Nice To Meet You, Mr. Xiao

Chapter 277 Going to the bar for fun

"Ask the water." Xiao Mohan called him in a low voice, Wenshui became quiet instantly, he let go of the housekeeper and sat there.

Han Changqing made a few cups of coffee and went forward to report to Xiao Mohan what happened just now. After Xiao Mohan finished listening, he and Zhuo Bi got down to business there.

It was already four o'clock in the morning when the few people finished talking.

The school closed the exam, and the exam lasted for four days. Gu Chuyan hadn't seen Xiao Mohan for four days. Apart from reviewing, every day was just the exam.

"Liberated! Chuchu, let's go have a drink." Yao Rong threw the book aside and hugged Gu Chuyan.

As Gu Chuyan was listening, she suddenly remembered something.

"Okay, I'm treating you." Gu Chuyan said in a low voice.

Ye Shi Bar is now a property under Gu Chuyan's name, and it occurred to Gu Miaoting to have a meeting here. . . . .

A luxurious bar, after dusk, the noise inside is incomparable, all kinds of rich people go to indulge, where handsome men and beautiful women gather.

"Ma'am." At this time, the general manager saw Gu Chuyan, left his work and walked forward.

Gu Chuyan and Yao Rong went up to the second floor and came to the private room in the side hall. She whispered, "Bring me the detailed information of the members and the names of the contacts."

"Okay." The general manager listened, respectfully responded, and stepped back.

The waiter served the wine, Yao Rong took off his coat, sat on the sofa, propped his false face on his hands, looked at Gu Chuyan and said, "This is the bar that Xiao Dashen's friend gave you?"

"En." Gu Chuyan responded.

Yao Rong stepped forward, squeezed on the single sofa with Gu Chuyan, put his arms around her shoulders and asked, "Your God Xiao, who the hell is he? I feel super rich."

"I don't know about this." Gu Chuyan smiled and shook her head.

She really didn't know, and she didn't ask. But hearing them mention the Xiao family by chance, it seemed. . . Very mysterious!

"You!" Yao Rong stretched out his hand and poked her forehead: "You married a local tyrant and you don't know anything?"

The general manager brought the roster, Gu Chuyan looked through it, found Gu Miaoting's name, and the names she accepted, she laughed softly: "She really knows how to pick people."

Yao Rong stepped forward and looked at the people he came into contact with.

"Gu Miaoting is really amazing. If you say someone like her, who else would dare to ask for it?" Yao Rong said.

At this time, someone rushed forward, trying to get into the private room, but someone sneaked out and took him away. Gu Chuyan noticed this scene.

"Rong Rong, sit down for a while, I'll go out." Gu Chuyan whispered, she got up and walked out.

She made a detour to the corner and saw a black figure, she said, "What's going on?"

"Ma'am." The man listened and turned to face her respectfully, but he still stood in the dark without showing up, and just said: "Someone wants to make trouble."

Just as he finished speaking, he saw a person being lifted by him and fell towards Gu Chuyan's feet.

Gu Chuyan squatted down, reached out and took a tissue to wipe the blood on his face, and said in a low voice, "Who sent you to trouble me? As long as you tell me, I will send you to the hospital."

The man was in great pain, his mouth was crooked, and the saliva kept flowing out.

In the darkness, the man dodged, rushed forward, and twisted hard!

He only heard a "click", and the dislocated jaw was forcibly straightened by him. Before Gu Chuyan could see his face clearly, he saw the man disappearing into the dark.

Gu Chuyan looked at the corner where he disappeared, she chuckled lightly: "Are you so afraid of letting me see it?"

It's a pity that the members of the Xiao family's army had disappeared from her sight. She didn't even see what he looked like, but she couldn't help but admire the members of the Xiao family. They were first-rate in terms of kung fu and IQ.

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