Necromantic Myth

Chapter 11 E-Planet Ninety-six

Planet E-96 is a planet located at the edge of the entire battlefield.

This planet is an independent planet. The planet has a configuration of two stars and four satellites. The huge planet directly revolves around the two stars in a figure-of-eight pattern, while the four satellites revolve around the planet.

So there is almost no night on this planet. The four satellites are usually hidden behind the sky, and ordinary people can't see the satellites at all.

But that is for the people on this planet. Liu Zhi and his party consist of 300 people, and they are seeing this planet E-96 from space at this time.

After determining where he was going, Liu Zhi was called to the edge of the square.

Originally, Liu Zhi thought that he would see something like a teleportation array, but he never imagined that he would end up on a spaceship that seemed to have a high technological content.

This spaceship is full of modern atmosphere. The entire spaceship looks like the style of American imperialism. The periphery is all steel, but it doesn't have that kind of silly, black and thick feeling.

On the contrary, there is a feeling that future technology will definitely develop in this way.

After seeing the spaceship, some people in the crowd talked about it, but some people didn't respond at all. From this point, we can see the difference between novices and veterans.

Liu Zhi noticed that all the three hundred people who came this time were going to planet E-96.

Among these people, there are players from various factions. There are not many players belonging to the undead faction. There are seven or eight players in total. There are also some players from the druid side. It seems that there are about twenty players in total.

Most of them are shooters. They wear black space suits, some wear exoskeleton mechs, and carry heavy firepower weapons in their hands. From the emblems on their bodies, it can be seen that they come from three different forces. shooter.

At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that among the 300 people, only among these three shooter forces, there are masters above level 5 and below level 10, and the number is about 30 people, and the rest are all like him Cannon fodder players below level 5.

Upon seeing such a situation, Liu Zhi had some guesses in his mind.

Is the E-96 planet they are going to be far away from the main battlefield, where no one pays attention, so they send such a cannon fodder group there?

But when they got on the spaceship, Liu Zhi's thoughts changed.

Those masters above level 5 and below level 10 called everyone together and explained how to deal with it after arriving on planet E-96.

As Ryuji discovered, the shooters came from three different factions.

They have already allocated planet E-96, so the casual players who do not belong to the three forces, whether they come from other forces or have not joined any forces, are excluded.

There are several positions on the planet E-96 reserved for these casual players. At the same time, the attack and guard work on the four satellites is also carried out by casual players.

Hearing their arrangement, Liu Zhi was not happy. In fact, when he first entered this big world, he was not in a good mood.

For the first time, he felt that among the players, he was still a younger brother. Although he was in the game, sometimes he could really fight off some players, and he also had his own demiplane.

But when he really encountered such a big scene, his strength was still somewhat lacking.

If he's really capable, he can go right back when Summerfield throws him here.

If he is really capable, when the three forces distribute the territory, he can jump out and say that I want a better territory.

But now, Liu Zhi could only take Vidnina and the others to stand at a relatively rear position, showing his incompatibility with those three forces.

But so what if they don't cooperate, the three forces add up to 30 players above level 5, and they can directly kill all the remaining players in front of them.

If planet E-96 is not too big and there are too many places to defend, there would be no place for cannon fodder players like Liu Zhi and the others.

After arranging the defensive positions of their respective forces, a player in Jizhong who seemed to be around level 8 stood up.

"The rest of you come here to draw lots. Guard wherever you draw. Don't say I don't give you benefits. Several of them are key defensive positions."

As he said this, he took out a bunch of paper balls and waved at the casual players who did not belong to their faction.

Just as Liu Zhi was about to step forward, a team of five players stood up.

One of the players said: "The five of us are in the same team. Is there a place for us to join together?"

"You draw lots, and I'll make adjustments for you after the draw."

As soon as the player heard it, he stepped forward to draw one.

Liu Zhi saw that on the virtual map of the lobby, as the player pulled out a note, there was an additional location marked in red.

"The position you have drawn is not bad. It is near the seaside. Then I will assign you four positions near here. There are five of you in total. You must keep all five positions."

With the first place, the next thing is much simpler, other casual players go forward in twos and threes to draw their own positions.

Some people were drawn to positions closer to the three major forces, while others were drawn to the defensive battle on the satellite.

Liu Zhi didn't wait until the end, nor did he get closer to the front. He mixed in the crowd and got his own task slot.

It is located on the main star of planet E-96, which is relatively close to the sea. From the map, it can be seen that this place should have been a canyon. Later, the terrain should have changed, and the sea submerged here.

At the same time, some civilizations that were originally here were also submerged. From the map, it can be seen that some tall buildings are still soaked in the water.

Regarding Liu Zhi's requirements, the three forces are relatively simple. The reason why they have specially designated this location is because there is a kind of Unobtanium ore underwater.

It is a rare room-temperature superconductor, has a peculiar magnetic field, and is also an important energy stone.

Players can use this to open the spring water behind the square in exchange for trusted materials. The Zerg make a living from this, and the NPC forces that help players guard together need this ore to develop their own technology.

It can be said that the war on this rather special ore is the key to this big world, otherwise this big world can tolerate even the undead, and there is no reason why it cannot tolerate such a force as the Zerg.

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