Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 46: Cosplay involves the secrets of the gods

"Don't be so excited." Mr. Demon waved his hand gently:

"Actually, I only know a little bit about it."

"No matter how small the clue is, please tell me!"

Little Sun tried hard to get the word out, but Mr. Devil, who was in the limelight, suddenly turned his head to look at Mr. Fool, as if asking, "Can I say it?"

"Why are you looking at me? I don't know what you're going to say?"

Klein was a little embarrassed when he saw Mr. Devil's gaze, but he also thought of one thing from Mr. Devil's attitude—

When Ms. Daly entrusted him to hint the "acting method" to the captain, she once said that all those who understood the acting method in the Church of the Evernight Goddess would be required to make an oath and would not disclose it to others.

And Mr. Hanged Man, who is suspected to be a member of the Church of the Storm, also doesn't know how to act. Does this mean that all the existing gods only have an attitude of "secrecy" about acting?

So when Mr. Devil heard that more than 2,000 people in Little Sun knew how to act, did he decide that there was something wrong with the **** they believed in?

Thinking of this, Klein couldn't help but become curious, so he maintained the Fool's character and nodded lightly, as permission.

With the approval of Mr. Fool, Mr. Devil seemed to be relieved, and turned his eyes to the Hanged Man:

"Mr. Hanged Man may have also wondered why the impersonation method, a simple method that can greatly reduce the probability of losing control of the bottom-level Beyonders, was sealed up by the church."

"Why did you mention me again?" Mr. Hanged Man frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple, but he did consider this issue, so he nodded, "Yes, the church has stood for thousands of years, and it makes no sense not to conclude Acting, but they didn't tell the bottom-level Beyonders."

"Correction." Mr. Demon raised a finger and shook his head gently:

"The Church of the Seven Great Orthodox Gods not only did not inform, but would provide an oath to all the official Beyonders who understood the method of acting, asking them not to spread the method of acting in any way."

"Why is this happening?" Miss Justice asked subconsciously, and Mr. Devil smiled at her and said:

"Because it's not good for the gods."


Everyone was shocked. Why would the performance of a mere low-level Beyonder affect the gods?

"Since you know the acting method, do you know the principle of the acting method?" Mr. Devil did not answer directly, but instead asked a question.

Miss Justice immediately repeated the example of entering the castle in disguise that Mr. Fool had told before. Just when Mr. Fool was worried that his example was wrong, Mr. Devil smiled and said:

"It's an exquisite metaphor, but have you ever thought about where the guards in the castle come from?"

"This..." Miss Justice was at a loss for words, but Mr. Devil said to himself:

"Every potion, or in other words, every extraordinary material, has a special imprint hidden in it, you can think of it as the consciousness of another existence, the higher the potion, the stronger this consciousness is. , because it is often mixed with a part of the spiritual imprint of the 'previous master', so it is usually called spiritual residue. In a sense, it can be regarded as the main culprit that causes Extraordinary to go crazy and even lose control."

"This spiritual remnant is the guard?" Miss Justice said thoughtfully, and Mr. Demon nodded, "Yes, but the problem with the acting method is also here-you bypass the guard through the acting method, and just It means that these guards have not been knocked down, um, yes, there is a very important key to the acting method, that is, 'you are just acting', um, Mr. Sun, have you taught this in the City of Silver?"

Mr. Devil suddenly crooked the building, but it didn't make Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man feel uncomfortable, because the words "you're just acting" have given them a new understanding of how to act.

When Little Sun heard Mr. Devil's words, he immediately nodded and said:

"Yes, we emphasized in the general education class that the only thing to pay attention to in the acting method is 'you are just acting'."

"That's good." Mr. Demon showed a relieved expression before continuing:

"The act of acting is just acting, because if you are so involved in the drama that you forget your original self, then these spiritual remnants may come in and blend into your spirit, so that you are no longer you, um, In a sense, this is also a kind of madness. I also use that example to explain that you played too much into the drama, but after you got the treasure, you forgot to leave. Instead, the guards in the castle pushed him to the position of the guest. became a real 'guest'."

When Miss Justice heard this, a self who only knew how to hide in a dark corner to observe others appeared in her heart. She couldn't help shivering, and then asked nervously:

"That's why the church hides the way of acting, just to worry about this situation? But what does this have to do with the true God?"

"That's not the case." Mr. Demon shook his head and said:

"Actually, you can think of the spiritual remnants as the branches of a giant tree. The influence of every bottom-level Beyonder is only a branch at the very end, a leaf. True God also has to fight against madness."

"A true **** also wants to fight against madness?" Klein felt that the amount of information was a bit large, and even almost reached out and pinched his eyebrows.

When the topic came to this point, even Miss Justice did not dare to guess casually, and Mr. Devil just said to himself:

"Each potion seems to be independent, but there is some kind of connection at the level of mysticism. A low-sequence Beyonder will be affected by a high-sequence, and a high-sequence will also be affected by a low-sequence. Of course, because of strength The issue of disparity, the impact is generally minimal."

Speaking of which, Mr. Demon's tone changed, with a slightly vile tone:

"Miss You said before that the acting method is like sneaking in by pretending to be a guest, and then stealing the treasure, so have you ever thought about where the castle and the guards will go after the treasure is stolen?"

"Could it go to a high-sequence Beyonder...or even a true god?" Miss Justice made what she thought was the boldest guess, but Mr. Demon shook his head, pointed to his chest and said:

"It is still in your body, lurking in the potion, and even if you die, some of your spiritual residues will also join, or even strengthen this spiritual residue, and it will produce effects on the next person who takes the potion. influence."

Audrey, who didn't know the law of indestructibility of Beyonder characteristics, didn't notice the meaning contained in the next person who took the potion, but the Hanged Man and Little Sun, who knew this knowledge, moved slightly in their hearts.

But then, a bigger thunder was thrown out by Mr. Demon——

"Because everyone uses the impersonation method, in a sense, your mental state will be close to the spiritual residue of the potion, that is to say, after the person who has learned the impersonation method dies, the spiritual residue in the potion will not change. , and even get a 'fix', um, Mr. Hanged Man, do you know how an Extraordinary who doesn't know how to act is 'mastered' potion?"

Hearing Mr. Demon's question, the Hanged Man subconsciously replied: "Ordinary Beyonders will stabilize their spirits through meditation and suppress the potion... Well, the residual spirit is like taming a beast, suppressing it, taming it. it……"

When the Hanged Man said this, he suddenly felt that a certain hole had been opened, and he found that he was gradually understanding all of this—

"Could it be that if ordinary Beyonders 'master' the potion without using the impersonation method, it will weaken the spiritual remnants in the potion? In this way, the influence of the True God will be reduced?"

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