Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 7: ban extraordinary

This is the "prison" ability belonging to the judge of the Sequence 6 judge.

It can create layer after layer of transparent walls and flowing transparent liquid that is extremely viscous, freezing the target in place.

This ability is activated by the discipline knight of Sequence 5, and the effect is naturally more powerful.

Yule's sudden attack caught people off guard.

"Really?" Igna asked rhetorically, not showing surprise, not even speeding up his heart rate.

This is consistent with his inference.

Jules used to be a Sequence 8 sheriff of the Inquisitor pathway.

The sheriff can detect abnormal factors and grasp the traces that are not obvious. When close enough, it can detect and sense unshielded things related to evil, chaos, and madness. They are always associated with their "jurisdiction", and the more familiar they are, the more capable they are.

Therefore, his "abnormalities" will be discovered to some extent, and Jules will inevitably "check" him.

Moreover, Li Langsi is a branch that keeps part of the classics of Abraham. How could it be possible to let outsiders who have not verified their identities come in and out at will?

Even if Igna is "Master", he cannot avoid this "check".

"I'm sorry." Jules did not answer Igna's question.

I saw Yu Le's hand slowly raised, and in front of his fingers, solemnly said: "The extraordinary items here are invalid!"

Igna frowned, before he had time to speak. In the next moment, he felt as if something was coming off his face reluctantly.

In front of him, there happened to be a mirror, and Igna looked at it subconsciously.

Then, Igna saw countless pink granulation sprouts appearing on half of his face, which seemed to be connected to his face, and the other half became transparent, and he could see the lines and blood vessels clearly.

Even if he had expected it long ago, Igna was taken aback by the appearance of himself in front of him.


A mask that looked like a human skin fell off Igna's face and fell to the ground.

The mask was immediately wrapped in slime.

The person in the mirror also changed completely. Those were no longer the blond gray eyes that belonged to Dalot Evans, but the dark-haired blue eyes that were more like Irena Lilance's in the oil painting.

There is absolutely no resemblance between the two faces, not even the way they are handsome.

At the same time, the slime that bound Igna's legs was gone.

"Master. You are more calm than before." Jules bowed slightly to Igna, with some expressions of glory and praise in his eyes.

Inspection passed.

Although the way is somewhat unexpected - through a secret that Jules knows, but Igner doesn't know about Igner himself.

In previous Ignatius deductions, this was only a theoretical possibility. But, it doesn't matter. As long as it can pass the "test", the details do not need to be concerned.

"Yuler, what is that? The magical item of the Faceless?" Ignatius asked.

In the original body's memory, Jules Tian was not only the guardian of the Li Langsi family, but also Ignatius' mysticism teacher. Even if it passes the preliminary test now, Igna still needs to maintain the basic character.

The magical item that had just been detached from his face looked like an ordinary rubber mask in Yule's hand.

"Yes, young master. This is a sealed item given to you by your father. It can help people change their appearance and achieve the effect of disguise." Yule Tian replied.

"The downside of it is forgetting who you are and thinking that's what you look like?" Igna asked.

In his consciousness, he never doubted his appearance.

Even Igna, who was "off the bag", never suspected it until he returned to Aalto and saw the colored portrait.

"Yes, young master." Yu Le said with approval in his eyes, "and if the user recalls his original appearance, this 'mask' will directly melt the user's face. Therefore, whether wearing or taking When you go down, you need someone to help.”


Igna didn't know what to change for a moment, so he could only be expressionless.

This mask is really evil enough. The negative effect is not strong at first glance, but if someone does it deliberately, the user's face can be completely destroyed, and it may be life-threatening. Moreover, the conditions of use of this extraordinary item are also very harsh, and someone needs to assist in putting it on and taking it off. How lucky is an Beyonder to have such a trusted Beyonder companion?

However, Igna thought that this thing had been sticking to his face during this time. And, "skin kiss" with him every night. Ignatius still felt a chill down his spine.

The "extraordinary" in this world is really weird... Igna sighed again.

Jules observed Igna's expression and smiled again.

"Master, you have grown up," he said.

Igna's face sank involuntarily, showing a lukewarm smile, and said, "Yes, I can't help but grow."

"Where are the father and mother?" asked Igna.

Now that he has passed the "test", he will start preparing for the next plan.

The original body is more filial to his He should also fulfill this responsibility as an "heir". This is not only to fulfill the responsibilities that the original body should perform, but also to not fall into the trap.

"Because tomorrow night is a party for the master and His Excellency Lucien Evans, the master attaches great importance to it, so the master is still practicing and resting in the piano room. The lady is going to Mrs. Anna to make the final dress for tomorrow night's evening dress. Adjust." Yule replied, "Are you going to visit the master now, or do you want to visit the madam after the madam returns?"

After thinking about it, Igna said, "Tell me when mother comes back."

In my impression, Liszt Lilance is strict and serious, while Irena Lilance is kind and kind. So, Igna decided to start with something simpler.

The challenge of "father and son recognizing each other" is still a bit difficult.

"Okay, young master." Yule said.

"Then I'll go to 'that place' first," Ignatius continued.

"Yes." Even though Igna's nickname was used, Jules didn't show any surprise. He said respectfully, "Please allow me to lead the way for you."

Igna nodded slightly and said politely, "It's work."

Jules took Igna all the way down, until when he came to an ordinary study, Jules respectfully backed away and served beside Igna.

Igna took off his gloves and put his right hand on the bookshelf, on a ornament carved from a whole gem.

The extremely sharply cut gemstone cut through Igna's palm, and blood permeated the ornament.

In an instant, Igna entered a whole new space.

There seemed to be an extremely strong color in front of his eyes, and countless stars were shining.

Arrived in an instant.

——That is the secret place in Li Langsi’s house, where the books are stored, and the branch contact point of Abraham.

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