Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 38: Magical Seed


The boy's original plan to run away paused.

But he stopped when he heard Igna's question.

Looking at Igna's smiling face, he looked puzzled. It's like he doesn't know what the grown-up is asking this question without thinking.

"Do you know Merlin Hermes?" Igna asked again seriously, as if this question was very important.

"……of course I know."

Probably because Igna didn't show any aggression, the little boy answered Igna's question with some hesitation:

"Pastor Dahl said he was Constant's hope, an angel who brought miracles and the power of desire."

"With him, Constant can recover so well after the disaster."

Pastor... Combined with what the boy said just now, he is an orphan in a certain church orphanage?

The girl's parents should have nothing to do with the orphanage. Children's social circle will not be too wide... So, are they former neighbors, classmates?

While judging his plans to enrich himself, Igna continued to ask, "Then do you know the magical seed of Merlin Hermes?"

"Huh?" The little boy tilted his head, puzzled in his eyes.

I think this adult is very strange, why does he keep saying these inexplicable words.

Igna smiled and continued nonsense: "The seed of Merlin Hermes, when a child with miraculous power holds the seed with both hands, it can produce the most beautiful flowers that match the quality of the master. You don't Have you heard of it?"

Looking at the obvious doubts in the little boy's eyes, Igna knew that he had successfully diverted the attention of the little boy.

Of course, Merlin's seed was his nonsense.

It was the name of the trick he had just thought of.

However, it is easy to make children feel that "Merlin's Seed" really exists.

When Igna was on Earth, he specialized in studying one hundred and eight ways to deal with bear children. So the scene in front of you is not a problem at all.

"No way? No way? You really haven't heard of it, have you?" Ignatius said.

"This should be something everyone knows!"

Ignat said while looking at the other children behind the boy with a pompous expression of disbelief, as if seeing a group of ignorant curly-haired baboons.

Then, that boy really couldn't tolerate that he was ignorant than his younger brother.

He immediately gritted his teeth, took Igna's words, and said stubbornly:

"I... Of course I've heard it! What's the matter, why are you mentioning Merlin's seeds, don't you have them!"

Igna chuckled inwardly.

I couldn't help but give this child a compliment in my heart.

The little boy is so good, you can say whatever you want.

"Well, I have." Igna smiled at the child, "and there are thirteen more."

"You lied!" The child said immediately without thinking, "Merlin's seeds are so... so rare! How could you have so many!"

Very good, a little bit into the play. Also added settings.

Igna held back a smile and continued to shrug his shoulders awkwardly:

"I said yes, of course it is. I can also show it. Even if you say you have seen Merlin's seeds, can you show it?"

"Then take it out!" The boy stomped his feet and shouted.

Ignatius gave the bear boy a compliment again in his heart, and continued: "You said you want me to take it out, and I'll take it out. I'm not ashamed of me?"

The little boy's eyes widened, as if he didn't expect this grown-up to be so shameless.

However, Ignat was also quick to accept it. He hooked the little boy:

"But... I'm in a good mood today. I can show it to you."

"Stretch out your hand."

The little boy didn't stretch out his hand, his expression was a little wary. It's still a look that feels strange to the adults in front of him.

Ignatius shrugged, also experienced.

After all, he is a man who has studied the tyranny of bear children for 11 years, and he will come to him when he opens his mouth:

"Forget it if you don't see it, I don't want to show it to you yet."

"Hmph, you just can't take it out!" The little boy obviously didn't want to be looked down upon, so he said in a hurry.

"Of course I have. You reach out." Igna hooked the boy again.

This time, the boy held out his hand.

Igna also took out the seeds that had been prepared for a long time.

He asked the boy to put his palms against each other, making a small pot, and then threw the seeds into it.

The boy subconsciously wanted to open his hand to see what the so-called Merlin's seed looked like. But Igna held his hand.

"Don't look at it. You and I recite the spell together, and the spell cannot be interrupted." Igna wrapped his palms around the child's hand and said, "After the recitation, Merlin will witness your virtue."

Of course this is just an ordinary seed. However, Ignatius has other plans.

"You read with me." Ignatius said.

"Merlin, you are Constant's angel."

"I, ask you in my name."

"I beg you to witness my existence."

"I beg you to witness my virtue."

"Let your testimony be seen in the magical seed in my hands..."

Ignatre said the prayers he just made up in the Ruen language with seriousness.

The Ruen language does not have the ability to communicate with the gods, and they do not praise Merlin or the Fool's honorable name. Such a statement will not have any effect at all.

This is also just a pretense.

Let the children know that this ceremony is very solemn and can really communicate with the gods.

While talking trash talk that seemed important but actually useless, he observed whether the child was engaged, and then used the ability of a master juggler to create a small cloud of fog in the child's palm, creating a seed that was growing inside. the "look".

"Let your testimony be seen in the magical seed in my hands... eh?"

The boy himself was struggling to recite the prayers. At this time, the palm of his hand felt strange, and he couldn't bear it. He wanted to ask what was going on.

While holding his hand, Igna immediately stopped the fog, and then thought about how to stop the child's mouth.

At this time, Rachel, who stood beside him at some point, scolded, "You can't watch. You can't ask. The mantra's spell cannot be interrupted. Have you forgotten?"

The boy glanced at Rachel, who he didn't know who it was, moved his mouth, and looked at Zhang Xin, whose fog was getting thinner, and finally chose to shut his mouth and continued to chant the "spell" with Igna.

After another five or six nonsense prayers, Igna said lightly:

"Okay. Open it and see."

Don't look at his face that doesn't change, in fact, he has just used "flame", "fog", "lightning", "smooth", "windy" in the boy's palms and their surroundings. etc. magic.

It guarantees the absolute magic of the spell.

Because the boy felt the magical change in his palm, he also brought some piety when he opened his palm.

Then, he saw a deep sea flower glowing with blue light lying in the palm of his hand.

The boy's eyes widened, his expression full of disbelief.

"Deep sea flower is one of the iconic plants of the Lord of Storms."

"Obviously, Merlin's seed thinks that you will be favored by the sea. It seems that you will be an excellent navy." Ignat pretended to say.

Then, he saw an application full of pride and joy on the boy's face.

As if this was the highest compliment to him.

of course.

Ignatius did it on purpose.

When he was near the boy just now, he smelled the strong sea smell on the boy's body, and noticed some sand and sea salt particles on his hair. Moreover, he also noticed that although the boy's clothes were worn out, there were logos of Loen's navy clothing on the clothes, and the emblem of Loen's navy was most obviously hanging on his chest.

As long as he is the king of children, the elders in his family have sailors, and he likes the sea, it is easy to deduce that he is a boy who loves the sea and aspires to become a navy.

So, at the end of the trick, Ignat put a deep sea flower on his hand when the boy was not paying attention.

At this time, the others crowded around one after another.

They chatted around the boy and Igna in amazement, as if they couldn't believe that such a miraculous thing was discovered by their side.

After listening to their head's magical description of Merlin Seeds.

Suddenly a child pulled Raigna's clothes and asked, "Can I try it?"

"Of course." Igna laughed.

Then, surrounded by the children, Igna gave the five children "Merlin's Witness" in one breath.

The children were all happy. Cheers to this amazing seed.

Seeing this, Igna smiled.

This is the result he wants to see.

Then, he looked back at the little girl hiding in the distance.

She held the rabbit and stood outside the crowd.

She had long since escaped the siege, but she never left.

Igna walked towards the girl, and the children who had been around Igna also turned their attention to it.

The girl seemed to want to run away, but in the end she didn't move, but handed the rabbit in her arms to Igna.

"Give it back to you, she's fine." The little girl whispered.


Igna smiled and took the rabbit into his chest pocket. At the same time, he also reached out and grabbed the little girl and immediately wanted to run away.

"Your name is Yuffie, right?" He heard the girl's name just now.

Yuffie's eyes widened, as if she didn't know why the person in front of her knew her name.

Igna smiled and continued to ask, "Do you want to try 'Merlin's Seed'?"

Yuffie's eyes widened.

Those beautiful eyes like sea water reflected the polite Igna.

Seeing that the girl did not refuse, Igna held her hands and put a "Merlin's seed" in her hands.

After the disguise of the six children just now, everyone knew how Merlin's seeds germinate, and they also knew the magic of Merlin's seeds.

At first, the children just stood at a distance and looked at Igna and little Yuffie.

But as time went by, they saw a very grand brilliance and "special effect" that only bloomed in Chandler's hands at the beginning, and they slowly approached.

They listened to Igna and Yuffie's chanting, and surrounded Igna and Yuffie in the center.

They all stood behind Igna with serious expressions, as if they were always ready to protect our "Merlin's messenger".

The "ceremony" quickly ended step by step.

"Open it and have a look." Ignat didn't say that for the first time.

But directly, without preparing for everyone, he let go of his hands.

The children behind him subconsciously took two steps back, and someone shouted, "Be careful!!"

However, at the next moment, more than one child exclaimed sincerely, "Wow—"

The holy flower in full bloom in Yuffie's hand caught everyone's attention. At this moment, everyone was attracted by the sea orchid in her hand.

Under the white and beautiful sea orchids, a mist as pure as milk, like the place where the kingdom of God is located, continued to float out.

"The sea orchid is one of the iconic plants of the Church of the Storm." Igna explained with a smile.

"Looks like Merlin's Seed thinks you have the qualities that the Lord of Storms loves. Kind and humble."

When he was approaching the girl just now, he smelled the essential oil of hydrangeas on the girl's body. That is the essential oil that the Church of Storms likes to put in candles to please the Lord of Storms.

Moreover, the girl's clothes also have the obvious logo of Ruen's old navy clothes.

She should also be a believer of the Lord of Storms.

"You are the beloved child of the Lord of Storms."

Igna said softly.


This is the purpose of his performance in the first place.

I want to tell her and let her know.

——You are not a are just like them.

——You are all lucky, beloved children of God.


Just as he was speaking, Igna heard someone calling not far away.

"Chandler, Deckard...Why are you here, don't you know you're going to class?"

All the children around Ignat immediately dispersed. Although they looked back at Igna as they ran, they quickly disappeared.

Then, Igna looked at little Yuffie who was still in front of him.

"Why didn't you leave?" Igna didn't ask, but he was full of doubts.

Just now, he speculated that Yuffie and those children were classmates. After all, Yuffie, who had "both parents", would not be able to enter the church's orphanage. Why is she staying now?

Yuffie looked up at Igna, then looked for a hand at him, as if to signal him to stick his ear.

"Huh?" Igna crouched down.

"Thank you."

The little girl said softly, "I now believe what Pastor Dahl said, 'I am not a witch'."

"It turns out that besides Pastor Dahl, Merlin also thinks so."

"Thank you for bringing Merlin's seeds."

Listening to the little girl's words, Igna was about to smile and say a few more words.

Then, he suddenly felt a little moist on his right cheek.

Igna was stunned.

The little girl who was beside him shyly ran away, leaving Igna alone in place.

Igna didn't react for a while.


At this moment, he actually felt that something in his limbs was moved and dissipated.

Igna could clearly realize that it was a sign that the "Master of Trickster" potion had begun to digest.

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