The progress of the Naruto is good, and Chen is thinking about it, leaving a roll of the scribe, hand it over to the Naruto, and let the people open at the time.

This tutoring reel is a spiral spool of the spiral pill!

Chen left the tutorial reel to the Naruto, and let the Sonman can open and practice when graving Chakra.

It is also looking forward to this Naruto, I can be carefully taught by Chen. It is not necessary to say that it is sure, which makes the Naruto eyes bright, my heart has been thinking about this. What is Ibe, simple? It is coming out.

However, Naruto also attaches great importance to promise, and the promisence will only open this tutorial reel in the future. In such cases, Chen is also very relieved.

In addition, the second thing to do is always met with the young fields, and often comfort this little girl. It can be seen, and the young Tiantian is getting closer and dependent.

In such cases, although the young field is still young, understand, but the heart is vividly with a blurred shadow.

After a month, Chen also left the village of Mountain.

Although the inbound of the moment doesn't have a big change, the Chen has faintly smells a bloody.

Although the leaves let the nun, the young field is very unsolved, but the Naruto and the young field are also very understanding. If there is no child, you want to stay around, especially the young, the nutai After contact, it is getting more and more courage, it is more independent.

This makes Chen quite accidental.

Say goodbye to Naruto and young fields, and promised to go back to see them often, then leave the village.

After leaving the village of Ye Ye, the Chen is slowly preparing to return to the country of rain.

Chen is very leisurely, not too slow.

At this time, there is a flying bird in the sky. This bird is obviously a psychic beast, and Chen stopped.

The flying bird falls around the me, this bird is a small spirit of Xiaonan, usually used to transfer information.

At the same time, a message reel appears in Chen's eyes.

When I opened, I will introduce the news into the eye. In my eyes, I will be slightly stunned, and I will get a touch of smile.

"It is actually this thing, I finally happened." Chen saw this news, his mouth smiled faint.

The above news came, this message contains a strong bloody taste.

This is written on this: "There is a big event in the fog hidden village. In the Ninja Test, a ninja named 'no more' s. Shake, call the misty village called 'blood fog'. "

It is an intelligence of fog hidden village.

The fog hidden village is a small village, this village is currently the four-generation water shadow, which is controlled by the belt using the written eye.

The fog hidden village is very confusing, and no more than dozens of students in the whole class are spread through the endurance, and the fog hidden village is also called the 'blood fog'.

"Fog hidden village, it seems to go there to have a look, Just like the strength of Million is almost growing up, you can be a spray ..." Chen fell, eyes flashing, and ready to complete himself Layout.

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Seeking automatic, ask for reward, ask for a monthly ticket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Chapter 475 I want to be a water shadow! [More, ask for automatic reward]

After receiving this information, I immediately went to the country of water.

Fog hidden village.

At this point, after the arrogant village, I felt this kind of strange mysterious breath, especially in the fog hidden village, there is a haze.

Chen's eyes, now the misty village is smoky, and the Chen is also secretly cautious.

"The blood fog is ..." Chen low voice, he can't mention it to these guys, it is only because of the reason for the Water.

Chen also remembered this at the beginning with him a conquest of a girl, but the original girl, now it has grown to the goddess, and it is the goddess with the strength of the movie.

When I arrived in the misty village, I quickly found the clue where I was in the place of beauty.

According to Meitu, it is already the high level of the country of Water, she is the head of the foggy.

Chen has always been very concerned about the situation in the country of the water, so it is very understanding that the situation of Million is very understanding.

Water country, dark part.

Chen quietly sneaked, and saw a single person in the office of the United States, reviewed the document, frowned tightly.

According to Mei Ming, there is a lot of mature, and the appearance is even more elegant, the brown is long, and the perfect face, all evoked the people's conquest.

Especially the strong girl is actually a head of the secret, such identity and status, but also to respect countless people.

At this time, I gently cough and there was no sign.

"Who ?!" It was shocked by the beauty of the beauty, and Chakra, who was whipped, I saw that Chakra tremble, power show, and strong strength revealed.

It is unquestionable to be a strong strength in Men.

She has two kinds of blood, plus the teacher from the three generations of water, indeed very strong, and the power of the blood, the power is more appeared, and the awareness of the beauty has been prepared, and the release is released.

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