Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 27: Blasphemer

The honorable name of Mr. Fool who heard the sun chanting silently.

Igna understood.

Is this the bell of hope that Amon brings to the Forsaken Land?

Therefore, although Amon is the **** of deception, he still serves Mr. Fool and brings good news to the City of Silver.

Although He was misunderstood, misunderstood, and imprisoned in a dungeon, he finally completed Mr. Fool's mission and waited until the "sun" of the City of Silver.

—— "Singer" and "Light Prayer" Derrick Berg.

However, why does Igna think that the way Amon spreads the gospel is a little weird?

Ignat, who had just experienced the scene, still subconsciously felt that Amon in the dungeon was not kind to Elder Derrick Berg.

If he was really sincere as the messenger of the Fool's Gospel, would he drive Derrick to such a near-death place that the Chief had to take action?

If he is really the benevolent Fool's Angel under his seat, will he let the members of the exploration team lose control and let the parasitic captain die?

Is it because he had been in the ground for forty-two years, and the nature of the deceitful **** couldn't hold back, so he had to make fun of Little Sun before telling him Mr. Fool's real name?

This is too bad, isn't it? Is this still an angel under the Fool's seat?

Mister Fool is so kind, doesn't he want to kill this bear child who often mischief? Even if it is assumed that the Land Abandoned by God is separated from the mainland, only Amon can complete the task of bringing the gospel to the City of Silver.

Ignat felt vaguely still not quite right.

By the way, Amon has a title called "blasphemer".

Igna suddenly remembered another title of Amon. This title made him feel that he could make everything in front of him more reasonable.

Is it possible that Amon felt "blasphemous" when he assigned the task, but because he was still under the control of the Fool, Mr. Fool could still restrict him in some respects.

Therefore, he only completed the final task, but the process was messed up. Even for the Fool to distort the will of Mr. Fool and hinder the process of spreading the gospel, he disguised himself as an evil spirit and the Fool as an evil god. Let the Gospel come out of the mouth of a "runaway".

The six-member council led by Colin Iliad was suspicious and prevented the gospel from spreading smoothly.

This is why, Senior Xiao Zhou reminded in his notes:

Be careful with Amon.

This makes sense. Igna thought.

Amon is a unique existence. He possesses abilities that other angels under Mr. Fool do not possess, so it is difficult for even the true God to truly discipline him, but he has to entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

Plus he likes mischief and is the **** of deceit. Moreover, it seems that he does not want to "blaspheme" all the time.

Therefore, if you really meet, you must really play up the spirit of 120,000 points.


Igna was thinking, and the scene in front of him changed.

Lightning pierced the sky and illuminated the dark city walls.

Derrickberg in front of him was carrying a leather sack, carrying an axe, and stood outside the door with nearly ten teammates. Ignatius and Michelle also came behind them.

"This is the third dream for 'recording' provided by Elder Derrick Berg," Michelle explained.

Igna nodded. This is also the third time that Michelle has used the ability of Dream Walker, and he has also successfully recorded the third time.

Gu </span> Ignatius, who was still wearing a double-breasted trench coat, looked out of place in the crowd, and Michelle, who was carrying a short dagger, stood between them as if he was a warrior.

This is Derrick Berg's dream. Igna looked up and saw that the black soil between the stone cracks in the city wall was dry and slag, but clumps of tenacious weeds grew. They were fine and fluttering like human hair. .

In the alternation of lightning and darkness, a tall figure slowly walked over, carrying two restrained straight swords behind him.

Immediately after, his pale and messy hair, vicissitudes of eyes, old scars with deep distortion, brown coat and linen shirt that have not changed all the year round, one after another reflected in the eyes of Igna and others.

The visitor is the chief of the City of Silver's "Six-Person Council", Colin Iliad, a powerful "Demon Hunter".

Colin looked around and confirmed that all the team members had arrived, so he said in a low voice, "Light the lights, let's go."

The two team members immediately lit the candle in the lantern, allowing the dim light to shine through the extremely thin leather.

Michelle followed their group with a lantern and Igna, and Michele explained to Igna:

"In the 'daytime' when the lightning frequency is high, there is no need to use candles in the City of Silver, because every two or three seconds, there is 'light'."

"And the surrounding monsters have been eliminated over and over again, but once you leave the City of Silver and enter the depths of darkness, you must keep candlelight at all times, otherwise as long as the lightning fails to keep up at a certain stage, it will cause more than five seconds of darkness. The environment, the team will have a high probability of being attacked by certain monsters.”

"Will there be an unusually fierce battle?" Igna asked.

"No, fierce battles are not the most terrifying development." Michelle replied in a soft voice, "One time, when we were exploring the depths of the darkness, the candles could not be replaced in time because of the previous battle with the corroding corpse tide. , so we had to endure the deep darkness for eight seconds. But when the lightning reappeared and the candlelight reappeared, there were only five of our original eight teammates left, and the other three disappeared silently and unknowingly. It never happened."

Igna was silent for a moment. Walk behind the team and follow the team to the predetermined direction. (Note 1)

In the next flashback and darkness became the master of the earth, the exploration team of Silver City finally arrived at their destination after a long but not short trek and sporadic battles.

With the help of the unreachable light of the animal skin lanterns in the team, Igna saw the almost completely collapsed city wall, and saw the tattered street without even a single weed.

On both sides of the street, most of the houses collapsed, and only a few were barely supported, but the surfaces were all mottled and full of dust from time.

The coatings with white and blue as the main tone, and the spire structures that are different from the City of Silver, are also dark, making it difficult to imagine their original appearance.

However, Igna can use this to peek into the past of this city. It must have experienced a long has a considerable number of residents, and developed its own civilization in the dark age.

The human beings here take potions, repair buildings, defend the city walls, teams of five or six or more, explore outward, hunt monsters, and find resources necessary for survival.

They will celebrate in a brief period of peace, they will sacrifice to the gods, they will crave a response, they will give birth to a new generation, and they will keep hope alive.

However, they eventually disappeared in the darkness, losing all sound, leaving only a ruin.

This ruin is like a huge tomb, burying a civilization that was struggling to survive but sadly disappeared. (Note 2)


The whole staff is really refreshing.jpg

I have thought about repeating it in my language before, but after I tried it, I felt that I was doing negative work and made the article unsightly. _(:з)∠)_

Tomorrow, the third part of the important nodes in the redemption history of the City of Silver will be sorted out, "The Temple of the Real Creator"


Note 1: Volume II, The Faceless Man, Chapter 232 "Live".

Note 2: Volume II, The Faceless Man, Chapter 241, Who Am I.

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