In the afternoon of getting the NO20 position, because it was independent training, Chiba held a racket for his own special training, and then played a training match with Yue Zhi and Mitsu Valley, which didn't make him feel anything different except for a little eye-catching, until another day passed, and the physical training in the morning finally made him feel the baptism of U17.


At 11 o'clock in the morning, the collective physical training of all the people in the first army ended, and the next hour was the self-physical training.

Chiba hugged the trash can and began to vomit, and the other people next to him were talking and laughing in a low voice, seeing Chiba's appearance, they were like seeing themselves at the beginning, the training of the first army was not so easy to stick to, think how many of them didn't vomit when they first entered the U17?

Those who came up from the bench were a little bit better, and the cycle was gradual. But the players who directly entered the first army trained twice as much as when they were in middle school, which almost made them unbearable.

If it weren't for the fact that no one was willing to retreat like this, I'm afraid that many people would be forced to retreat by this amount of training, many of them barely adapted to it after almost two weeks, until now they have gradually adapted to the level of this training, and their strength has also increased rapidly during this time.

However, there was no sarcasm in their laughter, Chiba was only on the first day of this kind of training, and he was able to not pull down at all during training, and that alone was able to surpass most of them.

"Are you alright?"

Mitsuya stood behind Chiba and waited until Chiba had finished spitting before handing over a tissue.

"It's fine. "

Chiba took it and wiped his mouth, and then started his own training again, he didn't pay attention to the other people's chuckles, he could feel that there was no malice in those laughs.

Although his overall strength has made a qualitative leap since the end of the first year of the country, the increase in his physical fitness is not very obvious, and his basic strength seems to have fallen into a bottleneck, and this kind of planned and systematic scientific training is what he needs most now!

Before, he also knew what he needed, but without the guidance of a professional, he didn't dare to practice so crazy, in case he accidentally practiced his body, then he would have no place to cry.

"What are you looking at? Don't start training yet!"

Byodoin glanced at the others, and let out a low roar, and everyone was agitated and hurriedly trained.

Not to mention the rest, if they can't even compare to a kid who has just received training, then they will be embarrassed!

Monitoring room.

"What do you two think?"

Kurobe said to the two beside him.

"It doesn't seem to be arrogant.,It's a bit similar to a ghost in this regard.,Although it's strong, it won't come out.。 Saito, as a spiritual coach, rubbed his chin and analyzed what Chiba's specific personality was.

"Judging from his information, he shouldn't vomit. "

Tuozhi's face was a little unanswered, Chiba's detailed information had been collected by their staff yesterday, although the training volume of the first army was huge, but the foundation laid by Chiba was very solid, this kind of training would make Chiba very sad, but it shouldn't be practiced directly to vomit.

As a strength and conditioning coach, he knows this all too well.

"Since he doesn't react, then we don't have to worry so much, as long as he is not so resistant to the training of the first army, then everything is easy to say, starting tomorrow afternoon, arrange a challenge for this kid, once every three days, and see how far he can go in the remaining twenty days!"

Kurobe doesn't care much about training, he cares about Chiba's opinion of the U17s, and as long as Chiba doesn't have any problems in this regard, then everything is easy to say.

Time flies, and more than half a month has passed.

Chiba has also completely adapted to the training of the first army during this time, and the muscles in his body have gradually increased, if he suddenly appears in front of the traces and others at this time, they will find that their own minister seems to have grown a little stronger.

During this period of time, Chiba has played five challenges, from the beginning of the NO20 position, challenging NO19, and then skipping the challenge, and now directly to the NO11 position.

The players who were defeated by Chiba were not unwilling, and they who had fully adapted to the U17 rules understood that strength is everything here!

For example, Chiba is a very obvious example.,Originally, this kind of thing to arrange a challenge for Chiba alone.,But those coaches who put the rules on their lips every day not only didn't say anything.,And took the initiative to launch this so-called challenge.。

This has vividly demonstrated the rule that strength is king.

"Senpai, I'll challenge you tomorrow. "

Chiba whispered a word as he trained beside Yue Zhi.

"Hmm. "

Yue Zhi nodded and continued to train, without asking or saying anything.

Half a month, let Chiba feel the changes in the strength of these players in the U17, such as Mitsu Valley, their strength has grown very rapidly, and his basic strength has not increased much, when he didn't use that kind of trick and state, he felt a lot of pressure when he challenged NO13's Date boy, and even more so when he challenged NO11.

Chiba, who knows where his weaknesses are now, did not challenge players such as Byodoin Tanejima in one go, but chose to fight step by step, and fighting against players of different styles and strengths can consolidate his foundation more solidly. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - receive

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