Naruto: God Level System

Naruto: God Level System Chapter 438

"Xiaolan will definitely go, but I don't know if you will go, I hope you can go too."

... ... 0

"If there is nothing wrong, then of course there is no problem."

"Hey, why didn't you ask me?" Koizumi Hongzi's expression was rather displeased.

"Do you want to go together too?" Yuanzi looked reluctant.

"Forget it, I can go without your invitation." Koizumi Hongzi shook her head, it was not easy for her to go there.

"Just kidding with you, of course I will invite you then." Sonoko chuckled.

The relationship between Yuanzi and Hongzi Koizumi is pretty good now, although they are not close friends, they can still be called friends.

"Chen, why are you lying down to sleep?" Xiaolan pushed Chen, and the teacher will be coming in a while, so it's not good to let the teacher see.

"It doesn't feel good." Chen raised his head, looked at Xiaolan and said with a smile, "Why don't Xiaolan sleep with me too!"

Xiaolan shook her head lightly when she heard the words, she was different from Chen, she was a conscientious and good student, the first in the whole grade.

"Xiaolan, don't you think these books are boring?" Chen started talking to Xiaolan in a low voice.

"No, I think it's very interesting, and I can learn a lot of knowledge from it."

"I think it's very boring. It's better to chat." Yuanzi glanced at the podium, and found that the teacher hadn't come over today, so he immediately moved to Chen's side and whispered.

Yuanzi is also someone who doesn't like studying. If her parents didn't force her to come to school, she wouldn't want to come!

Chapter 862 Nakamori Ginzo!

At the Mihua Museum, Chen came here at the invitation of Yuanzi. At this time, the Mihua Museum was heavily guarded.

There are police officers everywhere.

"This jewelry exhibition is too heavily guarded!"

"There are precious things inside, and the value is unknown. Of course, they must be protected. If something goes wrong, it will be the police's mistake." Chen said, holding Xiao Ai's hand.

Because it was a holiday, Xiao Ai was also brought by Chen, besides Xiao Ai, You Xizi also followed.

"Chen, this way."

Not far away, Yuanzi was waving excitedly at Chen, and Xiaolan was also standing with Yuanzi.

"Looking at her like this, she doesn't look like the eldest lady of a big consortium at all!" Koizumi Hongzi said looking at Yuanzi.

Chen and the others walked over quickly, only to see Conan coming out from inside. After seeing Yukiko, Conan "710" was stunned for a moment.

Why is his mother here? Still with Ri Xiangchen, hasn't she returned to the United States?

When Conan looked at Yukiko, Yukiko also looked at Conan, and felt that this child looked familiar! It's exactly the same as the new one.

If there is a difference, it is probably that the head is bigger. Xinxiao didn't have such a big head.

Sensing that Yukiko was staring at him, cold sweat dripped from Conan's forehead, so he won't be discovered, right?

But if he thought too much, You Xizi would never have thought that her son would turn into a child, she just thought he looked familiar.

Chen gave Conan a strange look, and when Conan was about to look at Chen, he had already withdrawn his gaze.

Conan's face showed a look of surprise and uncertainty. He had already felt that someone was looking at him just now, but after he raised his head, that sight had disappeared.

"Let's go in and have a look!" Chen took Xiao Ai's hand and walked into the museum.

Xiao Ai couldn't help giving Chen a blank look, she was not a child, why did she still hold her hand like a child.

Walking inside and looking at the specially displayed jewelry exhibition, Chen didn't have much interest. He had seen countless jewelry, and he didn't know how many were better than these.

But here, Chen also saw a familiar gem, that is the gem that Zeng Chen auctioned.

"It's so beautiful!" Xiaolan looked at these gems, her eyes sparkling.

"Xiaolan, your eyes are like precious stones, very beautiful." Chen said to Xiaolan.

Xiaolan blushed a bit, and then asked Youxizi, "Well, are you Aunt Youxizi?"

Although it looked very similar, Xiaolan didn't dare to recognize Yuxiko because she was dressed as a girl today.

"Hmph, Xiaolan only recognizes me now!" You Xizi snorted softly.

"Also, call me Sister Youxizi from now on, don't call me Aunt Youxizi." Youxizi hates being called her auntie.

Even Xiao Ai, she ordered her to be called her sister.

"It's really Aunt Youxizi, when did you come back?" Xiaolan's face showed surprise.

"It's been a long time since I've been back, didn't Eri tell you?"

"No!" Xiaolan shook her head lightly.

"Xiaolan, who is she?" Yuanzi asked in a low voice while pulling Xiaolan.

"It's Shinichi's mother."

"Xinyi's mother is so young?" Sonoko looked at Yuxiko in astonishment.

Conan walked at the back, frowning, with a sad face on his face. Seeing that his mother hadn't left yet, and she was still walking very close to Ri Xiangchen, Conan felt worried.

I really don't know why my mother has been staying here, and she seems to be very familiar with Ri Xiangchen.

No, I have to find an opportunity to remind her that Ri Xiangchen, a dangerous person, must stay away from him. Although I don't know the specific identity of Ri Xiangchen, I also know that he is not a good person.

"Isn't there some strange thief 1412 who wants to steal something? Why hasn't he come yet?"

After strolling around for a while, Yukiko asked involuntarily.

Conan rolled his dead fish eyes, are you expecting someone to steal something? But he also knows Yukiko clearly, and he likes to watch lively things.

Conan thought of the notice letter, and he hasn't cracked the notice letter yet, but it's almost there.

After wandering here for a long time, after seeing everything here, Chen walked out very bored, what kind of treasures he had never seen before, and the things he saw now really couldn't catch his eyes.

"Mr. Shiro Suzuki, I have mobilized all the policemen and surrounded the entire museum. It is absolutely possible to make Kaitou Kidd come and go." Nakamori Ginzo said confidently.

Ginzo Nakamori is a police department. The police department of the Intelligent Criminal Search Department of the Metropolitan Police Department's second search section takes the arrest of the Kaitou Kidd as the highest goal...  

However, although he has this goal, he has not achieved it. Instead, he has been teased many times, but his ability is still there.

"Officer Nakamori, I don't trust you very much. I heard that the Kaitou Kidd has succeeded under your nose many times." Suzuki Shiro said lightly.

In the world of Conan, Japanese people don't have much trust in the police, mainly they behaved poorly.

This is the world of detectives, so the police naturally become the background board. If the police are very good, do we still need detectives?

"This." Nakamori Ginzo was a little embarrassed, this didn't save him any face!

"I will speak with facts, hum!" Nakamori Ginzo snorted coldly, and then went to deploy the police force. As long as Kaitou Kidd dared to come, he would definitely be unable to escape.

"Officer, in my opinion, let's unlock the notice letter first!" said a policeman standing next to him.

"Well, it is true that the notice letter must be unlocked. Damn Kaito Kidd, he must be caught."

Ginzo Nakamori hated Kaitou Kidd so much, because Kaitou Kidd couldn't catch him, and he didn't know how many there were, so he gave him the wrong look.

And the Kaitou Kidd was openly involved in a theft, saying that he was stupid and unforgivable.

"Tsk tsk." Chen had a playful smile on his face.

Heiyu Kaito, I don't know if he is a smart person or a fool, but he actually opposes his father-in-law, does he want to be beaten to death?

"What are you laughing at?" Xiao Ai raised her head and asked.

"You're not laughing, do you still want to go shopping?" Chen asked Xiao Ai.

Anyway, Chen has done enough shopping here, if Xiao Ai wants to continue shopping, Chen doesn't mind accompanying Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai shook her head.

"It's boring, even if you read it, those are not our things."

"If you want, I can give you a bunch." Chen stroked Xiao Ai's head.

This kind of gems are piled up like a mountain in the system space, and Chen doesn't even take a second look.

Xiao Ai stared at Chen for a while, then shook her head again, she was not interested in this.

In fact, if Chen hadn't pulled her over today, she might have studied APTX4869 at home.

Mingmei has already brought the information of APTX4869, Xiao Ai can study the antidote now.

Chapter 863 Kaitou Kidd Appears!

"Didn't the notice say that Kaito Kidd will appear tomorrow? Is it so busy today?"

Not far from the Rice Flower Museum, in a drink shop, Xiao Lan whispered while drinking fruit juice.

To actually mobilize people like this for a strange thief Kidd.

No matter how powerful Kaito Kidd was, he was just a thief. Judging by the police force deployed around him, there must have been more than fifty people.

"Because Kaito Kidd is so famous, not only in Japan, but also in the whole world, so it's not surprising that the police took it seriously," Sonoko said.

Kaito Kidd is also very powerful and is well-known in the world. Of course, that is Kuroba Pirates, not Kuroba Kaito.

"Is he sick if he steals the jewelry and returns it?" Xiaolan was very surprised and didn't understand.

You obviously stole the jewels, but you still want to return them. If this is the case, then why do you still want to steal them.

"Perhaps there may be other purposes!" Chen said with a chuckle. 17

Kuroba Kaito naturally has other goals. He wanted to investigate the cause of his father Kuroba Touichi's death and find out the murderer. That's why he became the second generation Kaito Kid.

The one who killed Heiyu Pirate One seemed to be a mysterious organization, maybe it was the organization in black, after all, the organization in black had done a lot of bad things.

"Let's discuss what to do, let's leave after a short rest! I have no interest in continuing shopping."

"Don't you want to continue watching? I haven't taken you to visit the dark stars in our house yet!"

"Come on, the dark star placed there is actually a fake." Chen waved his hands without any interest.

"Fake?" Yuanzi was stunned, she didn't know that the one on display was a fake.

"Didn't you say, Yuanzi, that heirloom pearl in your family has existed for many years? A pearl that has existed for many years will not be so shiny. It is too obvious that it is a fake."

"So that's the case!" Sonoko nodded slightly.

That's right, according to the importance of the dark stars to their family, if it is true, it will definitely not be taken out so easily.

Leaving aside the value of that pearl, the important thing is its significance to the Suzuki clan, which has extraordinary significance.

So even if they are confident that they will not be stolen by Kaitou Kidd, the Suzuki Consortium will definitely not dare to be careless.

So the real dark stars were not taken out at all.

Chen took Xiao Ai and left, Koizumi Hongzi was naturally not interested, and left with Chen.

At night, Chen left the house with great interest and headed towards the Cup House Restaurant.

The Kaitou Kidd will appear after twelve o'clock tonight, and Chen wants to see it.

"Boss, why do you want to go to Cup House Hotel?" Ming Mei drove the car, looking at Chen in puzzlement.

"Go meet a thief for a while." There was a smile on the corner of Chen's mouth.

Mingmei's eyes moved, and she probably guessed who the thief Chen mentioned was, it must be Kaitou Kidd, because her sister mentioned it during the day!

Driven by Mingmei, she soon arrived at the Cupido Hotel. Looking at the tall building, Mingmei asked in puzzlement, "How does the leader know that the Kaitou Kidd will appear here?"

Chen smiled mysteriously. The reason why he knew was not that he had deciphered the notice letter. Chen didn't read the notice letter at all, but he already knew it.

"Let's go up and wait! The thief probably won't arrive until a while later." Chen opened the car door, and went to the roof of Cuphu Hotel with Mingmei.

Mingmei didn't continue to ask, anyway, she knew that Chen was very mysterious, so she just had to follow Chen.

On the roof of the Kubado Hotel, Chen looked down. The Kubado Hotel is considered a tall building in Tokyo. From here, you can see the bright lights below.

"Today's night is not very good!" Chen raised his head and looked at the sky, but the moon did not appear.

Standing in front of Chen, Mingmei raised her head to look at the night sky like Chen, seeing the stars flickering in the clouds, her heart felt at ease.

Ever since Xiao Ai was taken out of the organization, Mingmei's heart has been at ease, and the stone that has been pressing in her heart has been completely removed.

After a while, Conan ran here out of breath, and was stunned when he saw the two figures standing here.

"Hey, Conan, you don't sleep at night, what are you doing here?" Chen turned around and looked at Conan with a faint smile.

"It's you." Conan frowned when he saw Chen turn around.

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