National GGG

Chapter 30: Beaten and declined (1)

Wang Hao's punch was very heavy. The back hand in front of him didn't actually exert much force. This punch did use the strength of his legs and waist. It was the heaviest punch Wang Hao punched this round, and it was worthwhile. Hair, firmly hit Xie Yijue on the jaw.

Xie Yijue felt as if he was suddenly hit by a hammer flying in front of him while riding a bicycle. The moment he was hit, his face was deformed, nosebleeds also sprayed out in the direction of the attack force, and he staggered sideways for several times. Only after taking a few steps did he stabilize his figure, relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, he did not fall to the ground.

Wang Hao didn't pursue either, so he finally found a partner to practice, so naturally he had to practice hard. If he went up and attacked for a while, taking advantage of the short-term short-circuit of the opponent's consciousness, Wang Hao was very sure that he could knock down Xie Yijue once, but that would be It is possible to injure Xie Yijue, of course, it is nothing to injure, the key is that it will affect Wang Hao's actual combat training later. So Wang Hao still intends to keep going.

Xie Yijue grinned and stood firm. He was very angry and wanted to rush up to fight back, but he had no strength, so he could only clenched his fists obediently to defend.

Wang Hao stepped forward and began to test with jabs, practicing to find the openings in the opponent's embrace. Suddenly, he made an uppercut with his front hand, and hit it from the gap under Xie Yizhen's boxing. On Yijue's right cheek, Xie Yijue backed away with difficulty.

At this moment, the alarm clock rang, and the three-minute game time for the first round was up.

Wang Hao and Xie Yijue went back to their corners to rest, Wang Hao was in the southeast corner and Xie Yijue was in the northwest corner.

When boxers in Taishan Boxing Club fight in actual combat, they basically use an alarm clock to time the time, so that there is no need to arrange someone to time the time. The disadvantage is that there is no reminder of the ten seconds before the end of the round.

Xie Yijue panted heavily in the corner like an old scalper. He wiped his nosebleed and looked at the large bloodstains on the towel, feeling depressed. The way the game unfolded was completely different from what he had imagined.

He knew that there was a gap in skills between himself and Wang Hao, but he believed that he could defeat Wang Hao through a fierce attack, because the weight difference between the two of them was more than ten kilograms after all. With this huge gap, Xie Yijue thought that as long as he could hit Wang Hao firmly One or two punches can end the game.

Unexpectedly, my initial attack was strong enough, but I didn't hit Wang Hao with a single punch, and I used up my little physical strength too early.

Xie Yijue decided to be flexible this round. He decided to conserve his strength and focus on defensive counterattacks.

Wang Hao also summed up the first round on the opposite side. Practicing with Xie Yi allowed him to familiarize himself with the technique to his heart's content. Although he hit a lot, the opponent was rough and fleshy, able to carry and not so easy to get injured. This is Wang Hao's relative satisfaction. The place.

In the last round, he first practiced defense and counterattack when the opponent was aggressively attacking. Then in the middle range, when the opponent's physical strength was exhausted, Wang Hao began to combine offense and defense, looking for opportunities to hit the opponent hard. Under the dual pressure of excessive physical exertion and Wang Hao's blows, he was already quite exhausted, so Wang Hao brought up the rhythm of attack and dealt a heavy blow to Xie Yijue, almost knocking him down.

In the next round, Wang Hao also plans to adapt to local conditions. First, he will see how Xie Yijue fights, and he will adjust according to the opponent's strategy. By destroying the opponent's strategy or making the opponent's strategy fail to achieve his goal, he will gain the initiative. This is the advantage of having obvious advantages in technology and speed. As long as you don't face head-on, you can win whatever you want.

The second round was about to start, and before the time came, Wang Hao had already stood up, set the alarm clock for the next round, and couldn't wait to start the game.

"Three minutes, don't set too much." Seeing Wang Hao setting the alarm clock for the next round, Xie Yijue yelled.

He was physically weak, and wished Wang Hao could set a round to two minutes, but he couldn't say it.

You really have to judge others by yourself!

Wang Hao was speechless, picked up the alarm clock and showed it to Xie Yijuan.

At the beginning of the second round, the two stood in the middle of the boxing ring. Wang Hao trotted over quickly, while Xie Yijue walked slowly step by step. Wang Hao was punched down.

At the beginning of the round, Xie Yijue took the initiative to punch a few times. Wang Hao fought too hard in the second half of the last round. He had to control Wang Hao's offensive, otherwise he might not be able to last this round.

After punching a few times, Xie Yijue began to focus on defense.

When Wang Hao saw it, he also understood the opponent's strategy. He knew that Xie Yijuan did not dare to charge and attack for a long time like the previous round. It seemed that he wanted to save energy and play a defensive counterattack.

It doesn't matter, how you want to play, I will break your style of play.

Wang Hao said with a smile in his heart, speeding up his attack while paying attention to the opponent's backhand and swinging punches.

Through the first round of the competition, Wang Hao found that Xie Yijue punched more and his technique was relatively good, but the uppercut was really not in place, and he threw out a few times occasionally, and his movements were deformed and slow.

Moreover, Wang Hao didn't intend to fight the opponent at close range, so he didn't have to pay special attention to the opponent's uppercut.

Try switching between left and right, Wang Hao thought to himself.

Like most people, he is a right-hand boxer, that is, when punching, the left foot is in front, the right foot is behind the right hand, the left hand jabs, and the right hand hits the backhand.

Compared with the vast majority of right-style boxers, there are still some left-style boxers, which are often called left-handers. When they punch, their right foot is in front, left foot behind, and their right hand punches the front hand. And the backhand fist, which is the trump card, is struck by the left hand.

Right-handed boxers face right-handed boxers most of the time, and they are trained in such a targeted manner during training, often forming a deep habit. When they suddenly meet a left-handed boxer in a match, they don’t know how to fight. , often very passive.

For example, you have always been used to your opponent’s jab coming from your front right, and your backhand coming from your left front. Your defense and your square punch are all trained according to this routine. Your front left jab, your front right backhand, and your jab against you will leave you completely clueless about how to respond.

Left-style fighters don’t have this kind of trouble, because they are a minority. Although they fight left-style, the opponents they encounter are basically right-style, so they are very familiar with how to deal with right-style boxers. asymmetry.

Therefore, when a right-style boxer faces a left-style boxer, if there is no special preparation, it will be very disadvantageous.

Of course, there is also a class of geniuses, their number is very small, their boxing talents are too outstanding, their physical toughness is excellent, and their skills are comprehensive. They can fight in two styles, that is, both right and left styles can be used, and they can be adjusted according to their opponents. method, handy.

The most typical character of this type is Pacquiao, who can switch frames during the game, and can play the backhand with both left and right hands. Pacquiao's ability to rule middleweight and lightweight in the first decade of the 20th century has a lot to do with his technical ability.

Another typical character is a middleweight boxing champion who was just beginning to emerge when Wang Hao came to this life, Crawford, an African-American. There are anti-aircraft guns and torpedoes, depending on the type of opponent.

Those that come from the sky use anti-aircraft guns, those that come from the water use fish, and the conventional land-based ones also have tanks.

This is the level of a boxing genius, a super champion.

In his last life, Wang Hao also planned to practice left-handed fighting, but his physical fitness was really not up to the requirements, his flexibility and flexibility were not enough, and all aspects had already been determined. This kind of thinking could only stay in his mind in the end.

But Wang Hao is different in this life. His current body is extremely flexible and has a lot of plasticity, and through the training of agility ladder and plum blossom pile, he has also helped his body develop good qualities such as agility and balance control. You can try to train the left frame. The long-term goal can be to become a boxer who is equally proficient in left and right stances, so that his road to boxing championship will go more smoothly, and it will not be said that he will be at a loss when he encounters some specific opponents.

Xie Yijue was threatening in terms of strength, but not in terms of speed and technique. He was undoubtedly the best target for Wang Hao to practice left stance.

Wang Hao switched to the left frame and began to jab with his right hand and backhand with his left hand.




Wang Hao's right hand jabs at a very fast speed, hitting Xie Yijue's forehead, eyebrow arch and other defensive loopholes continuously, and the strength is even stronger.

Every time he hit Xie Yijue, his head would be thrown back.

Xie Yijue was extremely depressed. This round, he adopted a defensive counterattack method, conserving his strength first, and wanted to knock down Wang Hao with a sudden heavy punch.

Unexpectedly, Wang Hao switched from the right to the left. It turned out that Xie Yijue's left-handed jab, which he didn't care too much about, changed to a right-handed jab. It is more difficult to hide, and the strength has increased.

It turned out that Xie Yijue could resist Wang Hao's left jab by blocking, or resisting if he couldn't. With his weight advantage, he could resist Wang Hao's left jab. Now that Wang Hao's right jab is hitting him, he doesn't know how to dodge it. What's more frightening is that the power of this right jab is so great that it not only hits him directly, but even if he blocks it with his arm, there will be a wave of shock. The penetrating power hit, and the beating was painful.

Wang Hao's change made Xie Yijue even more depressed, that is, he didn't know how to defend and counterattack. The original right-style opponent became a left-style opponent, and his sense of distance was completely inaccurate. No matter what happened, the counterattack basically failed, and the planned cold punch did not know how to do it, because now Wang Hao was not on the original attack line at all.

Xie Yijue was very depressed and panicked, as if he had been constipated for a month, he was so suffocated to death.

"Let you bully me!"

Xie Yijue couldn't take it anymore, he yelled in his heart for the rest of his life, no matter whether it was accurate or not, he swung his fists left and right and hit them.

Wang Hao slid back and got out of the attack range of Xie Yijue's swinging punches. Xie Yijue's two punches were all empty.

Immediately after Wang Hao slid forward, the left frame changed back to the right frame, and the gap and gap in the attack was enough for Wang Hao to counterattack with two or three punches.

Wang Hao tapped Xie Yijue's right eye with his left hand, controlled the distance, then kicked the ground, twisted his waist, and hit Xie Yijue's left eye socket with the back hand of his right hand.

Xie Yijue fell to the ground.

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