Mystery: The Star Key

Chapter 40: mechanical model

"Welcome, Assistant Researcher Melissa Moretti." The officer in charge of checking the admission letter handed over the invitation letter to this beautiful lady with a scholarly atmosphere.

Ignatius, who was waiting by the side, also learned her name at this time.

At this time, he can be very sure that he does not know this Miss Moretti. Because the surname Moretti was uncommon, and there was no knowledge of "Moretti" in his memory.

"Hello, Miss Moretti. I'm Sheryn Hill." Ignatius stretched out his right hand to Melissa Moretti. "What made you wonder just now?"

And Melissa Moretti also gently stretched out her hand with black lace gloves and gently shook Igna's hand.

"Hello, Mr. Hill." She nodded slightly and replied very politely, "Because I worked for the Loen Charity Fund for a while, and I heard that you came from the scholarship fund. I took the liberty to speak. I'm so sorry."

Igna was also a little stunned, and heard the meaning of the lady's words.

He held the invitation letter from the Loenz Charity Foundation, but she recognized that he was not a staff member of the charity foundation. Hence the question.

The Loen people are really reserved...

Igna coughed lightly and said, "My invitation letter was given to me by a friend. It is not convenient for her to come, but I heard that I am very interested in this, so let me see it for her."

Melissa smiled and understood Igna's implication.

"Okay. Then I wish you a pleasant visit." Melissa nodded slightly to Igna, gave a salute, and turned to leave.

It's just a blip, and Ignar shouldn't have taken it to heart.

However, I don't know why Ignatius always unconsciously recalled the fleeting familiarity when he first met Melissa.

He still hadn't remembered where this familiarity came from.

But he still tried to put the matter aside. Because familiar sources are also easy to solve.

"As long as you go back and do a divination later, you'll know."

Now the more important thing is to make money... no! Check out the exhibition!


The Backlund Steam and Machinery Expo is an extremely grand event.

After entering the exhibition park with the ticket, you can freely choose the exhibition hall to visit.

The exhibition park mainly consists of one main hall and 6 small exhibition halls. The main pavilion in the center is the largest and most eye-catching.

The transparent palace, like a crystal palace, is filled with all kinds of steam machines.

The small exhibition hall is a branch hall, mainly for the display of furniture, textile technology, gardening, foreign art and other products.

Igna didn't hesitate to go to the main pavilion first.

Even if the flow of people and crowds is limited, there is still a lot of people here. Not only aristocrats, but also countless inventors came and went.

Inside the glass crystal palace, there are various large-scale mechanical creations, most of which are based on civilian designs, with transportation and factory production as the two branches.

The exhibits are dazzling and numerous.

Among them, the one that most attracted Igna's attention was the huge steam car.

All kinds of steam cars have different exaggerated cool shell designs, and they are all the same size, each looks like a nineteenth-century version of Optimus Prime.

Some of the cars also show the constituent gears inside. Numerous gears are tightly meshed and rotated by steam, which has a delicate and delicate mechanical beauty.

However, the outer casing of these steam cars is cool, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that these steam cars have low practicality.

After all, Backlund was a city that mainly used carriages as a means of transportation.

For hundreds of years, horse-drawn carriages have connected the bustling areas of the city center, so the roads in the city are built and repaired on the basis of horse-drawn carriages.

Under such circumstances, the steam locomotive can certainly have more power and faster speed, but his huge body is also destined to be unable to gallop in the city.

Because of the construction of the subway in Backlund now, the transportation between regions is still convenient, which expands the range of actions of the residents of Backlund to a certain extent. However, the traffic in the area is still only by horse-drawn carriages.

The popularity of bicycles has improved the way to travel on short distances to some extent. But stopovers within the city are still a problem.

"Well..." Igna looked at the smallest and most beautifully crafted steam locomotive in the entire exhibition hall in front of him and fell into thought.

The author of this model obviously wants to make a tool that can replace the track carriage, improve the steam locomotive, and also borrow some of the structure of the steam car. After making the locomotive smaller, it looks small and delicate.

The model combines the characteristics of two mainstream land vehicles, with the beauty of a steam car, and provides the power of a steam locomotive. But integration and innovation make this invention somewhat different.

Therefore, it seems a little out of place in the whole venue, and there are few people interested in the model.

But Igna saw a business opportunity in this model and felt that he could talk to the inventor.

"Mr. Hill, are you interested in this model?"

Ignat, who was thinking, suddenly heard a familiar voice again. He turned around and found that Miss Melissa Moretti was standing beside him.

She seemed to have some interest in the model, too, looking at Igna with Quest written in her brown eyes.

"Yes." Igna nodded, looked back at the big iron lump in front of him, and said, "This model is very interesting. Unlike other models in the exhibition hall, what he pursues is a revolution in transportation. Unlike subways and trains, which are used for long-distance travel, it should be a mid-way transportation, mainly used to solve the traffic in urban areas, and the target should be the tram."

"In general, it is very innovative and cutting-edge of the times. It is an innovation in transportation and has a high investment value."

"Really?" Melissa smiled softly, seemingly pleased by Igna's answer.

"You are the first person to make such an assessment."

Igna felt that Melissa's answer seemed to have some implication.

Melissa didn't sell out, she held a booklet in both hands and handed it to Igna: "You may not have seen the introduction of the model, I am the designer of this model."

Igna was stunned for a moment, then awe. He took the booklet Melissa handed over with both The booklet drew the design and introduction of the model in front of him. On the title page, Igna also met Melissa Moretti. Miss's resume. She is only nineteen years old this year, and she is already an assistant researcher at Backlund University of Technology.

The introduction in this booklet also clearly illustrates Melissa's design concept for this small steam locomotive. As Igna had previously speculated, it was primarily a public transport solution for mid-city travel. It can provide faster speed and more passenger carrying capacity than railcars, and it is the prototype of a new type of public transportation.

"Awe-inspiring ingenuity, innovative courage and compassionate mind." Igna praised sincerely.


I would like to thank my classmates Fried Mushrooms with Mushrooms and Dongzi from the Ash Soil Branch of the Tarot Society for answering my doubts about what university Melissa went to.

In addition, the content of this chapter and the next chapter about transportation and city size is nonsense. In fact, I just watched a few popular science videos about the relationship between transportation development history and city size, so please don’t carelessly point out any questions. (Soil under the seat.jpg)

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