Mystery: Paradox Path

Chapter 147 The role of the puppet

"Someone will break in halfway, someone will break in halfway..."

He meditated seven times in his heart, the coin in his hand bounced high, and as it landed on the back of his hand, Klein nodded slightly.

"On the back, it means negation."

Putting a penny coin in his pocket, Klein just sat in front of the puppet and walked four steps backwards to above the gray fog. He planned to try divination above the gray fog first. Even with a gray fog.

Standing at the top of the long bronze table, Klein looked down at his body through the gray fog and took the puppet into his eyes. Then, he clearly saw that inside the puppet, there seemed to be a "spirit" residing there. .

It was a very weak spirit.

It's hard to say how this spirit should be classified, because it is neither distorted like the necromancers I have seen before, nor does it have various qualities like the natural spirits introduced by Old Neil, but a kind of... um, pure, without shape , like a faint light spot, lodged in the doll.

"The characteristic of being alive? It doesn't look like it!" Klein looked down at the "spirit" but couldn't see any clues. In the end, he decided to put the question of the spirit aside.

Although the divination results showed that Miss Magician would not break in halfway, no one knew how long the divination time interval was. Klein did not delay any longer, and immediately showed a pen and paper to write a line of text——

"The origin of the doll in front of me."

Grabbing the note and reciting the divination statement seven times, Klein's eyes became pitch black, he suddenly leaned back and fell into a deep sleep state, while his consciousness entered a hazy dream...

A pair of slender and elegant hands, mixing clay and adding sugar, spices, and some nice-tasting hydrosols and essential oils.

Following this process, the clay was slowly mixed into a ball, and under the guidance of a certain force, it showed a skin-like color.

Those hands quickly kneaded the clay into the desired shape, and then placed it on a furnace that was only the size of a palm, but could burst with terrifying firepower.

A face, a hand, a leg, the parts of the doll were arranged on the table by the hands, and then a sledgehammer suddenly fell, smashing most of them, leaving only a few. The flawless parts were assembled by him.

Klein saw the hands put on a dress for the host doll, put on armor, put on eye makeup, inserted into the hair, and set the hairstyle, but just as the picture slowly turned, the owner of the hands was about to be exposed. At the time, a white fog suddenly filled the field of vision, blocking Klein's observations.

"White fog!" Klein suddenly woke up from the dream, and muttered with a strange expression, and he suddenly understood:

"Sure enough, it has something to do with Mr. Devil! So, the intelligence businessman who gave the doll to Miss Magician's 'friend' is Mr. Devil? But why did he do this?"

Klein had new doubts in his heart, and then wrote down the divination sentence again——

"This doll is dangerous."

This time, it used the pendulum method for divination. After seven repetitions, he slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the pendulum that was constantly rotating counterclockwise.

The divination above the gray fog blocks all influences. If it is disturbed, the spirit pendulum will not move at all, or it will show fluctuations. The current situation only shows one thing.

That is this doll, there is really no danger at all.

This is so weird!

A Beyonder object that hosts a spirit can't possibly be without danger at all, right?

Klein thought for a while and wrote the third divination sentence——

"The role of this doll."

The dream unfolded again, but this time, his vision was no longer as restricted as before, because his perspective appeared directly on the street.

Klein saw a girl who was about 1.5 meters tall and had a sense of majesty that did not match her appearance. She was holding a "huge" doll and walking quickly down the street. It was obviously the morning rush hour.

But the pedestrians on the road didn't seem to notice the girl holding the doll at all.

He was so acute all the way, and after a while, he came to a restaurant where you could imagine the price of the dishes by looking at the facade.

The girl got into the alley, went around to the back of the restaurant, and then climbed up to the second floor with the help of the wall, found a less conspicuous place, and put the doll down.

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Next, the doll just stayed there, but the surrounding scenery began to pass at an extremely fast speed.

It wasn't until the evening that the girl appeared beside the doll again. As if relieved, she picked her up again and trotted all the way back home.

The dream was shattered so far, and Klein woke up again, but he still recalled the whispers in his ears when the scene was about to play—

"good to eat!"

"I still want to eat!"

"To stay in shape...well, let's eat a little."

"It's delicious, but it's a bit too expensive, but it's not bad to be extravagant once in a while..."


"This puppet is collecting the emotions of ordinary people eating?" Klein made a reasonable guess based on the voice he heard, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

As a keyboard powerhouse who has not watched the animation, but has seen a lot of mad mixed cuts, he vaguely remembers this character called "My King", "The King of Dull Hair" and "The King of Quilts". The image of the foodie appeared.

"Is this also a kind of aggregation?" Klein suddenly felt a little funny, how could an anime character from another world be able to aggregate emotions?

However, he did not delve into the "why", because the real thing worth caring about was "what to do".

There is no doubt that Mr. Devil is collecting the escaping emotions of diners.

This is also in line with what Miss Magician said, asking her friends to take the dolls to major restaurants and entertainment venues.

From the conclusions of dream divination and pendulum divination, this kind of collection should have little effect on ordinary people, at least in the short term, so the remaining problem is...

What is Mr. Devil trying to do by collecting these emotions?

At times like this, Klein would feel that his knowledge of mysticism was insufficient, sighed slightly, and tried to write down divination sentences such as "use of appetite and emotion", but he didn't know whether it was disturbed or because of lack of Enough conditions, these divinations, without exception, are all fruitless.

"Do you want to ask Mr. Devil directly?" Klein raised such a thought, but then shook his head again. Whether as a Fool or as a Fool's Blessed, it is not suitable for him to directly ask Mr. Devil.

But at least for now, the doll itself is harmless.

After confirming this, Klein returned to reality, rearranged his clothes, and then removed the isolation of the wall of spirituality, and said in the direction of the study:

"Ms. Magician, the results have come out."

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