Chapter 767

Seeing his own people can't drain the water around the spider, Gavin's younger brother Kevin slapped the table with his hand, and shouted with a trace of anger: "Enough! Do you think this is the fish market at the pier!? Both Quiet me!"

  Although Kevin seems to be the youngest here, his power seems to be the greatest.

  The believers who surrounded them quickly came up, staring at Charles with their urgent but fearful eyes that would offend Charles.

  Looking at them, Charles now also understands that these guys are the offline development of Gavin over the years.

  Although the Foundation will not personally manage the Hayk territory, it is a very good way to find so many Futan believers on the Broken Heart Island of the Hayk. You must know that this is barely the foundation's territory.

   Charles’s current place should be a church, Futan’s church.

  Looking at the coral statue of Futan next to him, Charles estimated that Ocott did not know that there was a stronghold in the underground of this place.

  "My lord, what do you think of this place? Is there anything that needs improvement? We just arranged it according to our imagination. If there is any offense, please tell me and I will make improvements immediately."

  Looking at Charles, who was observing the surrounding environment, Kevin asked nervously.

  Where did Charles know how the Fatan church was arranged, he could only vaguely say that it was okay.

  Waiting for Charles's praise, these people suddenly beamed, as if everything they did for so long made sense.

  Looking at the faces in front of him, Charles felt very funny. He didn't expect to be able to use this identity.

  But this is a good thing for Charles, which means that he has a lot of useful people in this place.

   "I have one thing to help now." Charles's words shocked all the Fatan followers present. They scrambled to say that despite the orders, they were afraid to be slower, and they would be preempted by others.

   "I want to get on board a ship going to the depths of the sea of ​​mist, or hijack a ship, preferably to the deepest point, do you have a way? As long as the boat is fine, I have a chart on my side."

  After listening to Charles's request, everyone's brows were furrowed. From the expressions on their faces, Charles could tell that this matter was not easy to handle.

   "What? It's not easy to do?" Charles asked.

"It's not difficult to handle." Kevin said after a while of contemplation: "In the depths of the sea of ​​mist, there are false gods of the Haik tribe. Under normal circumstances, only the clergy of the temple receive the false gods. Only then will the ship deliver something to the islands in the inner circle of the Sea of ​​Mist."

   "If there is no oracle, any boat bound for the inner circle of the Sea of ​​Mist will be very conspicuous, and it will not be able to escape. If you want to go there, you must board a regular boat and cannot sneak."

"Temple." Charles thought of some people in the Heike tribe who were dressed in colorful cloth strips and abandoned religious colors. These people are actually the liaison between the Foundation and the outside world. When there is something inside, they will pass through the sea. The Croats came forward to collect.

  How to get in, this is indeed a problem. He is not a powerful Charles now. The only power he can use is the power of a spider.

Kevin looked at the spider staying there, and he gritted his teeth and said categorically: "My lord, please give us some time! This is the first task assigned to us by the teacher, and we promise to complete it! All for the mighty! Tan Saweto!"

  After looking at him for a few seconds, Charles shook the spider's hideous head slightly, and wrote below with spider silk: "Together for the **** Futan."

   Charles rubbed his sore neck, sat up from the chair, walked to the sunny balcony, and looked at the lively and peaceful Hope Island outside.

  When Cindy took his spider eyes home, as this side of the body can move a little bit, sitting to control the spider every day, the legs are going to be numb.

  The islanders on the streets in the distance who rushed for life gave Charles a strong sense of separation, as if he were not living in the same world with them.

  He slowly picked up the round glass wine bottle on the table next to him, and took a big gulp with his head up.

  At this moment, the brown liquid in the wine bottle began to boil, the color gradually turned black, and the horizontal pupil eyes of an octopus appeared inside. "Charles, how is the progress?"

  "When you encounter some difficulties, you are trying to solve it. Don't rush, it's useless. If you have the ability, you can bring all the Faculty members to the Sea of ​​Mist to find the Foundation trouble." Charles casually put the wine bottle on the balcony.

   "Remember, how things are going, let me know as soon as possible. We are now working on another plan against the Foundation. Let me see if we can cooperate with each other?"

  "What plan?" Charles was curious about what plan the Fatanism could use to trouble the foundation.

   "There is no need to tell you, do your business," Ocott's eyes disappeared from the wine bottle, and Charles grabbed the wine glass and looked at it before taking a sip.

  As soon as he took a sip, there was the sound of footsteps behind him, which was very familiar.

   "Why are you back? 134 didn't bring you back to the island?" Charles said without a head, and Touba's footsteps are still very recognizable.

  Tuba holding a group of colorful mice in his arms, as if meeting him for the first time, walked to him and looked at him curiously.

Turning his head to look at Touba, who didn’t know if he was a prophet or a lunatic, Charles thought for a while and said to him: "What do you think of the current situation? What is our future? We defeated the Foundation. , Or the Foundation cleared us?"

  Tuba shook his head Have you had breakfast today? "

  "What?" Charles said that he couldn't understand Touba's crazy words.

  "Is this some kind of metaphor?" He secretly asked, and began to speculate about the possibilities.

   But soon Touba’s words shattered his conjecture, "Do you have breakfast left? I'm hungry, I want to eat."

  Charles sighed with exhaustion. If he follows Tuba's ideas for a long time, he is afraid that he will not become a lunatic like him. "Go to the kitchen to find something to eat. If you don't know where the kitchen is, ask the mouse in your arms."

   "Oh." Touba turned and walked out, but suddenly stopped when he walked to the door.

  The gray-haired Touba thought for a while and said: "Yesterday, the people who came outside would ask me to guess the boxing. I won four games in three sets. I guessed it."

   "Oh, I see, it is better to win than to lose." Charles frowned and dangled the wine in the glass, absent-mindedly perfunctory.

  Tuba thought again, and said, "There is one more thing, I'm going to die."

  (End of this chapter)

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