Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Chapter 60: complex emotions

Leonard, who was wrapped in bandages and could only stand on crutches, was standing at the intersection of Narcissus Street, his green eyes were empty.

"Old man, you said in the end, what happened after I was in a coma, why did Ince Zangwill enter the company?"

"Promotion is what a normal Extraordinary would pursue. If it weren't for the insurmountable difficulties, most people would yearn for power and immortality. Didn't Ince Zangwill escape the Church of the Evernight because of this?" The voice lingered in Leonard's ears, and the soothing tone guided his thoughts to rise and fall.

"But how did he do it, why is it so coincidental..." Leonard's left hand holding the cane twisted with force, his fingertips gradually turned white, and his fingernails exploded a little bright red in the palm of his hand.

The cold wind left a "gully" on his formal suit. This time, Pales Zoroaster did not respond immediately.

After a long time, the unknown old monster sighed and said his answer:

"Do you remember the 0-08 that Ince Zangwill took away from the Church of Evernight when he defected?"

"That is a special Grade 0 Sealed Artifact. It is the remains of an ancient god, with the ability to arrange the direction of life. It is characterized by using various coincidences to turn reality into tragedy. It is a powerful force that caused the fall of angels. seal."

Angel has fallen... Leonard, whose brain was originally dominated by grief and anger, suddenly became blank, and for a while he felt that his emotions had no meaning.

After being silent for a long time, he showed his inspector's certificate and declined the "kindness" of a police officer. He limped to a bench next to him, and put his crutches at random beside the dark gas street lamp.

"Old man, if I rely on the method you said, how likely is it that I can be promoted to a high-rank and become a powerhouse?"

"Heh, High Sequence, strong." Pallez's suddenly raised voice rumbled in Leonard's mind, "It depends on your definition of strong, what is the so-called strong."

"In the Fourth Epoch, most Beyonders know the existence of the 'playing method', but not many people can reach demigods, either because of the lack of potions, or because of the failure of rituals, but more people are Because there is no corresponding talent, there is no blessing from a great existence."

"The powerhouses in your eyes now are, at best, high-level cannon fodder in the game of gods in the Fourth Epoch, and consumables that can be replenished at any time."

"If you don't become an angel, it's hard for you to have a real right to speak in this world."

Leonard, who usually sat in a sloppy posture and habitually refuted Pallez's words, had a serious expression at this time, his right hand was covering his face, and the expression behind him was hard to detect.

"If I want to take revenge on Ince Zangwill, how many sequences do I need?"

"Are you sure you want revenge?" Pallez's question was almost substantive as if he had heard a joke.

Leonard nodded, his lips pursed slightly:


After two seconds of silence, Pallez's voice was a little low:

"At least Sequence Four, you can try it out. If you act now, you might be promoted in about three years."

Leonard, who was still like a statue, did not respond. The wind blew through the ends of his hair, from the dark sky to the orange-red sky.

If there is an astral body that can see through Leonard at this time, then he will definitely find a group of clasped worms dotted with golden patterns rotating irregularly at his heart, emitting layers of colorless worms. wave light.

Pallez, who was floating in the ocean of spirituality, temporarily blocked the connection between himself and Leonard. The symbols of the authority symbol of 'deciphering scholar' changed rapidly, and the arrangement corresponding to various situations was constantly reorganized, trying to restore the relationship between this morning. Everything that happened after Nader fell into a coma.

The "secret" elements and the one-second observation vacancy that appeared when the mysterious existence just arrived became barriers to "deciphering", even surpassing the interference caused by the filthy breath of the real creator to Pallez.

"The only beings who can do all this are those who have the control of 'secret' to the top."

"'Night' and 'Mystery'?"

"Alas." Pallez sighed in a low voice, his old voice seemed even weaker, "I will be more careful in the future..."


"Today is an opera performance. You may follow Klein's suggestion and wear brighter clothes." Benson sat next to Melissa, smiling as he looked at his sister who was constantly checking two tickets for "The Return of the Count". The body posture is naturally relaxed, like a few years younger.

Melissa on the single-seat sofa did not directly refute her brother's suggestion, but carefully folded the three color-printed tickets in her hand and put them in her pocket. Then she raised her face and said very seriously:

"I think the opera actors on the stage are already dressed gorgeously. Considering the most popular aesthetic balance, what I am wearing now is the most suitable for tonight."

Popular aesthetics... Hearing this, Benson looked at his sister in surprise, as if he had recognized some of the changes he had overlooked, and said with a laugh:

"Indeed, I'm always like a curly-haired baboon when it comes to aesthetics. Maybe I should learn from Klein. When he was chatting before, he told me that he would occasionally read "Lady's Aesthetics" and said that it would be better. engage with customers.”

"Klein really said that?" Melissa, whose face had become relatively rounder than in the previous months, opened her mouth into an O-shape, unabashedly showing her surprise.

Benson, who was sitting across from him, watched his younger sister act like a little girl, and the smile on his face deepened.

He has rarely seen this kind of expression on Melissa's face since his mother died. Over the years, he has always tried his best to keep his younger siblings from worrying about the hardships of life, but he still finds that they have long been invisible to him. Growing up locally, becoming mature at the cost of losing happiness, and losing the agility that young people should have.

Suddenly Benson felt a little sore in his nose. Just as he was about to find an excuse to calm down, he heard the crisp ringing of the doorbell.

"I'll open the door!" Melissa, who saw that her brother was showing some emotions, took the job without waiting for her consent, and trotted to the hall, "It's probably Klein, when Bella was cleaning his room today, she found him Forgot the key, it must be him."

The girl with the light on her face opened the door lightly while explaining to her eldest brother.


In the brown eyes of the same color as Klein's, a tall, tall and straight, messy beauty, but with scars all over his body, gave off a morbid beauty.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Melissa looked at the young man with black hair and blue eyes in front of her, feeling a little confused for a while.

Leonard, who was leaning on crutches, awkwardly adjusted the folds of his black formal suit with his free right hand, and his voice was a little choked:

"I'm your brother Klein's colleague."

Melissa's heart suddenly sank. Seeing the man in front of her who looked very good, but his face was extremely pale, and even had a plaster cast on his body, she couldn't help but think of what she saw when she went home, Zoetland Street. A loud sound came from the direction.

The independent and strong girl's lips trembled, she staggered two steps forward, and found that there was no other figure behind the young man, her voice trembled uncontrollably:

"Where's Klein?"

Leonard, who had been imagining this scene, imagining that he was going to announce the news of his death to Klein's family, suddenly forgot his preparations, and even lost most of the function of organizing speech, and said intermittently:

"Today, a group of terrorists attacked Tingen. Your brother, Klein, unfortunately died in the fight against the terrorists. He defended Tingen's safety with his life and is a real hero."


The crutches under Leonard's left arm fell to the ground, and he supported Melissa, who almost fell unsteadily, at a speed that was not in line with the wounded.


Leonard's words of concern suddenly choked in his throat. He saw the tears falling on Melissa's cheeks, and was once again enveloped in sadness.


On the ground floor of St. Samuel's Church in Backlund, Daly Simone sorted out her newly assigned office and carefully pressed stacks of envelopes with frayed edges on the photo frame on the table. A little uneven.

Some of these letters were wrapped in the inner envelopes of the Nighthawks with black lines, and some were ordinary off-white envelopes, but without exception, the senders of these envelopes were all signed with a clean Dunn Smith word.

Dai Li stared at the black-and-white photo in the frame. With the help of her memory, she added the color of the frozen scene little by little, recalling her last night before she was transferred from Tingen.

At that time, he pretended to be incapable of drinking, and deceived Dunn, and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to show his heart.

At that time, she had already resigned from the house she rented in Tingen, so she just stayed in the hotel temporarily and would not encounter the embarrassment of bumping into the neighbors.

She remembered that they walked through the municipal park and the cemetery she was saved by Dunn and the others, but in the end they walked to Zoetland Street and to the door of the company.

But in the end, the two of them didn't do anything, just hugged and went their separate ways.

To be honest, she was scared at the time, afraid that Dunn would question her past in bed and think of her debauchery.

Of course, she knew that Dunn was not such a person, but she couldn't forgive herself, so she took advantage of Dunn's retreat and took advantage of the situation to hide herself in the shadow of inferiority and leave without saying goodbye.

"Don't recall the splendor in full bloom when it is withering. In life, you should have the courage to let go of the beauty, instead of secretly regretting the withering." Dai Li recited this famous sentence she heard from Roselle's poems, her eyes gradually becoming slack.


"Daly!" Deacon Solens, a "red glove" who also had some interest in Daly, pressed the urge to run and rushed into the office with a telegram in his hand.

"What's the matter, Captain Sorens, today is not a good day to eat." Dai Li was disturbed without a trace of displeasure, but her face with light blue eyeshadow was full of indifference, and she would refuse the word written on the surface.

Sorens, who came in a hurry, ignored Da Li's misunderstanding, a trace of grief flashed on his face, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he silently walked to her desk, put the telegram in his hand on the desk, and then Quietly backed out.

Sorens? Looking at this inexplicable action, Dai Li suddenly had an unbelievable guess in her heart.

This experienced "psychic" who was pessimistic about life and death slowly lifted the corner of the telegram, and the black print gradually occupied her line of sight.

As a layer of mist blurred her eyes, the telegraph sheet with only a few lines was pinched by trembling fingertips, and the letters on the white paper were distorted.

"Captain of Tingen Market Night Squad, Dunn Smith, player Klein Moretti, Underground Watcher..."

"The faithful believers of the above three goddesses were brutally murdered by Ince Zangwill yesterday and returned to the dark kingdom of heaven."

"Bastard..." Daly covered her face tightly, muffled sobbing and painful whimpers echoing in the empty office.

On the other side of the wall, Sorens, who was leaning against the wall, sighed and left here silently.


"So, it was your daughter who killed Mrs. Sharon that day?"

"A, er, a half-giant?" Klein looked incredulous, as if it was difficult to understand this strange father-daughter combination.

To be honest, he has seen the soft facial features and handsome face shown in the diary by "Mystery", and he has also seen the so-called sketches of giants in some mythology books. He really cannot understand the inevitable connection between the two.

Beauty and the Beast?

Although "Mystery" is a man, his face, which is full of elf characteristics and super handsome, looks more like a beauty in comparison, and his daughter corresponds to the position of a beast.

Looking at Klein's constipated look, "Mystery" was not annoyed because his adopted daughter's identity was not, he just spoke in a calm voice about the opposite past.

"Angelboda is a malnourished giant. In other words, she was born without the corresponding Extraordinary characteristics, so she is not considered a giant in the traditional sense, or a natural supernatural being."

"I happened to be doing some experiments at sea at that time, and I found her who was stranded on a desert island because of the storm."

"To be honest, I was indifferent to human nature at that time, and I urgently needed to play some roles, to use my experience and memory to stabilize human nature and maintain my state. This was also my motivation for adopting her."

"Keep state?" Klein captured a word that he cared about.

"Mystery", whose words were interrupted, thought for a while, and explained in a calm tone:

"A god's strength depends on how well the potion can be digested, but what's more important is his mental state. If one of humanity and divinity has the upper hand, his state will unstoppably slip into the abyss of runaway."

"So the gods have to act as well?" This new information caused Klein to think about higher-level existences, and unconsciously compared the true gods with ordinary Beyonders, looking for similarities.

And "Mystery", who was sitting across from him, seemed very happy to see Klein's behavior like this. The corners of his mouth turned up naturally for the first time, looking a little happy.

"That's right, after all, the potion's system determines everything, even a true **** cannot escape."

"You should always remember that nothing is free. Madness and chaos are the foundation of this world. This truth will stay with you for a long time."

"Just like what your captain said, we are just poor people in a crazy world. On this point, everyone is the same."

"It's all the same, Klein."

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