Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 75: reflection in mirror

"Mystery: Key of the Star(

"Haha." Su Yuanning laughed dryly.

If it weren't for the fact that Senior Xiao Zhou's previous state seemed really bad, this question seems to be just out of concern, Su Yuanning would have to think that he did it on purpose.

Because the "tutorial" last night was really... even more unbearable.

Yesterday, Su Yuanning finally found an opportunity in the middle of the night to come to the gray fog to receive "teaching".

Then, the result was as he expected.

He was tortured and killed seven times by Gehrman Sparrow.

At first, Su Yuanning took the lead and used the strategy developed over the past week to successfully "kill" Gehrman Sparrow once.

And, after his first success, Gehrman Sparrow was not only not angry, but praised him for doing a "good job."

At that moment, Su Yuanning mistakenly thought that Gehrman Sparrow was indeed just like what Senior Xiao Zhou said. Although he was a cold-faced and serious teacher, he was still very kind.

However, in the next time, Su Yuanning quickly knew that he was wrong.

According to Gehrman Sparrow, when a Beyonder is barely able to get on the stage in a solo fight, he should begin to consciously cultivate his awareness of the use of the venue and environment. Because no enemy will be out of the field to fight him.

Of course, Su Yuanning agreed with both hands and feet.

After all, the real Extraordinary fight is not like the previous training, in a field with almost no obstacles, allowing two Beyonders of the "Mage" profession to directly collide with their extraordinary abilities.

Whether it is an apprentice's "trick master" or a fortune-teller's "magician", the Beyonders of this pathway are required to prepare in advance and not perform unprepared performances.

The apprentice's use of spatial abilities and the fortune-teller's changes in strange scenes cannot be completely separated from the environment.

Therefore, when Gehrman Sparrow proposed the next "training content", Su Yuanning was still a little happy.

Completely unaware that what awaits him is hell.

Bitten and killed by a hound, covered with yellow feathers, cursed into an animal, made into a puppet, cut off by a knight of the dawn, manipulated by a wraith, half of his body exiled, and half of his remaining organs flowed to the ground... …

During training on the field, Su Yuanning could only see Gehrman Sparrow when he had his last breath left.

The teacher can be seen with a cold face and said to him, "I lasted for 30 seconds this time, not bad. Take a break and come again."


"It's very rewarding." Su Yuanning put away his miserable memories, and considered a relatively pertinent and factual vocabulary.

"learned a lot."

"Really?" Zhou Mingrui raised his eyebrows, "I'm also worried that he will use too much force. It will cause you a psychological shadow."

"Cough." Su Yuanning coughed lightly.

"Psychological shadows... no."

"After all, he is Gehrman." Su Yuanning blinked his eyes and said with a pun, "Soul series players will not be afraid to suffer under his hands. To be able to defeat the strongest hunter is the desire of all people in dreams. (Note )”

Zhou Mingrui was stunned, as if he didn't expect Su Yuanning to make a point at this time.

But Zhou Mingrui smiled, he nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "You are right."

"Only by defeating Gehrman can you have the right to stand on the stage. (Note

"Speaking of which." Zhou Mingrui snapped his fingers as if he suddenly remembered something.

The puppy that was lying on Zhou Mingrui's lap suddenly turned into a mirror the size of a palm.

It was suspended in the air, and the black mirror surface did not reflect any light.

"Arrodes, is there something you want to tell Yuan Ning?" Zhou Mingrui asked, in ancient Feysac.

"Yes, my merciful dear beloved master. Thank you for graciously giving your heartfelt and sincere humble servant the opportunity to speak on such an important occasion." A silver white appeared on Arrodes' mirror. 's handwriting.

Su Yuanning was stunned and looked at Arrodes.

And the small mirror the size of a palm suddenly rippled, showing a beautiful picture, it was a small city with beautiful mountains and rivers. The city is built on the mountain, and the architectural style in the city is unique.

It's Peritzk.

Su Yuanning recognized it at a glance, the city he had just visited. Even the street that Arrodes showed was the alley he just walked through.

Then the scene turned, and the camera focused on a small island on the west side of the city of Perizke.

Arrodes thoughtfully adopted aerial aerial photography, so that Su Yuanning could clearly see where the island was.

And Su Yuanning also carefully noticed that the waters around the island seemed to be a little unusual.

First, there is obviously a good port near the island. But there are no boats moored around here.

What is even more remarkable is that on the other side of the shore less than two nautical miles away, there are many fishing boats and merchant ships moored here.

Su Yuanning frowned.

Such a scene is unreasonable. Is there something unusual about this island?

He looked intently.

The scene in the mirror quickly came to the island.

The area of ​​the entire island is not large, perhaps only half the size of Gulangyu Island.

Su Yuanning also quickly discovered the abnormality of this island.

Second, the trees on the island look unreasonably sparse, withered and decayed. The entire island, including the sea around the island, presents a deadly atmosphere.

This is not normal. The ecology of the waters around the island does not match the natural climate.

The screen continues to advance.

In the center of the island is a beautifully decorated but seemingly under-maintained small castle.

The small castle is in a simple stone style consistent with the city-state of Pelizk.

However, in the open space around it is a dead silence, there are hardly any living beings, it is a barren scorched earth, and it seems that even weeds cannot grow there.'s very wrong.

You don't have to rely on the knowledge of mysticism, as long as you have eyes, you can see the strangeness of this castle.

So, this castle is the core of the island anomaly?

Su Yuanning followed the picture of Arrodes, silent, but thinking seriously.

The picture came to the inside of the castle.

Judging from the interior decoration and decoration, the previous owner of this castle must have a lot of money and spent a lot of time on decoration and carving.

However, now both the suspended ceiling and the ceiling frescoes have been peeled and corrupted. The exquisite and beautiful marble floor is covered with dust, and the road leading to the hall stairs is full of "people" on both sides.

These "people" are covered with dust. According to the picture, the eyes and skin of these "people" are dehydrated and shriveled, and they have been dead for at least six months, but their bodies have not decayed, but have become shriveled.

They piled up on both sides of the castle, at least more than a hundred people.

Seeing this, Su Yuanning was a little silent.

He still remembered the revelation he had received through astrology earlier. There are some dangers in Peritzk, but it's acceptable.

How acceptable is this? ?

Could this little island be the reason for Peritzk's danger?

Arrodes also quickly told him the answer.

—Yes, that's exactly it.

In this gorgeous and dilapidated castle, there are four resentful spirits.

Yes, four.

However, they should not be ancient. Their clothes and faces are those of modern and contemporary residents.

The mirror of Arrodes showed several battle It can be seen from the picture alone that the existence of these resentful spirits is somewhat special.

The gender composition of the Wraith is three males and one female. The three male resentful spirits seem to have the ability of the storm domain, and also have some spirituality. In most cases, it does not actively hurt people.

However, when the female spirits take the initiative to attack and have a strong desire to attack, the state of the three male spirits will also change. Their eyes will become dull and manic. And also began to actively attack.

From this point of view, the conclusion is also obvious that these male grievances are controlled by female grievances.

In other words, female grievances are the "core" force.

She has a very strange energy, and walking into her realm is like entering the night. Moreover, she seems to be able to manipulate dreams at will. All humans who set foot on the island, or come within 1 nautical mile of the island at night, will fall asleep.

Moreover, she seems to have the ability to directly capture the human spirit body from the body. The three male resentful spirits were killed in this way.



(Someone is explaining the stalks they play.jpg)

Note: The stalk of the curse of blood. Gehrman's name comes from the penultimate BOSS of the blood curse, the strongest hunter Gehrman in the story.

Gehman has something to do with how the game ends. Only when you defeat him and meet certain conditions will you enter the finale.

In the original book, "Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt" is the conversation between Gehrman and the player before the battle of neta.

Furthermore, Curse of Blood can be viewed as a game played in a dream state. Players are constantly dying, constantly reborn, and monsters are constantly resetting. This process is often referred to as "suffering".

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