Never Fade Skull Flag

Chapter 88: Warriors from the Empire of the Sun

The heart of the ocean is a naturally occurring material with magical power, which contains enormous power. It takes hundreds of years for a piece of ocean to produce one. Because its shape resembles a heart, it is called the heart of the ocean.

According to legend, the top of the scepter of the **** of the ocean is inlaid with a heart of the ocean, which can command the waves and make thousands of giant beasts surrender.

To fight against those who have the heart of the ocean is to fight against the ocean.

That's why Zach is so eager.

If Zach gets the Heart of the Ocean in the Storm Sea, then in the Storm Sea, there is no ship that can only threaten him.

He can use the power of storms and waves to deal the deadliest blow to the enemy.

Although the legend about the Heart of the Ocean has only appeared a few times, its name has already spread among the pirate circles. As long as they are a little knowledgeable pirates, they all know the wonders of the Heart of the Ocean.

More than half a year ago, when the navy sailboats of the Eagle Empire were escorting the route in the stormy sea area, they encountered a big storm. After the storm passed, the navy found an isolated island nearby.

There were no natives on the isolated island, so the navy rested and adjusted at sea, but when night fell, the ocean in front of them emitted a misty blue light.

To their surprise, with the generation of blue light, many huge quasi-legendary sea beasts appeared in the depths of the ocean.

The navy chief soon discovered that these sea beasts were attracted by blue light, but they were afraid of something and did not dare to approach.

It was not until the early morning of the next day that the blue light disappeared and the sea beasts reluctantly left. This strange phenomenon caught the attention of the naval officer.

He immediately thought of the legendary Heart of the Ocean, so he sent the soldiers into the sea to look for it, but found nothing.

For several days, the sea beasts would be attracted by the light every night, but the navy still found nothing, there was no way, the navy chief had to leave a team of seamen to guard the island, and he took some other soldiers back to the port.

The news about the heart of the ocean was set as top secret. The navy explored several times and found that the heart of the ocean had not been fully formed, so they arranged for several ships to stay there.

Because the heart of the ocean must be firmly in the hands of the Imperial Navy, Admiral Jervis wanted to clear all the pirates in the Stormwind Sea.

But because the other nobles were afraid of being too loud and attracting the attention of other pirates, they planned to use some tricks to make them kill each other by taking advantage of the feud between the Black Dragon and the Goddess of Despair.

However, the Black Dragon accidentally got news of the Heart of the Ocean while looting the naval ships, which led to the following series of events.

After Zach told Ander what he was about to tell, he found two people to send Ander to the Pirate Alliance and handed it over to Freeman.

On the other hand, he went to find Bibabu and the other crew members. After arranging everything, he prepared to take some reliable crew members to go to the treasure of the Goddess of Despair, which took more than half a month. time.

In this way, Andy has more than half a month of free time, allowing him to do his own thing.

Because she was frightened yesterday, Boomer has been a little absent-minded, always sneaking to the backyard, staring at the wall where Andy jumped in, not knowing what she was thinking.

Although she told Andler about it, and Andler told her that she was dreaming, the dream was too real.

Margaret may have been drunk too much by the pirate uncle Frank yesterday, and she is still sleeping soundly. It's almost afternoon, but she doesn't look like she wants to wake up.

Andy, who has nothing to do, plans to go out for a walk. He has been here for two days, but he has not yet visited the famous Viking Harbor.

Dirty alleys and pirates full of alcohol. It seems that all pirate ports are like this. In front of him, a drunk pirate ran over to him, and Andy could smell his alcohol from a distance.

He kicked the pirate aside with a clean kick, and Andy clapped his hands with satisfaction. This was what he learned from Captain Zach.

There is a crossroad not far away, the road there is relatively wide, there are various shops on both sides, and many pirates gather there.

Andy walked over and found a gold coin bounty posted on it.

The Blue Nose took out ten gold coins to find a black-robed man who was suspected of being a wizard. Anyone who could provide useful clues would get ten gold coins.

The surrounding pirates talked to each other, mostly saying that it would be nice if they knew where the wizard was.

Some pirates are sighing and guessing how much money the Blue Nose has, and they are willing to spend ten gold coins to find someone.

Andy had nothing to do, so he simply found a clean place to sit next to him and listened to the pirates tell the secrets they knew.

Soon, a figure familiar to Andy squeezed in, read the words on the reward order, and said a few words in the ears of the crew of the Blue Nose was taken away by the pirates and sent to on board.

Andy was stunned. He knew that person, the owner of a clothing store.

But he wasn't very worried. After all, he covered his face with witchcraft and changed his voice, so he wasn't afraid that someone would recognize him.

It's just that this old tailor should be very sensitive to other people's bodies, which makes Andy a little nervous, but there is no way. He hasn't reached the level where he can change his body at will.

In fact, Andy doesn't have to worry at all. Those pirates who have seen him have already taken the money and fled, and the one who didn't escape was used as a punching bag by the blue nose and hung on the mast to expose to the sun. At this time, he was almost dehydrated and had no energy to go. Recognize what body shape.

After sitting for a while, Andy felt a little bored, so he went to the place in Viking Harbor specially for pirates to recruit crew members.

It is quite lively here, and it is much larger than the scale of recruiting pirates in Port Louis.

Because every time the pirates go out to sea, there will be more or less casualties, even if it is a ship as strong as the Black Dragon and the Goddess of Despair, so there are many sailors who are really good here, just to find a chance to join those big ships. .

Due to the departure of the bosun and some of the crew members, the Blue Nose is also recruiting people here today. The pirates have been unable to drain the water around here, and they all broke their heads and wanted to join.

Andy also squeezed in. When he saw the situation in the arena, his eyes could not help flashing.

There was a strangely dressed oriental man in the field. The front of his head was shaved off, leaving a strange tress.

He recognized this head shape. It was the martial arts hairstyle of the Eastern Sun Empire. The person in front of him was a samurai sailor from the Sun Empire!

Andy narrowed his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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