Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 136: 'The Fool' Attempt

After reasoning here, Hydall already knew how to determine whether Triss was arranged by 0-08.

As long as Dunn is not contaminated in dealing with Triss, or deepens mental problems, then it means that 0-08 did not arrange Triss at this time, otherwise, it means that Triss has been suffering from 0-08. 08 arrangement.

"Let me think about it and reminisce." Hydall began to recall the content of Dunn's handling of Triss.

After a long time, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

No, Dunn was not tainted or deepened mentally when dealing with Triss's events.

"This shows that Triss came here and was not arranged by 0-08."

"Heh, she came here because of the arrangement of the Gnostic Society, and Ince Zangwill has not yet cooperated with the Gnostic Society and the Royal Augustus Family in the Loen Kingdom at this time, otherwise he would not have cooperated. As for writing Madam Sharon to death in order to deepen Dunn's mental problems, after all, Sequence Six is ​​a high-level member."

Hidell, who had already come to a conclusion, could finally go to work with confidence.

"It's not easy to do it in the underground trading market, but I can go there and squat her, follow her, and wait until there are fewer people."

Having said that, Sidor had a smile on his face. Although he was only a Sequence 8, he had quite a few Beyonder items on his body, and he could summon Cecilia to fight for him, which was equivalent to a Sequence 6 powerhouse.

"Just to see how strong Cecilia is after she becomes an angel."


On Monday, Klein, who was on vacation, did not go out. Instead, after Melissa went to school, he returned to the bedroom and locked the door.

Then he closed the curtains, lit the gas lamp, meditated for half an hour, practiced spiritual vision, pendulum, and divination for half an hour, and reviewed mysticism knowledge for an hour by means of memory.

After doing this, he tore the discarded newspaper into more than a dozen balls, and wrote the names of materials such as "moon flower", "candle" and "full moon essential oil", and simulated the process of ritual magic step by step to grasp the details.

Klein's head suddenly had an idea, "The 'sacrifice ceremony' and the 'gift ceremony' that God told me, can I rely on the gray fog space to achieve it?"

At this time, Klein hadn't been able to get in touch with these two mysticism rituals. He had asked Old Neil before and knew that they were all relatively advanced mysticism knowledge, and he couldn't learn it with his current authority.

"God is really generous. I didn't feel like I became an Extraordinary at first. Now I know that the three mysticism knowledge that I gave away for free are all very advanced knowledge that ordinary people can't know."

Taking a look, it was less than two o'clock at this time. Klein planned to enter above the gray fog ahead of time. He wanted to take this opportunity to investigate the place well!

Just when he was about to start his reversal, he suddenly worried about whether Justice, The Hanged Man, and Power had entered a suitable environment and would be disturbed and discovered by others, so he thought of one thing:

He said that he would find a way so that if Justice and The Hanged Man and Power cannot escape, or encounter other situations, they can ask for leave in advance or be absent from the party.

And after they complete the transaction, it is too troublesome to send the items in their hands to the other party.

Now, he found inspiration from the ritual magic and the 'sacrifice ritual' and the 'gifting ritual'.

"With the help of external ritual magic, they all pray for the help of different beings. Similar incantations have clear directions at the beginning, such as the goddess of the night, the crimson lord, such as God, the master above the void, and those unknown. Secret. description of existence."

"Then can I modify the incantation so that the description at the beginning points to me?"

"In this way, even if 'Justice' and 'The Hanged Man' and 'Power' are held in a foreign country, I can get the corresponding information, and I can help them complete the transaction, making the item transaction more convenient, and improving the My image in their hearts!"

Klein was shocked and began to analyze the feasibility of this method:

"Two difficulties. First, I am not a **** like 'God', or a high-ranked person who is powerful to a certain extent. Even if the incantation does point at me, it is unlikely that I will receive a 'request'."

"Secondly, how to ensure that the description of the incantation can accurately point to me, and will not go astray and point to other unknown existences that match the description, which will bring great danger."

Klein paced back and forth, thinking about possible solutions.

The footsteps were silent, and he turned round and round, and naturally connected this matter with the world above the gray fog.

"I can't accept it. It doesn't mean that the gray fog doesn't want it. The combination of it and the crimson stars can directly 'pull' people into space, regardless of distance."

"You can consider tying me and that piece of space together when making a directional description..."

"According to this line of thinking, although I cannot immediately receive a 'request' when the other party holds a ceremony, as long as I enter above the gray fog, I can see the corresponding information."

Following this idea, Klein became more excited the more he thought about it, and felt that this idea could be tried.

"Well, what description should I use to point to me precisely, to that moment of gray fog?" He began to consider specific details.

After a long period of deliberation and overturning the previous honorable name, Klein finally came up with the incantation according to the shortest three-paragraph description.

He let out a long breath and muttered:

"You don't belong to the fool of this era, you are the mysterious master above the gray fog, you are the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck..."

He nodded invisibly, because the ceremony had not yet been arranged, so there was no induction in the gray fog space.

After thinking about it, he decided to use the 'Transfer Ceremony' to revise it.

So he arranged the wall of spirituality, laid out the materials used in the ceremony one by one, and placed the corresponding materials in the way of ritual magic.

Klein took a deep breath, lowered his head, and recited the official incantation in Hermes:

"A fool who does not belong to this era;"

"You are the mysterious master above the gray fog;"

"You are the king of yellow and black in charge of good I pray for your help."

"I pray for your favor."

"I beg you to let me have a good dream."

"Deep Sleeping Flower, the herb belonging to the red moon, please pass the power to my spell."


As soon as Klein finished reciting the incantation, he felt the wind blowing in the sealed spiritual wall, and saw the crimson stars on his arm circulating.

At the same time, he seemed to hear one after another illusory shouts, the invisible whispers in his mind, making his forehead jump, making it difficult to control.

Klein waved his hand excitedly, "It really pointed at me!"

He immediately took four steps backwards, each step accompanied by incantations from the earth.

The constant shouting and murmurs came, and the constant madness and pain added to him, and he came above the gray fog.

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