Holy Light Group Healing!! ——

A golden aura appeared above Borusalino’s head, and a series of holy lights bloomed out of this aura, and then fell around like weeping willows

Sprinkled on the naval fleet below.

The golden light fell on the wounded naval soldiers, whose faces suddenly improved at a speed visible to the naked eye!!!

Look at the shell sputtering damage they received, lightning damage, and so on…

They are also healing at a certain rate.

“Ah! My arm!! ”

“My head was chopped by the lightning just now, and I actually grew new skin!!”

“My injuries are healing too! The single piece of the shell exploded and cut my bellicose cover open, I didn’t expect to be able to stand up again!! ”

“It was The Yellow Ape General who saved us!!”

“Long live the Yellow Ape General!!”


The wounded naval soldiers shouted excitedly.

The rest of the wounded, who had already been transported into the cabin, learned of the situation at this time and all rushed to the deck.

The holy light continued for a while, until the wounds of these naval soldiers were basically healed before slowly disappearing.

[Bista: The ability of the yellow ape can even heal!! The healing power of that Holy Light is so strong!! 】

[X Drake: If I remember correctly, the little people who just saw Dressrosa in the inventory screen have a person with the ability to heal fruits, and she can also treat the wounded in a large area in the form of sowing. It’s just that…, this healing ability and effect of the Yellow Ape General seems to be even stronger!!! 】

[Wang Zhi: Things have suddenly become different!] With the ability of the yellow ape, the overall combat effectiveness of the navy will be greatly improved!! 】

[Charlotte Lingling: It’s a good ability!! If you can get the old woman, won’t the old woman be invincible! 】

[Kuzan: The healing effect is so strong! It seems that in this war, our navy has a very high chance of winning! 】

[Plus: Such a strong ability, we didn’t even know it beforehand! 】

[Weasel: Obviously, this is the marshal who deliberately let the yellow ape general hide. Otherwise, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates Will Know, and Maybe They Won’t Dare to Come ~~]

Doberman: Hahaha! Reasonable!! 】

In the live broadcast screen ~~~

After using the Holy Light Group Self-Healing Technique to heal the Navy people, Borussalino spread his hands to Marko, “Oh! This time I’m not here to fight~~”


Marko skimmed his lips.

By this time, the Thousand Mile Sun had galloped from the sea and had come to a place alongside the Moby Dick.

“Gollum La La La La!! Straw Hat Boy, here you come!! ”

Tilting his head to look at the Thousand Mile Sunshine on the left, the white-bearded cheerful opening.

Luffy also turned his head to look over, revealing a mouthful of large white teeth: “Hey! Uncle Whitebeard, it seems you need our help!! ”

“Hahahahaha!! If you say this, the old man has no way to refute it. ”

Whitebeard smiled, and then he asked, “So tell me, how are you going to help us break through the Navy’s defenses?” ”

“Huh!? Are you talking about these warships in front of you? ”

Luffy tilted his head, looked in the direction of crescent harbor, and pointed his finger.

“That’s right!! Don’t underestimate these naval warships, these are the most advanced technology of the Navy to build warships, under the command of the Warring States, their power can not be underestimated!! ”

Above deck, Marko flapped his flaming wings, and Then Luffy answered.

“This is simple, our ship is in front, you just follow!”

Understated words came out of Luffy’s mouth.

Then, he raised his hands, clenched them into fists, and shouted: “Target execution table, go!” ”

“Yes! Captain!! ——”

Standing at the front of the deck, French posed as a superhuman flying man and shouted, “Super!! ——”

Subsequently, the Thousand Mile Sunshine launched a large horsepower and went straight to the crescent harbor in front of it.

“Hey hey hey!! Straw Hat Boy is really just doing it!! Blenheim’s eyes widened in amazement.

Obviously, he just casually said a word to his father, how could he really rush past?

Ezra also quickly reminded, “Ah! Old man, the Straw Hat Pirates are already on!! ”

Speaking of which, even Whitebeard did not expect that Luffy would do things so fiercely!!!

Before he could even react, the pirate ship had already rushed up.

“All the Whitebeard Pirates obeyed the order and accelerated!! Give the Straw Hat Pirates a guard!! ”

Whitebeard is not the kind of guy who likes to hide behind others

He actually just wanted to joke with Luffy, but he didn’t expect Luffy to joke at all.

This time, it made him look very ugly ~ ~ ~ ~ After all, as the strongest man in the world, it is really humiliating to have a small pirate group that has just been out of the sea for less than a few months!!!

Seeing the pirate ship of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment directly reckless, Sakarsky’s eyes flashed a glint of essence!!

“All shore guns and naval guns!! Target the Straw Hat Pirates, sink them at all costs!! ”

Sakarski gave the order loudly without hesitation.

On the execution table, the Warring States face was slightly unhappy!!!

Although there is nothing wrong with the admiral’s order on the spot, he is still at the scene as a marshal!!

Sakarsky’s actions would obviously embarrass the Admiral.

However, the Warring States had little objection to Sakarsky’s orders.

Because even if Sakasky did not give this order, he would have given it to the Warring States.

“Pay attention to turning the gun head, concentrating the fire, and shelling the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment!!”


“Destroy the Straw Hat Pirates!!”


Watching the Thousand Mile Sunshine getting closer and closer, the gun muzzles on the Navy warships were all adjusted at an angle.

In addition, the Thousand Mile Sunshine also entered the range of the land-based shore gun on the harbor battle platform!!



Boom boom!!!

Thousands of shells suddenly burst out of their muzzles and rushed into the sky, drawing fiery red tail flames!!

One of the perspectives in the live broadcast is Luffy’s vision.

Standing on the deck of the Thousand Mile Sunshine, from Luffy’s angle, you can see the shells landing in the sky!!

It was even denser than the rain!! ‘

“This… This…, too much of an exaggeration!! ”

“So many shells, even the Moby Dick, will be destroyed?”

“The Straw Hat Pirates are finished!!”

“Yeah, it’s not just about seeing so much! You see in the sky, the shells didn’t arrive at the same time, it was a continuous bombardment!! ”

“Yes! Even Whitebeard could only destroy these shells layer by layer, and it was not necessarily possible to prevent them all. ”

“This is really incomprehensible!”


Everyone thinks that the Thousand Mile Sunshine is going to be sent!!


On the deck of the Thousand Mile Sunshine, the crew of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment was indeed calm.

I saw Lu Fei take a step forward.

“Rubber rubber balloons!! ——”

He threw his arms together!

My stomach bulged all at once!!

Duang!! ——

The first wave of falling shells, when it hit Luffy’s belly, suddenly sunk into it~ ~ ~ ~ Subsequently……

Bang bang bang bang !!! ——

All pop up!!

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