New Story of Lv Bu

: : Night Talk between Lu Bu and his Son

Looking out of the window, the sun is about to set, reflecting a red cloud on the horizon. Lü Bu took out the fire fold, ignited the fire skillfully, lit the three giant candles in front of him, and the whole quiet room lit up in an instant.

"Gaz lamp has been developed by Gong Cao Zhuan. It is much brighter than candlelight, but the smell is too bad and the heat is not easy to grasp. I have never used it. But the brightness of the gas lamp is extremely high. The brightness of hundreds of candles is not a pity. Lu Mo and the others have already used it for mining. Lu An, sit down, today we father and son have a good chat and have a good time. Although you are only twelve years old this year , But there are some things you should know, and you should talk to you."

"Thank you father!" Lu An sat down, picked up the huge iron kettle, and filled his father with a bowl of herbal tea. Lu Bu picked up the tea bowl and drank it all in one go. "Tell me carefully, how did Lu Zheng go to the Western Regions? I read the letter he wrote and saw that the tone was written by himself. I have ordered Huang Zhong to lead the Tuqie to go to the Western Regions immediately."

"Father, the night before we set off, Lu Zheng quietly left me a letter and **** the surrounding sentries. Then he took his six hundred soldiers and escorted hundreds of vehicles. I rushed all the way to the Western Regions. In the letter, he said that he wanted to go to the Western Regions for some experience. Father, this is also because I didn’t take good care of him. After all, he is only nine years old! Ah!" When Lu Zheng was mentioned, Lu An immediately became uneasy.

"Lu An, don’t blame you for this, don’t take it to heart. He chased you all over the yard when he was five years old. How can you be his master? Let him go to the Western Regions to experience it. Old Sanjie is about to spoil him! I gave him the title of Tianxiong General, which is to make him toss in the west of the Western Regions. With Kangmanty in the Western Regions, he can't suffer!"

Lu Bu waved his hand and interrupted Lu An. "Gao Shun moved the army forward a thousand miles, from Wuwei County's Junzhi Guzang to Jiuquan County's Lufu County. The purpose is to Chen Bing border, as Lu Zheng's backing. With Gao Shun backing up, you will Wait and see, Lu Zheng will definitely be able to turn the countries west of the Western Regions to the sky! That kid is the one who fears that the world will not be chaotic!"

A wry smile appeared on Lu An's face when he thought of running around the yard when he was chased by Lu Zheng when he was a child. The children of ordinary people were still naughty at home when they were twelve or thirteen years old, but the children of the Lu family were already on the battlefield. This is the so-called "Heaven's Way, more than damages and deficiencies". This is the case of being born in a military family in a world of great controversy.

"Father, listening to your tone, it seems that you still want to go to the west?" Lu An asked with eyes wide open. "I fought hundreds of battles with the Xianbei people, and finally came up with a truth. That is the Hu people advocating power and strength, must knock them to the ground, and step on one foot to scare them. Only when you are convinced and convinced can there be real peace."

Lu Bu picked up the water bowl and drank a big sip of herbal tea before speaking. "The Dahan and the Qiang have fought for more than a hundred years, and after several wars, it was Duan Jiming who finally shot and killed the Qiang and won peace for decades. The first step is to appease, as long as you obey the orders of the Dahan. , If you are respectful, and if you are ordered to be careful, you will treat him as a big man."

"After these two hands are done, the last step is to marry. Whether for the Hu people or for the noble family, marriage is an extremely effective magic weapon. However, there is one most basic prerequisite for marriage. Stronger than the Hu people, much stronger, they will listen to you obediently and wear a crown such as'Khan of Heaven' or'Megatron of the World' on your head. At the time, Princess Adele was married to I, now Princess Linglong is married to you, that's all."

Hearing this, Lu An nodded, he seemed to understand a lot of things. "Father, do you agree with my marriage to Princess Ayiguli?" "Hahahaha!" Lu Bu smiled. "Lu An, you have to remember that marriage is only the continuation and extension of politics. A marriage is actually a political marriage. My marriage to Princess Adele made Dong Qiang regard me as Dong Qiang's son-in-law, just a son-in-law. That's it. For the Dongqiang people, Lu Zheng is their young master! If one day, Lu Zheng and I turn against each other, if I and Lu Zheng are of the same strength, the Dongqiang people will definitely stand on Lu Zheng's side. This is it. Don't help your relatives!"

Lu Bu's words seemed to be too straightforward. Lu An's chest and back suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly picked up a pu fan and pretended to fan it. "Lv Zheng, today I talked with you, Da Sima and his heirs are more composed, not all conversations between father and eldest son. Such words are cruel, maybe you still can't accept them, because these words There are a lot of intriguing things, and a lot of **** things! But ten years later, your perception will be completely different."

"As a brilliant politician and outstanding military strategist, he should be ruthless and unscrupulous to achieve his goals. For example, I am facing such a situation now, which is the most important? Which is the least? The most important thing is to smooth out the princes, ward off the barbarians, and calm the world. In order to accomplish this goal, feelings, family affection, and even you can all be sacrificed."

"The princes are divided and eye-catching. Therefore, I will try my best to unite all the forces that can be united and united, and twist these forces into a rope to achieve my goal. This is'gathering people's selfishness and making the world's merits.' '! Everyone has selfish motives, no officials, no wealth, who is willing to be under your command? Therefore, the warrior gives money, the literati gives the name, one hand is fame and fortune, the other hand is a knife, rushing forward to reward, backward to kill Head! Only in this way can Luo Zhiliang rule the famous officials and rule the world!"

Hearing this, Lu An excitedly shot the case, and said loudly: "Father, your handling, I had some complaints before, now it seems that I finally understand! You resisted public opinion and surrendered like the Xiliang Army. The notorious troops, and the Kwanxi Army, which has a slightly better reputation than them, even wanted to recruit Li Ru in order to'gather everyone's selfishness and make the world's meritorious'!"

"At this moment, Sili and Liangzhou are rough and ready to go, and the people are waiting to be fed, our foundation is not stable. In this case, instead of fighting with these troops, it is better to take them down and surrender them. , Let them fight other princes! Make their troops purer in the war, eliminate the dregs, and leave the essence. This is a big wave!"

"Hahahaha! Ruzi can be taught!" Lu Bu smiled with his palms. "Lu An, you must always remember, which is the most important? Which is the lighter? Which is the first? Which is the second? Only by following this order can you be invincible. Even the wise and talented Emperor Wu could not. Do whatever he wants! A field earthworm, he endured it for 20 years!"

"Therefore, the second sentence I want to tell you is:'Stop haste, be patient! You must endure loneliness, and hold back your anger. When the first emperor was in power, the Yuan family blatantly suppressed me, and the eunuchs demanded bribes from me. Qingliu think that our military power is too heavy, just because Xianbei is still there, as long as I am finished, millions of Xianbei cavalry can go south immediately! Your father, this great head on my head, thanks to the powerful enemy Xianbei, In order to be preserved! You will encounter such a thing in the future, so keep a clear head!"

"This third thing is related to scholars and employment. The world's talents are the best with both ability and political integrity. It's really not good. People who are talented but not virtuous can also be used. Cao Mengde put forward a slogan called'only talents.' I think it's good. Since Emperor Guangwu Emperor Shizu Guangwu, this dynasty has been a family of aristocrats, a world of famous families, and a world of talent. Because of the relationship between students and officials, some famous families have been collected by the family. Those who are talented but not virtuous are not rare in the family. Cao Mengde’s idea is theirs. In my opinion, it is a good idea! Cao Mengde wants to make an idea, and we have to make an idea too!"

"In front of you, this thing can only be done, not said, otherwise it will arouse Qingliu's resistance. Let us make a fortune in silence. There is one more thing, how to treat Qingliu, who has a big name, but does not Talents, lift them up high and let them enjoy their salary. Naturally, this thing can only be said that they cannot be done. If they are let go to the government, it will be like that side. If they are messed up, they have to look for it. Some capable people come to wipe their butts, but they may not be able to wipe them clean."

"Father, I understand. This is what Wang Situ said,'You should kill, but you can't kill it, you can't kill it!' Killing one is like stabbing a hornet's nest. There are endless troubles! Han Jizhou's case This is the biggest lesson. Dead Jizhou has made a living Jizhou notorious and embarrassed on all sides. How about leaving their lives and confessing it!"

Lu An's face was shining brightly, and the conversation that night was like a divine enlightenment, which immediately stunned him. It turns out that officialdom, officialdom, and politics are like this, all traces of which can be found. Such a thorough comprehension is hard-won. Presumably, my father had suffered a lot back then, how much anger he suffered, and how many blind eyes he had, and he had such a deep comprehension!

"Lu An, it's not enough to just make a confession, you have to be guided by kindness. In the clear stream, you can plant a brush. Zhao Qi and Ma Rixi are willing to do things, can do things, and can do good things. You must use them well and use their strengths. People like Bian are tainted and have some talents. If they can repent and change their mistakes, they can also become good ministers!"

Lü Bu raised his eyes and looked at Lu An kindly. The child finally got his body!

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