Mystery: The Last God’s Path

Chapter 106: fortune teller? Thief!

Zhou Mingrui felt relieved, shuffled and cut cards skillfully, and secretly said: He must have wanted to charge a fee just now.

"Okay." He put the shuffled tarot cards in the center of the table.

The fortune-teller clasped his hands, carefully looked at the tarot cards for a while, and suddenly said:

"I'm sorry, I forgot to ask, what do you want to fortune?"

Are you a professional or not... Zhou Mingrui couldn't help complaining in his heart, but when he thought it was free, he thought about it and said without hesitation:

"Past, present, and future."

The fortune-teller first nodded his head, then the corners of his mouth were upturned, and he said with a smile:

"Then please shuffle the cards again."

You were playing with me just now... Zhou Mingrui's face twitched, he took a deep breath, shuffled and cut the cards, and placed them on the table, his eyes fixed on the fortune-teller.

If he dared to shuffle the cards again, he promised to show the pocket pistol for him to see.

I saw the fortune-teller stretched out his fingers, picked up a card from the top, placed it on Zhou Mingrui's left hand, and said in a low voice:

"This one symbolizes the past."

Then he picked up the second card and placed it in front of Zhou Mingrui, "This one symbolizes the present."

Finally, he picked up the third card and placed it on Zhou Mingrui's right hand: "This one symbolizes the future."

"Okay, which card do you want to see first?" After doing all this, the fortune-teller raised his head and looked at Zhou Mingrui with deep grey eyes.

Zhou Mingrui thought for a while, "Let's look at 'now' first."

The fortune-teller nodded slowly and turned over the card in front of him.

This card depicts a young man wearing gorgeous clothes, a gorgeous headdress, carrying a cane on his shoulders, luggage hanging from the head of the cane, and being pulled by a dog behind him. The serial number is '0'.

"The Fool." The fortune-teller read the card softly. At this time, his voice was no longer hoarse, but instead brought a unique, gentle feeling that made people want to continue listening.

The fortune teller began to explain for him, "This means that you will have a new beginning, and everything will start anew."

Suddenly, his gray eyes were fixed on Zhou Mingrui, and he said softly:

"Of course, there is also a possibility that you have become... a fool."

Zhou Mingrui could still understand in front of him, but then he was dumbfounded...what the hell...becoming a fool?

Are you sure you are a professional? Professional magician?

Just when the fortune-teller was about to say something, the curtain of the tent was suddenly lifted, and the strong sunlight shone into the dim tent.

"I found you, you shameful thief!" A male voice growled angrily, "Everyone, come and help me catch this thief!"

Thief? Zhou Mingrui got used to the light and saw a man at the door wearing only a white lining and also painted red and butter.

The fortune-teller in front of Zhou Mingrui suddenly stood up, pushed the man who appeared suddenly away, and fled with a swoosh.

"Quick, catch him quickly, don't let this shameful thief run away!"

The man blocking the road fell to the ground, but shouted loudly, then he quickly stood up and chased after him.

This... Zhou Mingrui seemed to know what was going on, and was stunned for a while... So, later the man was the real fortune teller, and the one just now stole someone else's attire, Secretly came here for divination!

A thief gave me a divination!

After the two left, Zhou Mingrui fell into deep thought while looking at the two unread cards on the table.

Hmm? Zhou Mingrui suddenly saw a piece of paper the size of a palm appeared on the thief's desk at some point, with a few lines of text written on it.

"Could it be that the thief just now was in a hurry to escape and accidentally dropped it?"

Zhou Mingrui glanced outside, almost all the people in the circus were chasing the thief, so he leaned forward and took the paper.

The original owner had learned many languages, and he immediately recognized that it was the ancient Fossack language.

While watching, he couldn't help but meditate:

"From the ancient God."

"Master above the void."

"The great master who rules heaven."

"The mysterious existence that controls all things."


When he finished chanting, he couldn't help but frown, is this some kind of spell?

Zhou Mingrui couldn't help but looked around, up and down, left and right, but nothing happened. He flipped through the white paper a few times, but nothing was out of the ordinary.

At this moment, the real fortune-teller came back wearing the attire of the thief before, and while slapping the dust on his clothes, he said:

"Damn thief, actually let him escape..."

Zhou Mingrui hurriedly stuffed the white paper into his trouser pocket.

When the real fortune teller saw that Zhou Mingrui was still in the tent, he immediately smiled and asked:

"Sir, do you need me to help you interpret it?"

Zhou Mingrui moved the corner of his mouth and asked sincerely:

"Is it free?"

"...No." The real fortune-teller replied.

"Forget it." Zhou Mingrui put his palms back into his pockets, held down the revolver and the banknotes, and bent over to leave the tent.

This is really true, I actually found a thief to do divination!


After Sidor threw off his pursuers, he immediately took a taxi to the former townhouse in Admisor.

After washing the paint off his face, he sat on the single-seater sofa in the living room, and recalled the scene when he was chased by a large group of people and shouted 'catch the thief', and he still couldn't help crying.

However, sensing the response from heaven, his goal has been achieved!

"As long as you read it, that's it!"

Yes, the person who did the divination for Zhou Mingrui or Klein was exactly Hidall. The purpose was to make Klein recite his honorable name!

As for why he took the risk to do this in Naturally, Admisor couldn't do it for him. Admisor could see the Origin Castle directly, don't say it then When you do things, you don't dare to open your eyes.

In desperation, I had to do it myself.

Of course, it is certain to use the protection of the 'Holy Angel' before going.

The cross that inspired his chest came to heaven, and Hidal immediately found a dream bubble belonging to Klein on a pillar, which was still expanding and contracting.

Inside came Klein's voice reciting his full honorable name.

"Don't let him in in a hurry, so as not to cause him to be unable to enter the Sesame Castle for a while." Hidell pondered for a moment, and gave up the idea of ​​recruiting Klein to become his favored one immediately.

"But the effect of prayer has to be kept, otherwise the time has passed, and I can only pull him up unless he recites my honorable name again."

Sidor held the radiant cross on the armrest with his right hand, and immediately gained divine-like power. As his thoughts turned, the dream bubble representing Klein was instantly filled with brilliance, maintaining an inflated posture, unable to shrink back.

But in this way, the voice of Klein reciting the honorable name will continue to come, causing heaven to feel the sensation all the time.

Sidor smiled, "It shouldn't be long before Klein completes the transfer ceremony and enters the Origin Castle. I, the person appointed by Heavenly Venerate in advance, Klein should not let it go."

Thinking of this, he hurriedly wrapped himself with spirituality, simulated the feeling of falling, and returned to the real world. Otherwise, when Klein clicked on the crimson star that represented him, he in heaven would not be able to go to Origin Castle.

In the townhouse, Sidor sat nervously and somewhat excitedly on the sofa, waiting for the upcoming first Tarot meeting.

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