious that the lingering anger had not dissipated, so I still coaxed Xu Qi'an to pass on the letter with anger:

[I don't think you need to work so hard. With the talent of our Feiyan heroine, we only need to devote part of our energy to practice, and we can be proud of our peers. 】

Li Miaozhen sent a letter: [Huh, I think you are lying to me. 】

She felt a little better.

Xu Qi'an: [What does Priest Jinlian think? 】

Daoist Jinlian: [I think you don't respect me at all. 】

Just like the head teacher ushered in the noisy classroom, Xu Qi'an and Li Miaozhen didn't dare to continue chatting, the former brought the topic back, and sent a letter to explain the situation:

[It's like this, when King Zhenbei sacrificed to the people of Chuzhou City, Yang Yan saw the souls of the people pouring into the ground with his own eyes, but he couldn't find any clues afterwards. 】

Li Miaozhen replied: [Is there any formation left? 】

Yang Yan didn't say, that means there is no Xu Qi'an replied: [No. 】

Li Miaozhen stopped talking.

In the silence, Daoist Jin Lian wrote a letter: 【Listening to what Miaozhen said a few days ago, the masters who participated in it included the Daoist of the Earth Sect and the Witch God Sect. Heh, they are all strong in the Yuanshen field, and formations are optional.

[Well, although Daoism and Witchcraft cultivate and raise ghosts, they basically don't collect so many souls. Unless you want to refine soul pills. 】

An old man in a family is like a treasure, and indeed Taoist Jin Lian is rich in experience. Xu Qi'an passed on a letter: [Soul Pill? What is the Soul Pill and what does it do. 】

Dao Jinlian said in a long biography: [There are many functions, such as strengthening the primordial spirit, serving as alchemy materials, refining magic weapons, repairing unhealthy souls, cultivating tool spirits, etc. It may be that the chief priest of the land sect needs a soul pill. In addition, the resentment and hostility generated by the massacre, this kind of worldly evil, is a great tonic for him. 】

So, the Daoist of the Dizong cooperated with King Zhenbei for the soul pill? Xu Qi'an nodded suddenly.

【Three: In this case, will he continue to massacre the city? The Daoist of the Dizong is the second rank. 】

Xu Qi'an asked worriedly.

[Nine: Oh, he dare not, because he is only one line away from the catastrophe, and in his state, he dare not cross the catastrophe at all. So you don't have to worry about him killing people, unless he doesn't want to live anymore. 】

Xu Qi'an immediately felt relieved.

After passing the letter, he returned to the city.

Yang Yan looked over immediately.

Xu Qi'an murmured: "I suddenly remembered that those souls should be refined into soul pills. It is most likely the reward for the cooperation between the Daoist of the Dizong and King Zhenbei."

Soul Pill is the "greatest evil" that the Taoist chief of the Dizong said? Yang Yan nodded slowly.

He was at the scene at the time, and although he was far away, he could hear it clearly.

The next step is to characterize the Chuzhou city massacre case, and let King Zhenbei and Que Yongxiu bear their due charges. This will definitely be hindered. Yang Yan said:

"Look for Wei Gong if you have something to do, listen to his opinion more, don't be reckless and impulsive, understand."

After a pause, he said in a low voice: "If Duke Wei thinks this matter cannot be violated, you must not be brave."

Xu Qi'an looked at him and didn't speak.

Early May, early summer.

An official ship from Chuzhou came through the waves, slowly sailed into the boundary of the capital, and finally berthed at the pier of the capital.

The members of the mission stood on the deck, looking at the crowded and enthusiastic wharf, feeling a lot of emotion in their hearts.

When they went to Chuzhou, it was late spring, and when they returned to the capital, it was already early summer.

What happened during this period can be bragged about for a lifetime when placed on ordinary people.

While everyone in the mission breathed a sigh of relief, faith burned in their eyes.

They will bring a big news to Beijing.

Dafeng no longer has the King of Zhenbei.

PS: This chapter is two in one, one of which is to make up for yesterday. I wasted a little time last night on the Baimeng chapter. Although I often delay the update due to work reasons, I have not missed the number of words that should be there, unless I ask for leave.

Thanks to the leaders of "The Length of Time, Nine-Tailed Snow Demon, Too Unforgettable, Immortal Reincarnation, I Promise You Forever, Chaosheng, Huaishu". I have added your words of thanks to the single chapter of Baimeng.

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