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After Ekuru said this, the atmosphere was tense.

Zhang Yu seemed to care less: “Why do you do this?”

Ekuru stared at him: “I know you have a lot of people in Eastern Court, but we still have a lot of priests. As a god’s progeny, I think you understand that it’s not something that mortals can deal with by relying on numbers.”

Zhang Yu looks at him: “From the number of your Hard Claw Tribe, you have about 100 more priests, no more,” he pointed to Chan Iza, “your clansman has been to Auspicious Light, It should be known that in Eastern Court Protectorate, this amount is really nothing. “

Chan Iza tried to understand the strength of Protectorate, such as “Divine Army”, such as “Profound Mansion”.

He is not clear about the contradiction between the two. In his view, Protectorate undoubtedly has powerful Gods and a large number of priest groups. This is also the case. Hard Claw Tribe has nothing to do with Zhan Zhitong and the others. They are imprisoned.

Priest Kam looked at Ekuru and stood up: “We still have almighty Tolotti.”

Zhang Yu tone calmly said: “Our Celestial Xia has suppressed and killed many Gods, so many that it’s difficult to keep count, Tolotti is also nothing special.”

People at Hard Claw Tribe heard this sentence, the expression was changed, and at this time, everyone at the scene felt that there was a horrible power suddenly shrouded, at this moment, as if an existence that mortals found hard to grasp was looking at them.

When this feeling was overshadowed, the guard Card Tribe clansman outside also felt the same. They all knelt down, moved towards the different directions, and shouted Tolotti in the mouth.

Zhang Yu is still unmoved, the shrine of this Gods has just been built recently, his true shrine should still be in the jungle, not that the tribe is in danger of near annihilation, the other party is impossible, consuming power to find him.

The terror that can be felt now is actually directly projected on the mind. If it is maintained for a long time, it can indeed affect a person’s mind, which can make people crazy or afraid.

In fact, this ability is not weak, but for someone like him with Heart Light defend, this kind of intimidation is almost like a breeze.

And through such a contact, he also tried out an important message.

The current Tolotti is no longer the previous Tolotti.

Tolotti he felt three years ago was dull, conservative, suspicious, and powerful, like a dormant lion, but now he feels cunning, forbearing, bloodthirsty, and patient, just like being in a strong age, A wolf who still maintains ambition but is extremely cautious.

This undoubtedly shows that this deity has changed.

Hard Claw Tribe and the gods they enshrine are not the common way for the gods to control everything, but more a cooperative and coexisting relationship.

The gods sheltered them to resist the power from the upper layer for the tribe, and Hard Claw Tribe provided enough sacrifices for it to grow its strength,

But if the wishes of the tribe and the gods are not consistent, then some kind of change is likely to happen.

In fact, as long as the control of priest is effective, it is easy for Great Tribe Chief to change the gods. This change is not to find another god to replace it, but to forcibly reverse its temperament and originality while guaranteeing its fundamental strength.

This can be voluntary by the gods, or it can be forcibly promoted by the priest, so that although it will cause the loss of the god’s power, it will be beneficial to the development of the tribe in the long run. Because the changed god can be kept to the same extent as the new leader wishes.

Teacher Wu was shocked when the power of the gods arrived, but fortunately there was nothing behind him, he secretly relieved.

In comparison, An Chu’er and Yu Mingyang and the others look as if nothing has been affected. This is because Zhang Yu told them in the school that as long as the god is not in front of you, as long as you are not shaken, then he cannot destroy you.

Ekuru said with a cold face: “Celestial Xia god’s progeny, you despise our gods, which makes me very unhappy.”

Sitting there, Zhang Yu stood tall and said, “Whether you are happy or not, whether you are a person or a god, if you want to talk to our Celestial Xia, you must respect our Celestial Xia’s rules. If you are willing to accept it, then we can Keep talking, if you are not willing to accept, then leave. It’s that simple. “

When he said this, he spoke entirely in Celestial Xia.

Ekuru looked towards Chan Iza, the latter quickly translated this sentence.

Teacher Wu heard cold sweats, barely maintained his composure, and kept on writing, fearing that he would fall over if he didn’t agree. However, he wanted to come to Zhang Yu to get acquainted with each other. This should be a strategy.

But Zhang Yu this time is by no means intentionally tough, but he really thinks so. To deal with such a tribe, you must not take a step back or have any weakness.

Don’t think that your concession will let the other party take over. If Hard Claw Tribe finds that he can get more by showing his military force, then he will continue to tentatively so as to ask for more things until you retreat. Retreat.

Rather than this, it would be better to step back from the very beginning.

When dealing with such opponents, it is absolutely impossible to apply their own cognition and logic to the other party, but should completely regard the other party as a wild beast that believes in weak are prey to the strong.

In their view, if your power is strong, you can let someone who is weaker than you lower your head, and it makes more sense for you to speak.

Like the remnant of the Blood Sun Empire just now, because they perform weaker, they are not eligible to intervene again.

Ekuru said solemnly: “So what are the rules of your Celestial Xia, I want to listen.”

In his understanding, the Eastern Court people are the inhabitants of this land, and Celestial Xia is the place where many Eastern Court gods are located, so when he heard that this is the rules of Celestial Xia, he looked very solemn because he represented The attitude of the gods comes directly from the will of the power of the upper layer.

Zhang Yu said: “Protectorate can give you food and tea, but you have to use your own money in exchange. For example, we have to fight the Blood Sun remnant in the north. We may use food in exchange for your priority and clansman. We contribute; for example, if you clean up the spirit creature on wasteland, you can use these corpses to exchange cloth and porcelain for us. In short, we will give you as much as you contribute. “

Ekuru heard this, there seemed to be a rage in his chest, but he seemed to think of something, squeezed his fist, endured it, and calmly said: “Celestial Xia god’s progeny, I heard your condition, we Need to be considered. “

Zhang Yu nodded, said: “Please make a decision quickly, we don’t have much time to delay here.” He stood up and said again, “In fact, I always think that I talk to you, use steel and guns Guns are much simpler than words. “

After he finished speaking, he went straight out. Su Zhu and his two disciples immediately followed, and An Chu’er and Yu Mingyang and the others followed without the slightest hesitation.

Teacher Wu was startled. Was this talk broken? He didn’t dare to ask much at this time, and he quickly took the academic person out.

Ekuru watched Zhang Yu entire group walk out of the shed, but he was not as angry as he thought. Instead, his looks at were calm. He supported his 2 elbows on a wooden pile and crossed his fingers together, covering half of his face. Stare outside.

And the priest beside 2, no one dared to speak at this time.

For a while, Ekuru suddenly said: “Gamo priest, do you know antukese?”

Priest Kam thought about it and said, “Great Tribe Chief, I have heard of them, and it seems to be a big tribe under Sacred Montain.”

Ekuru looked at Chan Iza, who immediately stood up and said: “Priest Kam, many of the people in Eastern Court are antukese, the current king of Eastern Court is a descendant of Eastern Court and antukese woman, he It has countless wealth and a huge army, and has the support of their gods. “

Ekuru said: “Have you heard, in fact, we can also become as powerful as today’s antukese, and even becoming the master of Eastern Court people is not impossible.”

Priest Kam said: “Great Tribe Chief, what should we do?”

Ekuru said: “Chan Iza told me that King of the Eastern Court there is a person elder sister, if the King of the Eastern Court people wants to marry his sister to me, then I can promise all the conditions of that Celestial Xia god’s progeny . “

As for why he did not put forward this condition before, it is because he wanted to show his opponent through military force display.

It’s like a wild beast breaking into another wild beast’s territory, intimidating the opponent by showing sharp claw and fangs, trying to drive the opponent out or simply fiercely biting off a piece of flesh.

It was just that he found that he could not use these to frighten his opponents now, and he felt that the cost of war was too great, so he could only retreat.

Of course, this is just a concession in his opinion.

Priest Kam said: “This method is very good. If it succeeds, the Great Tribe Chief is the King of the Eastern Court family. Maybe he can inherit the King of the Eastern Court position. But … Will the King of the Eastern Court be willing? “

Ekuru grinned and said, “It’s just a woman. I can help King of the Eastern Court to fight. It can help him guard the territory. It can help him consolidate his power. I think he will be willing.”

The priests on the scene are all nodded. In Hard Claw Tribe, women are really just a kind of goods in most cases. They also think it is the same as other places.

Chan Iza can actually feel that this is not the case in Protectorate. Women seem to have a high status, but he is limited to his vision and can’t say why.

Ekuru saw that no one was against it, so he punched hard on the pile in front of him and said, “So, call back that Celestial Xia god’s progeny, you can give him more respect, maybe I want to be King Of the Eastern Court, they still need the support of their gods. “

The priests present all smiled lightly.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly felt something was wrong, moved towards 4 looked at it, and soon noticed that the ground seemed to vibrate, and the teacups on the stakes were beating.

Everyone was surprised.


Outside the shed, a tribal barbarian warrior ran in panic, lying on the ground, pointing at something yelling outside.

Ekuru’s expression became serious. He stood up and walked out of the hut quickly.

Looking over from his eyes, a large army formation appeared there on the plain where the rays of light dispersed and the rays of light first spread out. Its 2 wings spread out, and it was hard to see the end, covering the sky. The banner of the day rolled like a wave!



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