Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 499 Sudden Assassination (Please subscribe)

As if sensing Meng Zhao's rejection and hesitation about Jianan Pass, as well as his ignorance of the Kuang family, the sickly young man named Kuang Tianyou explained, "The Kuang family was once a member of the Yanzhou family. Several women in the family entered the palace and were canonized as concubines. However, because of the loss of power, they were suppressed and the entire family was exiled to Jianan Pass." He briefly introduced his family's origins and shortcomings to show his sincerity, which made Meng Zhao feel much more at ease. At least for now, this person should be seeking cooperation or asking for something, so he seemed so open and frank. Meng Zhao had a better impression of him and was about to respond to him and get on the other party's boat to see what he had to say. In the clear and calm lake water, a roar like a prehistoric beast suddenly broke out, and one swirling whirlpool after another appeared, as if it was about to open its mouth and swallow the two black boats. The hull of the boat began to sway extremely unsteadily, swaying from side to side in the gradually increasing rain. Fortunately, all the people on the boat were proficient in martial arts. Even Han Lu, who had the lowest cultivation and the shallowest attainments, had Liang Muchu to help her, so she was not affected by the violent shaking of the hull.

Meng Zhao's face changed, and the palm holding the Buddhist beads shrank deftly, and the jade Buddhist beads were strung back into his wrist. His sharp eyes glanced at Kuang Tianyou on the bow of the opposite boat, and saw that he also had an unexpected expression. His heart moved,

"Could it be that this change has nothing to do with him?"

As the vortex expanded and collided, the originally calm lake water stirred up turbulent water, the waves surged, and rolled up huge waves, pressing towards the two small boats, giving people a thrilling feeling of facing thousands of troops.

One after another, huge waves hit the hull, and the ordinary wooden hull produced by a small workshop began to creak and unbearable sound.

Under the sudden change, Zhu'er and Han Lu on the boat were a little scared, but Liang Muqiu looked normal, with a disdainful smile on his thick lips, obviously not looking down on these little tricks.

Meng Zhao stood on the bow with his head held high, calm and steady, his clothes fluttering, and the oil-paper umbrella on his head had been thrown away at some point. The wind and rain mixed with waves hit him, but he was blocked by an invisible air force, not stained by a drop of water, adding three points of momentum to him.

Kuang Tianyou thought of something, and his face showed a slightly annoyed expression. He uttered a few words from his dark lips, and then he saw the ordinary boatman slightly shaking the wooden paddle in the lake. The whole boat, including the black boat where Meng Zhao was, instantly became like a motionless Mount Tai, not hindered by the increasingly turbulent waves and undercurrents.

At the same time, the oars seemed like a peerless sword, cutting through the water and waves in three directions, creating a huge transparent air blade several feet high, slicing through the water and waves, and slashing along the way with unstoppable force.

Soon, the clear blue water around the two boats began to bubble up, rolling with a red dirty color, and floating up pieces of human bodies that were cut into pieces.


Meng Zhao kept his eyes and ears open, and naturally noticed that the boatman had made a lot of gains with just one move, and secretly praised him.

The boatman seemed to have just gently shaken the wooden oar in his hand, but the force he exerted, the use of qi, and the effortless, unpretentious performance were all at the level of a top master.

At the same time, Kuang Tianyou's childish voice came, "Don't worry, Mr. Meng, these are villains coming for me, and Kuang's men will solve the trouble." As soon as the voice fell, the lake water under the floating corpse and flesh exploded with splashing water. Eight figures jumped out of the lake like agile fish in the water and stabbed Meng Zhao on the boat. The sword light was like the scorching sun at noon in summer, bursting out with extremely bright and dazzling edges, and the cold killing intent was as strong as ice, condensed into sword energy, and it was a sure kill as soon as it was made. After the eight killers vacated the water, they came close to Meng Zhao, bursting out sword energy to kill people, all in one go, without any pause in the whole process, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was carefully planned. And everyone seemed to hold a resolute attitude of dying if they didn't succeed, moving forward without hesitation, and it was breathtaking. The feeling they gave Meng Zhao was very similar to that of a person, that is, the tavern waiter Xiaonan, who was also the assassin who crippled the disciple of the Demon Lord Hall, Lu Haochun, with two swords.

However, no matter how many calculations and how many desperate attacks, they all seemed pale and powerless under the suppression of absolute strength.

Liang Muchu suddenly burst out with a huge green sword light, and the palm made a slash, the sword energy crossed the sky, and hit the eight sword energies fiercely, almost at the same time, hitting these sword energies.

Clang, clang, clang...

The sound of eight swords colliding like gold and iron came out, and eight swords of fine quality were directly shattered by Liang Muchu's casual palm knife.

At the same time, the eight figures that soared into the sky fell back into the lake at a speed twice as fast as before, and soon floated up one by one, some with their backs, some with their faces, and roared unwillingly at the sky with drizzling rain like oil.

Meng Zhao didn't even move his feet, looking calm and composed. He smiled and gave Liang Muchu a thumbs up.

"Great swordsmanship!"

What's good about it?

Fortunately, although Liang Muchu had innate strength, he used no more strength than those assassins to fight back.

With the same strength, he not only defeated the sword energy and shattered the sword body, but also exerted a huge shock force, killing the eight assassins on the spot. This performance was even better than the boatman's attack on the boat.

It was hard not to wonder if this woman had a strong desire to win and was unwilling to lose face in front of Meng Zhao, so she did this on purpose.

Liang Muchiu smiled arrogantly, straightened his chest enough to dominate the ball girl, and said,

"It's not that good, I haven't used my real skills yet!"

Meng Zhao did not doubt this.

To this day, he still doesn't know what kind of martial arts Liang Muqiu practices, but judging from his status as a descendant of King Liang and his amazing performance in fighting against Meng Jizu, the martial arts is probably no weaker than the Red Flag Order.

This scene fell in the eyes of Kuang Tianyou and the boatman holding the oar. Their hearts trembled and their eyelids jumped. They couldn't help but secretly thought,

Is the Meng family really so strong that any woman can have such superb martial arts?

The look he looked at Meng Zhao was a little more solemn, at least more serious than before.

After Liang Muchiu casually killed the eight assassins, the huge waves and undercurrents that were originally turbulent and uncontrollable all stopped and turned into calm and everything was as before.

An inexplicable assassination ended abruptly.

As for Meng Zhao, from beginning to end, he never figured out who sent these people or why they wanted to kill him.

Perhaps the answer can be found from the people on the opposite boat.

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