
Open a single chapter, Filly's.

Today I saw someone @我 in the group, saying that the young mare has debuted at the c position, I clicked in with a dazed face and only two words filled my mind: What the hell? !

Originally, the computer was turned off, so I immediately got up and turned it on to code a single chapter. I had to open a single chapter.

I would like to thank you for making the list for the filly. There are too many people, so I will list the top ten. The contribution list of the filly's star value has everyone's contribution, you can go and have a look.

1: Thanks to the boss of "Remembrance of the Broken Sword" for one silver and eight leaders to hit the list. The filly will be your horse from now on.

2: Of course, there is also the leader of "cut off the retrained coyote".

3: Tips for "Squad Captain", "loserrrrr", and "Dancing Leaf".

4: Then there is the tip of "Heart of the Ocean 520".

6: Tips for "Looking for the Moon".

7: Tips for "Salted fish don't want to talk".

8: A tip from "Brother Wang next door".

9: A tip from "Lao Siji".

Filly: I never thought that one day I would blow the crowd off.

Beginning this week, the little mare stayed at the top of the character star list for a few days before being overtaken by the brush, and the gap became wider and wider after that.

To be honest, I don't have any hope, and I believe most readers do too.

Well, the boss of "Canjian" is awesome~ (broken sound)

Let’s talk about one thing. Since two weeks ago, the rewards of "Da Changren" have exploded. Hundreds of people reward every day, and the cumulative number of rewards in a week: 2000+

I was very excited at the time, thinking what was going on, what was going on, did I write too well? The reward exploded.

I swelled up like this for a week, and in the second week, the rewards still exploded, but someone told me: Wake up, those rewards are for a filly, it’s none of your business to sell abalone

I just realized that it turned out that the reason for the overwhelming rewards was the filly.

The mood is extremely complicated.

The little mare is probably the most popular "female character" I have ever written?

The mood is more complicated.

The little mare not only overwhelmed all the female characters, but also rode Xu Baipro on her crotch

Big guys are awesome! ! !

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