Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 92: solid barriers

"Everyone from the new Silver City, how about this kind of city defense project? Can it resist the attack of pirates?"

City Lord Tester looked up at the half-giants and asked sincerely.

Derrick Berg and Anthea Mirren exchanged glances.

They didn't know what kind of preparations Lawrence Kyle, or rather, Ignatius Abraham had made in advance.

However, when they came to the city of Pelizik and asked to "want to meet the city lord" according to Igna's request, they got the approval.

Not only that, Tester, the city lord of Pelizik, also warmly received the half-giants of the City of Silver.

He even hired them as "exploration experts", treated them as guests, and invited them to inspect the city defense of Perizke from now on. He knows all the questions asked by the half-giants, and can't say enough.

"how did you do that?"

Not even Canterbury could tell.

She only knew that when she met Lawrence at two o'clock, he had already completed all the preparations.

The half-giants were also well aware that Lawrence's arrangement was undoubtedly extremely effective, and almost minimized the difficulty of their operations in the Pelitzk.

If there is the cooperation of the local official army, if the battle is unavoidable, then the damage can be greatly reduced.

"The defenses on the outside are impeccable, but how are the crowds on the inside to prepare?"

"I believe that there is also infrastructure to protect ordinary people in the city of Perizke, right?"

Canterbury, holding "The Linguist", translated the opinions of Derrick Berg and Anthea Mirren into fluent Ruen.

Hearing Canterbury's translation, Tester laughed "hehe".

The city lord looked at the half-giants and said, "Warriors, I believe that the pirates have no chance to break through our city defenses."

However, after speaking here, he seemed to think of something again, and coughed lightly.

"If, I mean if." Tester put away his arrogance, he nodded and said, "Assuming that group of savage robbers can really break through our city defense, the civilians of Perizke can also hide in the city. St. Conch Church."

"That's the most visible, most solid building in Perizke."

"As long as the gates are closed, the robbers are helpless."

The half-giants exchanged glances.

It is normal to use churches as shelter buildings.

It's just that Perizke is a small city, and they had already seen the building when they first entered the city-state. But from the looks of it, the church might not be able to accommodate all of the residents of Pelizik.

So the half-giants came up with the next request.

"Could you please show us to the church?" Canterbury asked.

Test saw the suspicion of the half-giants, but did not refuse.

"Of course," he said, "as long as he can protect Peritzk."



So the half-giants once again entered the city-state of Pelizik.

It was sunset time, and an orange-red light shone within the city-state of Pelizik. The stone buildings on the streets were dyed with a twilight glow.

Without the scorching sun at noon, there were already quite a few people walking around on the street. Small shops for daily necessities were laid out, and the cobblers also set up their stalls. People come and go, and the voices are full of people.

The combination of the city lord Test and the half-giant appeared on the street, making the crowd quiet. However, no one escaped, they just cast curious glances at the approaching person.

Derrick Berg, Anthea Mirren, Canterbury Bucher, and two other half-giants followed behind the city lord Tester, looking around silently.

Fortunately, the half-giants looked down at the crowd from a height, so their observation of the surroundings was not so conspicuous.

Anthea Mirren, who was walking in front of the team, had strangely bright eyes, and there seemed to be two complicated occult symbols in them.

Then, suddenly, Anthea Mirren stopped.

"What's wrong?" the city lord asked immediately.

Anthea's gaze stopped at a man at the shoemaker's booth.

This person has relatively deep facial features, has short black hair, and wears a gentleman's three-piece suit. At the same time, a delicate black bracelet on the wrist.

Anthea whispered to Canterbury. Canterbury translated Anthea's request to Tester.

"I'm sorry to bother you. Could you please come with us?" The guard walked towards the man.

"Our city lord is conducting a city defense inspection and wants to invite a few people to come along and tell us their views on city defense."

The man looked embarrassed, as if he meant to refuse. Wei Bingcai added: "We are willing to pay you 20 soules for an interview."

The man was stunned, and then he stiffly agreed.

In the following time, two residents were asked by Anthea to walk among the half-giants for the same reason.



Other than that, there is nothing to say.

The group arrived at the Cathedral of St. Conch.

As Test said, St. Conch Church is a solid stone church that can accommodate many people. However, at the same time, his area is not large, and as a refuge in a small city, it may be stretched.

"Can the church accommodate all the people in the city?" Canterbury asked immediately after entering the building.

Canterbury's question hit the nail on the head, which made Tester uncomfortable.

Test's mouth froze, and he didn't say anything.

Canterbury went on to ask: "If the pirates do invade the city-state, and some people cannot enter the refuge, where can the rest of the people go?"


Tester coughed lightly and tried to explain.

But before he could think of the words, there was a sound like a heavy object falling to the ground within the city-state, and then countless screams pierced Tester's eardrums.

And the three men who were invited to go with them suddenly screamed.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Then, in front of everyone's eyes, they turned into monsters in an instant.

Their changes are the same.

Almost at the moment of screaming, the clothes were torn inch by inch, the skin was swollen, the flesh was blurred, and it seemed to turn into a mass of flesh in an instant.

Tester had never seen such a scene. The mayor quickly backed away in fright.

But the tall young man standing beside Tester remained motionless.

With his hands clasped on his chest, he solemnly and reverently recited, "God says, let there be light."

Three bright and clean rays of light suddenly appeared.

Blazing white flames hit those three monsters!


A scorched aroma suddenly appeared in the air, and the city lord and guards who were bathed in the divine light also felt their fear subside.

The tall half-giant warrior Anthea, who was originally standing beside these people, drew out the straight sword behind her back, and her body was covered with dawn-like armor in an instant.

She stood in front of everyone like a solid barrier. The other half-giants also pulled out the straight swords behind their backs.

The monster struggled and howled, but was pinned to the spot by the light guns projected by the half-giants.

Life and life were purified into coke by the bright and pure light.

The battle is over.

But only four breaths.

However, there are countless voices outside the church. Screams and a huge roar like a city defense cannon filled the ears of everyone.

"Boom, boom, boom—"

Only then did the surrounding guards take out their spears from their daze.

The city lord Test, who was surrounded by the center, looked at the half-giants in the City of Silver as if he was holding a life-saving straw.

"In a dream, the scourge messenger told me. Mister Fool and his loyal followers will guard Pelizik when disaster strikes... right?"

"Of course." Canterbury, who was grabbed by Test's arm, nodded.

"That's what we're here for."

The youngest elder in the City of Silver, Derrick Berg, had his hands clasped in front of his chest. He is like the sun rising in the church, exuding a clear and pure brilliance.

It was only for a moment, all the soldiers, including the city lord Tester, who showed despair in his eyes, felt that they had ignited endless hope, and felt that in front of them, all difficulties could be overcome!

The young elder raised his fist.

He said to the comrades and soldiers who were standing in the castle, waiting in battle:

"God is our refuge, our strength, our ever-present help in times of trouble. (Note 1

"Mr. Fool, always be with us."


Derrick Berger is in charge of West Main Street in Pelitzik.

Thanks to the arrangement made by Igna Abraham before, they were able to get the help of the local garrison, and at the same time, they also grasped the information of each street in advance.

Moreover, the right and sudden military inspections made every member of the Perizk army fully armed before the riots began, saving a lot of time for the army to gather.

However, even though Igna Abraham had informed in advance that the time that might change would be around 17:00 pm, the strange giants who suddenly appeared in the caught them by surprise. .

Why do giants suddenly appear in the city? Is this the arrangement of the ancient alchemists in advance?

If the main messenger behind it is an ancient alchemist, where would she hide?

Derrick Berg jumped onto the house, and from a higher perspective, it could be clearly seen that there were at least thirty-six giants raging around in the city-state of Perizke.

Less than 20 minutes ago, the street they walked through, the small town they had overlooked, now looked like a purgatory on earth. Fireworks exploded, rubble splashed, and cries shook the sky.

It's hard to imagine how Perizic would have dealt with the terrible disaster in front of him if he didn't predict in advance.

Derrick Berg immediately commanded the guard unit to evacuate the people. On the other hand, he held it in his hands and made a spear that looked like it was made by the eternal scorching sun.


The spear was thrown at an air-breaking speed, and the giant roaring a hundred meters away was penetrated in an instant.

The giant crashed to the ground, and the people fled.

But this half-giant seemed to be surrounded by endless warmth and light. With him as the center, the panicked people within a radius of 30 meters suddenly calmed down.

"To St. Conch Cathedral—"

"To St. Conch Cathedral—"

The cries of the guards were finally heard.

"It's safe there—"

"It's safe there—"

"Our God, His word is perfect. His word is purified. He is a shield to all who take refuge in him. (Note 2


Note 1: Bible Psalms - Chapter 46 Verse 1

Note 2: Modified from the Bible 2 Samuel

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