Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 5: unseen eye

Ignat's pace was light and slow.

When he walked up the steps, he realized that the hall was unbelievably large.

The place you can see now is about the size of the golden concert hall of the Aalto Concert Hall. The fountain in the room is almost the same as the modern 25m swimming pool.

Even if the building is somewhat dilapidated now, you can see the splendor it once had here.

Igna didn't know much about the knowledge of the Fourth Epoch, but judging from the decorations in the room he could see so far, it should be a territory belonging to the nobles.

There are 30 and 31 stone columns on both sides of the hall.

Judging from the numbers alone, the owner of this building is only slightly lower than Abraham. And Abraham was already the top noble of the Fourth Epoch.

"It seems that the owner of this building has a lot of background." Igna judged secretly.

And, after walking out of the corridor, he could hear more voices. Not only the crackling sound of the flames burning and lighting, but also the sound of fiddling with water in the distance can be heard clearly.


The man was still fiddling with the water, and his mouth was muttering as if he was saying something.

"Eyes...where did the eyes go..."

"Eyes...where did the eyes go..."

Igna listened with bated breath, and could only vaguely distinguish two Old Feysac words.

One is the question word "where" and the other is the noun "eye".

Because there are only two words, Igna cannot connect words to form sentences, and can only roughly infer the meaning of sentences.

And the phrase "where did the eyes go?" sounds a little confusing.

"Where did the eyes go..." Igna thought to himself, "Under what circumstances would someone ask such a question?"

Then, because the voice was louder, Igna could also vaguely judge that the question of "where did the eyes go" came from a man.

Although it was impossible to tell the age of the man just from the sound of his voice, Igna could barely judge that it was a young and middle-aged man who sounded weak. Because his voice seemed to lack some strength, and there was an abnormal vibrato in his words.

But Igna didn't take it lightly and didn't give up on the thread.

Under the cover of psychological invisibility, Igna cautiously approached the source of the sound.

He walked very carefully, so he heard a few footsteps faintly as he approached.



Obviously, it was the sound of bare feet stepping on wooden stairs. And the sound of footsteps doesn't just belong to one person.

Igna stopped subconsciously and looked in the direction of the only wooden staircase in the room.

However, he couldn't see anything.

There was nothing on the stairs in the distance.

Igna couldn't help taking a sip of water.

But instead of panic and fear, he chose to stay calm and listen with bated breath, trying to determine the source of the sound.

Then, he realized that these sounds were not coming from the stairs in the distance, but not far above his head. He vaguely saw a few figures on the ground.

Or, strictly speaking, Ignatius couldn't be sure if those were actually people.

Because the shadows reflected on the floor made Ignat feel that it might be a few tall mushrooms with long limbs shaking their heads.

"Humans are not the only ones in this world," Igna told himself.

Instead of taking what he saw in front of him as if he was insane, he was extra careful.

Igna watched silently at first.

He observed for a while, and judged from the shadow that the person on the stairs had no intention of coming down. He even saw that those "human-shaped mushrooms with limbs" seemed to be patrolling, because they stopped after reaching a certain point and then returned.

"...21, 22, 23..."

Igna watched the pace of their turning back, while silently counting his heartbeat.

He needs to determine the intervals and times of patrols. In the case of clock failure, he can only rely on the heartbeat to keep time.

His breathing was steady. After determining that the patrol's reentry time was 82 heartbeats, Ignatius acted again.

Before entering the second floor, he had to figure out who was at the fountain on the first floor.

There are too many mysteries here, and he needs more clues to know where this place is.

It would be great to know more information if it is safe to do so.

Finally, after going around the 15th pillar, Ignatius saw a man by the pool.

He was lying on the edge of the water, fiddling with the water in the pool with his hands. Valley

He didn't find Igna, who used psychological stealth.

But Igna saw him.

This is a very weird looking person. Not the face, but the overall body shape.

Even, he is so weird that Igna doesn't know if he is "human" or not.

Because, this "person", below the neck, looks like a "person".

First of all, he has slender limbs, and his arms and legs are also long on the torso like a normal person. The action of fiddling in the water also shows that his joint structure is no different from that of a normal person.

His clothes, below the neck, are also relatively normal clothes.

He was wearing a white gown that looked a bit like a hospital gown. But it is slightly different from the common patient clothes now. There are leather straps on the cuffs, arms, chest, thighs and knees of this hospital gown.

The hospital gown on this man looked dirty and didn't seem to have been washed for a long time. Moreover, on this hospital gown, there are blood stains of varying degrees everywhere on the body. Among them, the blood stains on the elbows and the neck were like spilled blood, layer upon layer. I don't know how many times they were stained with blood, dried and stained several times.

This made me feel a little chill down my spine.

Moreover, this is also the part of this "person" that is most like a "person".

As mentioned earlier, the limbs and torso of this "person" appear to be "human", but above his neck, there is no human appearance at all.

——On the neck of this "person", there is a huge "bag" that seems to be made of cloth.

The "bag" was huge, so big it could almost hold a sack of watermelons. Moreover, the cloth bag was uneven, covered with dirty bloodstains that I don't know how many layers were layered.

Igna is certain that no one will see this "bag" as a face mask, because this "bag" is ten times the size of a human head. If a person's head is covered with such a large "bag", it should theoretically be able to cover the upper body. But this "bag" was inflated like a balloon and was placed on top of the person's neck.

And with the man's movements, breathing and words, the rhythm of breathing and closing is still moving.

This "bag" is so weird that even Ignat thought it was not a "bag" at first sight, but a wriggling external brain.

What the **** is this?

Igna scratched his stomach, trying to recall what he had recently learned, but there was no answer.

Be careful, be careful and be careful. Igna admonished himself.

Those "human-shaped mushrooms with limbs" that were just patrolling upstairs are likely to be such things.

All fear comes from the unknown. Only by knowing more, can you know more and not be afraid.

Therefore, Igna came to the "cloth-headed man" through "psychological invisibility", and was finally able to hear what he said.

"Has anyone, has anyone seen my eyes?" He lowered his head and fiddled with the I'm afraid... I forgot my eyes in the water. "

" pale..."

"Has anyone, has anyone seen my eyes?"

The man lowered his head and fiddled with the water, repeating the words like a repeater.

"Has anyone, has anyone seen my eyes?"

Igna opened his mouth and wanted to take over for a moment.

However, he quickly controlled himself.

First of all, he didn't know what the purpose of the "cloth-headed man" in front of him was, and why he was looking for eyes here. Any blindly reaching out is not advisable. In the environment he is in now, he is not allowed to act arbitrarily.

Secondly, he didn't know whether this "cloth-headed man" was someone he could talk to.

At present, Ignatius still doesn't know anything about this space. He can only be sure that this is not a dream, it is a certain space, and the flow of time seems to be disturbed. In addition, there is too little information.

Igna looked at the "cloth-headed man" in front of him, and initially formulated an exploration plan in his heart.

He quietly touched a stone from the ground.

With a flip of his wrist, with a clever effort, the stone fell into the pool beside the "cloth-headed man".

"Ding dong—" The stone fell into the water.

The movement of the cloth-headed man did not stop for a moment.

"Has anyone, has anyone seen my eyes?" He lowered his head and fiddled with the water, like an emotionless repeater.

"I'm afraid... I, forgot my eyes in the water."

"Everything is pale..."



Well, anyone who has played Bloodborne must know what I plan to write, hehe.

No spoilers! !

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