Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 708: memory

Shining stretched out her hand gently, her fingers turned into tentacles and rolled up Lily on the ground.

   "I know that feeling, but as my mind continues to mature, that feeling is becoming weaker and weaker."

   "Maybe you have been struggling with this problem for so many years, just because your mind is immature. Compared to your parents, I think you should solve this problem more."

  No one likes to hear that they are naive, and Lily is no exception.

   "Then what can I do! I don't know why this is! I don't want to be a child all the time! You are not big! Why do you say that to me."

   Shining sighed slightly, "Come to my house, I will try to see if I can help you, after all, our situation is a bit special."

   The other party's selfless help made Lily a little bit embarrassed. She said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I just said too much."

   Shining didn't care at all. With a flash of white light, they came to a residential building in a residential area.

   This is the top of the crown of the world. The home she copied, in the large dilapidated buildings, is particularly eye-catching.

   "What to drink?" Shining asked Lily on a table.

   "Coconut juice."

   Shining body was slightly transparent and quickly condensed, and there was an open coconut in her empty hand just now. "Drink it."

   Lily hesitated to look at the coconut in front of her, and the row of teeth marks on it. "Um... this seems to have been eaten by someone else."

   "Why are you mice more picky than people? It seems that they have never been hungry. Nini and the others have never picked them." After she finished speaking, she grabbed the coconut milk and quickly turned, and a new coconut was delivered to her.

   Lily put the mouse's head into the coconut and took a bite, then raised her head and asked Shining, "What can you do to make me more mature?"

   Whether she can alleviate the miss for her family, she doesn't care, Lily just doesn't want to be a child for a lifetime.

   "Through control of the power in your body, your power comes from the God of Light. As long as you master it, no matter what causes the lock in your mind, you can easily break it."

   "Hmm!!! Then what should I do!!!" Lily's curiosity was mobilized.

  "Very good, now don’t reject the power in your body, close your eyes and feel it, try to pull it away to cover

   When seeing Lily closing her eyes, the shimmering right half of her body gradually melted, and a dozen tentacles came around, staring at her with that liquefied eyeball.

   The dazzling sunlight burst out from the mouse's body, and Lily's body was suspended, but soon the light seemed to be eroded by something, gradually becoming dim, and the white light gradually dissipated into colorful colors, that color was like a rotten rainbow.

   Lily's expression showed a trace of pain, and she began to struggle instinctively.

   "Attention, I'm guiding the power in your body, remember that feeling, and now think of that power as a spear, and gather it together."

   The light on the golden mouse's body gradually condensed and became more and more condensed. The result is a dark-colored spear.

   All the glittering tentacles suddenly recovered, and the spear instantly turned into a dazzling thorn,

   "It's shaking! I can't help it!" Lily closed her eyes and shouted anxiously.

   "Throw it out if you can't control it!"

   Lily opened her eyes, and the dazzling spear in front of her shot out in an instant. After staying in a hole in the wall, she disappeared.

   "Huh~hu~hu~" Lily panted, her chest rising and falling. This operation made her exhausted.

   "Let's take a break and practice again. Your mind control is really weak. The simplest energy derivation is just so difficult."

   "It seems necessary to find some professional meditation books from the West Sea to improve you." Shining was very dissatisfied with her performance.

   "Thank you, why are you helping me like this? It seems that you have never asked me to play before." Lily asked curiously.

   "It's nothing, I just feel so conscious."

   Shining did not tell the truth, she has always felt a little unsure recently, and the disappearance of her father made her heart hanging.

   She wanted to go directly to the Sea of ​​Mist but was stopped by her mother Anna.

   asked what happened, but the other party didn't say anything.

  Since there is no way to go, there is very little that can be done now. Improving strength is one of them.

   My strength seems to be related to my age, but I keep improving with my age. I can’t do it, so I can only start from other aspects.

   Mouse Lily is a good candidate. If she can be taught, she will be a pope no matter what.

   The most important thing is that she is Dad’s crew and is loyal to Dad.


   Charles sat calmly on a stool and ate the rice bowl in front of him with chopsticks. The Foundation knew a lot about him, even his favorite food.

   "I'm full, where are we going next?" Charles said to a woman next to him after wiping his mouth with a napkin.

  Since he knew that the other party had absorbed himself into the foundation, of course Charles behaved very normally.

   "Please go here, we need to check your memory next."

   Hearing this, Charles' heart suddenly sank. Sure enough, since the other party wanted to absorb himself, he would definitely perform a memory check.

   "Okay." Charles stood up, followed the deep dive and walked out.

   Now that the strength of the enemy is very different, the next step is to take one step.

   Outside the room is a clean and spacious corridor, very foundation-like.

Not long after leaving, Charles was sent to a room all made of flesh and Sitting on the leather sofa with body temperature, Charles calmly looked at the mirror in front of him, knowing that he must be behind. Someone is looking at themselves.

   "Scan it, I'm really curious to know how he got to the Earth Sea. It should be impossible for him to do so."

   As Piper on the other side of the window said this, long waves, invisible to ordinary people, swayed towards Charles' head from all directions in the room.

   A few long needles with optical fibers attached to the back were forcefully inserted into the heads of Piperna deformed worms by humans in white coats.

  Peppo slowly began to twitch, and soon all the memories of Charles's life appeared in his mind. After browsing for a while, he suddenly couldn't help but marvel.

   "Oh my god, what's the matter with this guy's memory? How come there are so many traces of changes from front to back."

   "Huh? Why is there a hidden memory here? Who left it in his brain?"

  Paibo looked at the memory hidden in the deepest part of the sea of ​​consciousness in his consciousness, feeling a trace of curiosity in his heart.

  As he opened up that memory, Piper quickly learned that it was a paragraph about a very unique existence, "does not exist."

   Perceiving other people's perceptions of himself, the "non-existence" surrounding Charles all the time raised the skeletal head and looked straight at Peide behind the glass.

   "Bah~!" The long needle with the ganglion slammed to the ground, and the monitoring room was no longer the twisted worm figure of Piper.

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