Nice To Meet You, Mr. Xiao

Chapter 460 What am I doing?

Yao Rong stretched out her hand to grab the mineral water, unscrewed the cap and drank it, who knew that she drank too fast, the water spilled on her body, and the water dripped down her chin.

Zhuo Bi watched this scene, he strode forward, and the two looked at each other.

Yao Rong felt as if he had hallucinations, and when he saw Zhuo Bi, he seemed to be more handsome than what she saw.

"Zhuo Bi." She called him in a low voice, Zhuo Bi stretched out his hand with a handkerchief and wiped it for her.

The cell phone that fell on the ground kept vibrating, Zhuo Bi looked at the lit screen, but didn't plan to answer the call.

"Ah, it hurts." Yao Rong suddenly screamed.

The pleasant voice shouted, and the small hands patted his shoulders, Zhuo Bi looked down at her.

"Yao Rong, don't be afraid." He said in a deep voice, wanting to do her ideological work.

"Ah, it hurts, don't..." Yao Rong kept patting him, trying to make him roll.

Zhuo Bi didn't leave, but was slapped by her and hit Zhuo Bi's face, which was full of reality.

Zhuo Bi's body pressed against her, his lips bit her ear lightly, his voice became hoarse.

"Does it still hurt?"

Yao Rong moved his body and was about to speak.

"Zhuo Bi."

Zhuo Bi listened to her voice, his hand was on her waist. At this moment, he is different from before.

From morning to noon, from noon to dusk, the sun shines in from the window, dyeing the earth red.

"Hiss." Zhuo Bi whispered, waking up suddenly from his sleep.

He moved, Zhuo Li was dumbfounded, what's going on?

What happened in the morning kept forming in his mind, Zhuo Li stretched out his hands and patted his head, regretting for a while, he was always calm, yet he would still be fooled.

The point is, he actually got Yao Rong together?

"My God, what have I done?" Zhuo Bi gritted his teeth, regretting so much that he wanted to kill himself.

Zhuo Bi looked at the bloodstains on the white sheet.

"Yao Rong, I... I'm sorry! Don't worry, I will take responsibility." Zhuo Bi said in a deep voice.

He turned and got out of bed, not daring to take a bath, for fear of waking her up, but he didn't notice that her fingertips also moved.

Go to the balcony and stand blowing the cold wind, the dusk slanted down, dyeing the earth red.

Zhuo Li took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

After smoking two cigarettes, Zhuo Bi turned and went back to the room, looked at the phone that fell on the ground, picked it up and turned it on.

"Damn it." Zhuo Bi has always been gentle, but today he said a few damn things. At this moment, he was so angry that he felt that he could kill someone at this moment.

After receiving the message, Zhuo Bi turned around, looked at the bed, bent down, and kissed Yao Rong's forehead.

Yao Rong moved her fingertips, but she didn't make a sound. She felt Zhuo Zhi's body approaching, and she was inexplicably nervous.

It wasn't until he left that she breathed a sigh of relief and got up.

on the way.

Yao Shengming said, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and continued: "Yes, I will stand by your side and stand for you in anything, anything."

Yao Rong looked at his demeanor, she was looking at him squarely.

"Thank you," she whispered.

He was really nice to her, but there was nothing she could do to reciprocate.

"Rongrong." Yao Shengming called her name after parking the car, but remained silent.

Yao Rong sat in the co-pilot seat, a little absent-minded, feeling empty, a little uncomfortable, and physically uncomfortable.

Yao Shengming walked around to the passenger seat and opened the car door for her.

"I'll go up first." Yao Rong said.

Yao Shengming looked at her walking posture, she seemed to be in pain when she walked, he was holding on to the car door tightly, his hand was holding hard, blood seeped from the palm of his hand.

"Yao Rong." Yao Shengming stepped forward and called her name.

Yao Rong turned around and looked back at him.

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