National GGG

Chapter 98 Song Haoqiang and Solanum nigrum (2)

Solanum nigrum was quite passive because of its rout-like evasion in the ring, and was given a warning by the referee. This made Solanum nigrum restrain temporarily, and began to fight some counter attacks to control Song Haoqiang, instead of just rout blindly.

In fact, Solanum nigrum played very smartly. He knew that if he played passively, he would be warned by the referee, and even points would be deducted, but it was better than being directly knocked down by Song Haoqiang.

Solanum nigrum was blocked by Song Haoqiang for a burst of attack just now, and Song Haoqiang received two heavy punches, an uppercut and a straight back punch.

These two heavy punches were relatively strong, which had a great impact on Solanum nigrum's game state, so he used this passive style of play just now to buy himself time to recover.

After avoiding the battle just now, Solanum nigrum has recovered to a certain extent, so even if the referee gave him a warning at this time, his passive response has gained enough breathing room, and the strategy has worked.

Solanum nigrum began to face Song Haoqiang head-on, no longer blindly evading, but began to take the initiative to fight back.

Song Haoqiang on the other side saw that Solanum nigrum was no longer dodging, so he naturally wanted it, and immediately prepared to press up and attack in the middle distance.

Many audience members, including Wang Hao, were watching intently. They knew that Solanum nigrum was very strong, but Song Haoqiang was so powerful that Solanum nigrum could hardly be Song Haoqiang's opponent.

Although Solanum nigrum has gained some breath, the situation is still passive, so they are very curious now, wanting to see if Song Haoqiang is capable of ending the game in this round.

And it has been nearly two minutes since the start of this round.

Without hesitation, Song Haoqiang pressed forward with great strides, and the uppercuts of his left and right hands were powerful enough to hit Solanum nigrum.

Solanum nigrum also took a good opportunity and found a gap in Song Haoqiang's gap, and hit Song Haoqiang with a forehand punch.

However, this counter attack didn't seem to have any effect. Song Haoqiang didn't seem to have received a punch, and continued to press forward to suppress the attack, while Solanum nigrum naturally retreated quickly.

But now Solanum nigrum's way of retreating is very different from the way of retreating when he was defeated and evaded just now. He is now fighting while retreating, and fighting while retreating.

If Solanum nigrum's technical ability and speed can be much higher than Song Haoqiang's, even if there is a considerable disadvantage in confrontation ability, this attacking style can still achieve good results.

It's a pity that Solanum nigrum's technical ability and speed are not much stronger than Song Haoqiang, or even slightly worse.

In the process of retreating, Solanum nigrum was clearly hit by Song Haoqiang with a left hand swing!

Solanum nigrum retreated quickly, and fought hard to stop Song Haoqiang's attack.

In the process of advancing and retreating, the nightshade unknowingly retreated to the side of the rope again.

Just now Solanum nigrum was hit by Song Haoqiang twice at the edge of the rope, nearly knocked down to the ground, and escaped in a gap.

Now that Solanum nigrum was once again surrounded by Song Haoqiang, the audience around the boxing ring held their breath and watched intently, wondering if Solanum solanum could withstand this wave of attacks, and whether there was any good way to defuse it.

Solanum nigrum was very passive with his back against the rope. He tried to find opportunities to break through on the left and right sides, but they were all blocked by Song Haoqiang's punches. ribs.

One is to reduce the state and defense ability of Solanum nigrum by hitting, and the other is to tell Solanum nigrum that the left and right sides have been controlled, and if they want to break through, they must be hit from both sides.

Solanum nigrum tried to attack as much as possible, swayed frantically, and dodged Song Haoqiang's attack, and his movements were a little deformed.

Because Solanum nigrum lacks good rope-encircling skills, the speed of this kind of evasion is not fast enough, and soon Song Haoqiang hit another straight punch, followed by Song Haoqiang hit a left uppercut .

Song Haoqiang crazily attacked like a wild beast,

These two punches were so heavy that Solanum nigrum fell into a brief coma in an instant.

This kind of consciousness coma may be very short, only a second or two, but it is enough for an expert like Song Haoqiang. When Solanum nigrum was in a brief coma, Song Haoqiang seized the opportunity and hit again. Solanum nigrum hit two heavy punches, solanum nigrum couldn't support it and fell to the ground.

The referee on the field rushed up, stopped Song Haoqiang, and prevented him from continuing to attack, and at the same time began to count down the time for Solanum nigrum

At this time, the first round of the match between Solanum nigrum and Song Haoqiang has been going on for more than two minutes. If Solanum nigrum can stand up, maybe it can last until the end of the first round. It's over.

Solanum nigrum landed on one knee, half kneeling on the ground, watching the referee count the seconds with his eyes straight.

Solanum nigrum's head was buzzing now, and everything in the world seemed to be isolated from him, except the referee's countdown sounded in his ears.

The sound of the referee's countdown sounded in Solanum nigrum's mind, as if the sound of a heavy bell rang on the peaceful plain, hitting Solanum solanum's heart directly.







The referee counts the seconds.

Solanum nigrum is very young, and its physical recovery ability is also quite good. Although Song Haoqiang took four heavy punches in a row, when the referee counted to six, Solanum nigrum's consciousness has recovered, but he is very experienced. He also waited until the referee counted to nine before quickly standing up from the ground.

Although there was only an extra three seconds of rest, for boxing, when an athlete is passive, one or two seconds is very critical. If you can strive for more rest, you can strive for more rest. He also showed his rich experience in the game. Facing a strong player like Song Haoqiang, he did not blindly show that he could continue the game, but delayed as much as possible.

Solanum nigrum stood up straight, and the referee asked Solanum nigrum whether he wanted to continue the game. Solanum nigrum nodded and indicated that he could continue the game.

The referee stretched out a finger and asked Solanum nigrum, "How much is this?"

Solanum nigrum quickly answered the referee correctly.

The referee on the court nodded, knowing that Solanum nigrum could continue the game, he signaled for the game to continue.

At this time, the coach of Solanum nigrum also spoke up, saying: "Fight more counterattacks! Pay attention to defense! There are more than 30 seconds left, stick to this round!"

It can be seen that for the coach of Solanum nigrum, as long as Solanum nigrum can last this round, it is a small victory to drag the game into the second round.

Because the situation and state of Solanum nigrum is indeed very passive now, the top priority is not to be knocked down again by Song Haoqiang's heavy punch, and it is quite good to be able to persist in finishing the game in the next 30 seconds.

However, in Wang Hao's view, the tactical arrangement of Solanum nigrum's coach is actually meaningless, because Solanum nigrum does not know how to fight, and he is also doing his best to fight, but due to insufficient speed and strength, there is no way to contain Song Haoqiang Therefore, they can only fall into passive defense.

Of course, this is indeed the reason why Song Haoqiang's offensive ability and fighting ability are very abnormal. This is why Solanum nigrum, an experienced traditional fighter, can persist for such a long time. If he were replaced by other boxers, he might have been terminated long ago.

With thirty seconds left in the first round, the two continued to play.

Song Haoqiang is naturally very experienced. He rushed up quickly and continued to attack Solanum nigrum. The opponent had just suffered a serious injury and could not recover completely after ten seconds. Naturally, Song Haoqiang would not miss this opportunity.

Song Haoqiang quickly suppressed it, and Solanum nigrum retreated quickly, and retreated to the side of the rope after only a few steps.

Solanum nigrum was very alert, like an electric shock. Before Song Haoqiang pressed up to block the paths on both sides, Solanum nigrum quickly jumped out from the left side, left the side of the rope, and moved to the open space on the other side of the ring. place.

Solanum nigrum obviously entered a state of passive defense again. At this time, it depends on Song Haoqiang's ability to control the ring, whether he can catch Solanum nigrum.

Song Haoqiang quickly followed Solanum nigrum, and first took a long stride and punched Solanum nigrum with a right hand swing, hitting Solanum nigrum on the shoulder.

The nightshade that was hit just now is very weak at this time. Song Haoqiang's punch is very powerful. Although it is not enough to knock down the nightshade directly, the nightshade has also endured a great impact of force. Aoi felt that her left shoulder was about to dislocate.

Solanum nigrum retreated involuntarily, and was surrounded by the rope again.

Song Haoqiang seized the opportunity and charged forward without reservation, hitting with powerful uppercuts with his left and right hands.

At this time, Solanum nigrum didn't have many counter punches, and seeing that the paths on the left and right sides couldn't escape, he quickly evaded.

However, due to the weakness of the body, Solanum nigrum's shaking and avoiding movements were actually very slow at this time, and the effect was not good. Song Haoqiang soon hit Solanum nigrum with several heavy punches again.

With an uppercut with his right hand, a flat uppercut with his left hand, and a straight fist with his right hand, Song Haoqiang landed three heavy punches in a row, hitting Solanum nigrum with precision on the head and body.

Solanum nigrum, who was already very weak, couldn't hold on anymore, his body went limp, and he fell to the ground again.

The experienced referee was already on the sidelines. Seeing this, he hurriedly separated the two of them and began to count the seconds for Solanum nigrum.

This is the second time that Solanum nigrum has been counted down in the first round, and only half a minute has passed since the last countdown.








However, the state of Solanum nigrum this time is completely different from last time, because it was the second time it was knocked down, so Solanum nigrum was knocked down again by Song Haoqiang on an already weak basis, the recovery time he needed longer.

After being knocked down last time, Solanum nigrum recovered in six seconds. This round, when the referee counted to "nine", Solanum solanum quickly stood up, but in fact he had not fully recovered.

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