Night Crow Master

Chapter 331: Farce in Transfiguration Class

After speaking, Professor Warwick changed from the posture of a black wolf back to a human being. After adjusting the clothes that were not known to be changed after the transformation, he said:

"Now, you can try to deform those feathers."

"Remember, the name of the item must be clear and the syllable must be accurate when you say it."

While Professor Warwick was wandering around the tables and instructed in a rough voice, in the spacious classroom, students from four colleges all raised their magic wands——

"Feather deformed!"

"Feather changes!"

"Feiyu deformed!"

"Bird hair is deformed!"

"The chicken feathers are deformed!"

All kinds of mistakes have happened, such as mispronunciation of spells, unclear words.

The main mistakes were the Muggle-born freshmen, the students of the Black Bat Academy, basically did not make mistakes-a good family magic education made them a bit higher in magic literacy than other freshmen.

Gorem College followed. Students who can be assigned to this college do not necessarily have other characteristics, but the pursuit of knowledge and hard work can be said to surpass all colleges.

Even Muggle-born students have some understanding during pre-class preview and when asking other people for answers, and the error rate is very low.

Unicorn Academy followed.

The worst is naturally the students of Griffin College.

As the college that accepted the most Muggle-born freshmen, there was another bunch of good seedlings that were divided by Gorem and the Unicorn Academy, and the remaining group was mostly in the middle and lower classes.

70% of those who make mistakes are students of Griffin College.

Those who turned the feathers on their hats into books, blasted them off, and turned them into colorful feathers, all imaginable funny scenes appeared on them.

And Yate hasn't used the Transformation Curse to deform the object for a long time-because he is observing other people and directing the Scarecrow and Crow servants to complete the final excavation work under the Starlight Lake.

And his actions like this have attracted the targeting of the little kids from the Black Bat Academy.

Well, even if he doesn't do it, he will be targeted.

A student of the Black Bat Academy, while Professor Warwick was facing away from him, raised his wand and waved at Yate:

"Wild dog deformed—"

As the black and red light shot at Yate like lightning, a smile turned up at the corner of his mouth.

But-even if Yate was distracted to manipulate the crow servants and scarecrows, and took over the thinking of dozens of crows, his computing power was enough to allow him to deal with seven or eight things at the same time "with all his energy".

The fingers moved slightly, and the wand in his hand was slightly horizontal:

"Iron armored body."

The magic power formed an invisible protective layer in front of Yate, blocked the Transformation Curse, and reflected part of it back.

Nearly three-quarters of the transformation spell hit the opponent, turning him into a cat with a human head.


After the Transfiguration Curse was reflected, the student from the Black Bat Academy yelled, causing Professor Warwick to turn his head and see him holding his strange creature.

"Hey, I said, don't transform yourself without mastering the transformation spell!"

Professor Warwick’s boots thumped on the floor, leading him to the student.

Seeing his horrible distortion in his comical look, Warwick smacked his lips:

"Poor quality sphinx...well, get rid of the distortion!"

Lifting the wand, a spell hit the student's body, turning him back into a human form.

At this time, the other Black Bat Academy student who was watching the whole process stood up, pointed to Yate and said:

"He made Maier like this! He attacked Maier!"

Everyone who noticed the situation turned their attention to Yate, including Professor Warwick:

"Is he telling the truth? Walker?"

Before Yate had spoken, Anna stood up and pointed to the human being who spoke:

"He used the Transfiguration Curse to attack Walker first! And Walker..."

"It's an iron armor body." A girl from Griffon Academy whispered, she saw the process.

"Yes, Walker used the iron armor to defend!"

Professor Warwick looked at Yate, and Yate just shrugged: "I think subconsciously defending against spells is the basic quality of a magician."

"I never knew you learned the armored body." Professor Warwick said, staring at Yate.

Iron armor is a relatively simple spell, but most students need at least the third grade to learn it, including students from a magician family.

"Professor, you don't know a lot."

Yate stood up and turned in place, turning his whole person into a tall white werewolf, ten centimeters taller than the two-meter-tall werewolf transformed by Professor Warwick.

Then there was another transformation, and the whole person turned into a lion-sized white wolf, looking like a large arctic wolf except for the few rubbing green hairs around the limbs and neck.

"It's like you never knew that I was able to fully grasp the transformation."

The character displayed by Yate is the same as Walker-a rebellious adolescent child who will respond to any words that are slightly unkind or questionable.

Warwick had no doubt about the character displayed by Yate, because Walker was so rebellious, otherwise he would not do anything to join the Black Bat Academy.

He looked at the white wolf that Yate transformed into with a little amazement: "Well, you are right at this point. You have to do better than your father. Then, now give me back. This is an object transformation class. , Not a self-transforming class!"

"of course."

Yate changed back to the original state, and sighed in his heart that it was really difficult to imitate the white wolf transformation, and at the same time showed a proud expression.

Afterwards, Warwick looked at the hapless child who had been bounced from the transformation by the iron armor, and said word by word:

"Assault others, Black Bat Academy, deduct 50 points, and if you have one next time, you will drop me out!"

According to the original regulations, this kind of non-harmful spell attack should be deducted 20 points for the attacker, and no points for defensive counterattacks.


Even if he didn't see it, Professor Warwick heard the phrase "wild dog deformed".

The magician of the Geralt family, like dogs, but don’t like others calling them dogs——

Calling a dog is self-deprecating.

My friend's name is a dog, that's ridicule.

The stranger calls a dog, that's an insult.

The enemy is called a dog, that is insult, that is provocation, that is declaration of war!

The students of Griffon Academy looked at the proud "Walker Geralt" and thought that "The sorting hat assigned him to the black bat is a mistake. He should belong to the free, smart and brave Griffin. ."

Even if the relationship is not good, Anna, who doesn't like this younger brother very much, looks at Yate's eyes more pleasing to the eye:

"Not bad, Walker."

And his "Walker Geralt" nominal girlfriend Milea also smiled admiringly:

"You are awesome, Walker!"

Yate raised his eyebrows and looked at Milea with an admiring look. Speaking of which, Walker was dead. That Milea should be called...


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