Mystic Holy See

Vol 2 Chapter 264: Bole City

"The second stage of the game will be held on August 25 this year in the colorful city of Campbell. All participants are requested to arrive one day in advance, and good luck~"

Even the words written on paper without the aid of tone made Aldrich feel a sense of frivolity in the writer's bones.


No, this will never be a boring prank, but a very real invitation.

On the one hand, it is naturally because the messenger is a strange Beyonder, but more importantly, Aldrich has heard the name 'Aiken'.

The current standard equipment for members of the organization is the 'Black Ring', its predecessor was called 'Aiken's Silver Ring', and the poison that Mr. Phantom Thief used to deflate Sunderland was called 'Aiken's Paralyzing Poison'.

So Aldridge was sure that the original invitation target of the other party was Mr. Phantom Thief, but Mr. Phantom Thief was killed by Aldrich, and the silver ring was on his right finger, so the invitation target became Aldridge!

"Does this so-called game have inheritance rules? Or does the organizer simply look at the 'token' without looking at people?"

Aldridge murmured silently, preferring the second possibility.

If there is no assistance from contracts, curses, etc., it is useless to engage in inheritance rules.

However, a certain question in the past seems to have an answer.

In the phantom thief's wallet, the 'Heart of Tornat' and 'Kimir's Book of Answers' are not ordinary things, one is a strategic 'mysterious' resource, and the other is simply from the old **** 'Rule of the Ring of the Stars'. Is it something a small rank 1 Extraordinary can get?

I'm afraid these items have a lot to do with the person named 'Aiken', or the 'Game of Aiken'.

'Second stage', which means that he has already participated in the first stage, and it is normal to gain something... Thinking about it this way, this guy called 'Aiken' is probably not an ordinary Beyonder, he may even be an energy huge organization.

"Maybe it's something of the same type as 'knowledge hunting'. The other party is using this method to screen and recruit members for the organization." Aldridge speculated.

Putting the letter away, Aldridge didn't intend to join in the fun. He always felt that this was not a good thing, and the way the messenger made him was very dissatisfied!

After a while, Aldridge put the matter behind him and ignored it.


It was not until the evening of July 22 that Aldridge and Eve finally arrived in Bole City.

Due to the fact that there are many mountains, rivers, hills and landforms in the southern part of the empire, this steam train spent a lot of 'unjust' time on the road.

Walking out of the train station in Bole City, Aldridge immediately felt the difference between this place and Spurzy.

Spursey's railway station is a place where people can feel happy - people come to the city with happy smiles and leave with regretful expressions, but in Bole City, the rush is The only sight to see.

Crowded, noisy, and the police are always on the edge of the cordon... This is a fast-paced city, where a large number of kinnars circulate, and at the same time breed more complex social structures and more frequent crimes.

Eve's expression is particularly telling. She was full of curiosity and excitement when she walked out of the station, but after a while she just held Aldridge's big hand quietly, without any excitement.

She didn't like the city, and Aldridge didn't like it either, but he couldn't help but most likely had what he wanted here.

"Sir, do you need accommodation?"

At this time, a hunched man came up and asked with a smile, but Aldrich easily noticed that the other party was not quick to look at Eve beside him.

"No need." He refused with a cold expression, causing the man to retreat in anger.

This is just a microcosm of a city. Aldridge just walked a short distance, and he felt several gazes looking at them - not all of them were criminal gangs, but they definitely wanted to take advantage of them.

Aldrich took Eve into the long-lost carriage and set off for the central area of ​​Bole City.

Although the initial impression of this city is not good, as the largest commercial city in the entire empire, it is indeed prosperous. The buildings on the streets are taller than other cities, and the roads are wider.

What surprised Aldridge most was that there seemed to be no church stationed in this city!

Needless to say, the status of the five major churches in the entire empire, but Aldrich watched all the way in the carriage, but he didn't see any of the church's signs appearing in front of him.

"There's no church in this city?" Aldridge asked the coachman.

"Yes!" The coachmen are all talkative, and when they heard the guest's question, they immediately started chatting, "People in Bole City seldom believe in gods. Road, they are more willing to believe in Kinnar in their hands."

Aldrich gave a noncommittal "um", but he didn't think the coachman had made any sense. If not enough faith can keep all churches away from a city, it would be too small to underestimate the ability of major churches to fool them.

However, this also explains, to a certain extent, why the city's crime is always rampant.

I believe that ordinary people are less likely to commit crimes, and Fei Fei is probably more comfortable in this city!

Aldridge and Eve took a carriage to the most famous hotel in the city center, the Kim Wyson The building has 9 floors, with gorgeous decorations, beautiful sculptures, and even the posture of guards. Not extraordinary.

An ordinary room costs 3 jinnars per night, and the most luxurious suite costs 30 jinnars per night, which is definitely a sky-high price.

Aldridge was not short of money, so he decided to choose 10 Kinnars for a night in a double suite.

30 kinnars for one night is still an exaggeration, and Aldridge feels uncomfortable even if he is not poor in money.

Expensive is a bit expensive, but Aldridge heard Herbert introduce this hotel to him. The Wyson family has a strong background and is also famous in the golden city of Bole City. This hotel is not only luxurious, but also the most luxurious. The important thing is that it has a large number of extraordinary guards.

Aldridge felt it was worth the money he bought with Kinnar for some of his safety.

Aldrich and Eve have been running around for a day, and they are not tired, but they are always a little tired. The first thing they do after entering the room is to take a comfortable hot bath, and then ask the hotel to bring a delicious meal. Food.

"You mean that the hotel will hold a party for the Beyonders every night?" Aldridge asked the female clerk who came to deliver the meal with great interest.

"Yes, sir," the waiter said with a polite smile: "The format is very loose. If you are interested, you may as well go and play. It is in the 'Hua Lan Hall' on the basement floor."

"Okay." Aldridge was really interested.


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