Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 677: Spread the word

Seeing Charles staring down at the wine glass in his hand, he said: "Captain, I hope the island belongs to you, not your wife! You are too indulgent to her. Especially she still..."

James said that he didn't go further, as if he was afraid that the word would irritate Charles.

"Monster? How much do you think I look like a human?" Charles laughed at himself on his face.

James shook his head vigorously, and said in a very emotional manner; "No! You are different from her! Did you know? She is now trying to do some bullshit, and see that the death row is not enough, she has started to use civilians!!"

"This is your people! Now she is treated like a cattle! I said before! She has never been with us!!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Charles still didn't respond, he was stunned and looked at his distorted face reflected in the glass.

"Furthermore, her strength is getting stronger and stronger, so strong that I am afraid, even the relics immune to mind control in the West Sea Region will not have any effect. I even dare not stay by her side, because she is afraid that she will control me."

"Captain, she is like a parasite now, sucking blood on the island of hope, and she can't make her stronger! Otherwise, she will make a big mistake!!!"

Charles' eyes slowly moved to the anxious faces of his old subordinates, "I see, thank you for telling me this, James, thank you."

After James paused for a few seconds, he nodded and raised his head directly to drink the wine in the glass. "Captain, I still want to repeat it again, I hope the island is yours, and there is also our home!!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, his expression was very firm.

The passage from the Earth Sea to the surface took 6 hours to go up, but it was much faster to come down. After just 3 hours, everyone could smell the familiar smell of the sea.

Who would have thought that this smell of smell for a lifetime, they actually miss it a bit.

Compared with the Ancha Island occupied by 010, the current Ancha Island is a lot more lively. Various factories and buildings are placed in the center of the island, very close, as if they are afraid that they will not be the same if they are far away.

Looking down from above, dense crowds shuttle between these buildings like ants.

However, the construction is so tight, there is no way. Compared with the previous and current Ancha Island, only half of the area is left, and the other area has gone into the sea.

The airship slowly passed through the black smoke wafting from the chimney and came to the flat platform.

Jumping from the airship, Charles faced the sea and took a breath of humid and smelly sea air.

This familiar feeling made him feel very comfortable, and his irritability was slightly relieved.

He turned his head and looked at the crew member who came down with him. "Everyone, disbanded on the spot, you will wait for my notice when you go back."

The ecstatic crew members cheered suddenly and rushed out from the airport.

But the bandage did not go, he walked up to Charles and said, "Why... take us... down... you are gone... we can also... continue to explore..."

Charles stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, then pointed his finger at the **** pillar in the building complex. "It's okay. Haven't seen your family for a long time? Go and meet them. I will take care of Lily's affairs and take a good vacation."

At the very center of the building is a towering black tower. This is a train elevator. You can take it directly to the train hanging on the dome. Through it, Ancha Island can reach Hope Island at the fastest speed.

After the bandage cast a weird look at the opponent, he turned and left. He felt that his captain was a little weird since Lily was taken away.

"James, where is the Telegraph Office on Ancha Island?" Charles looked at the back of the bandage leaving, and asked without looking back. He has his own business to deal with, very important things.

"Um.. Telegram is too slow. The latest technology is the wireless phone. This is the technology from the Foundation. Would you like to try it?"

"Oh? Take me to see."

Soon, Charles was sent to the so-called telephone exchange, which contained rotary telephones. In Charles's opinion, there is a sense of age.

The crowd lined up and moved forward slowly. The technology that can talk to their relatives thousands of miles away is very popular, especially in this environment, some people even started to cry while talking.

Of course, Charles didn't have to line up that day. He was sent to the VIP room, where some well-dressed men and women were talking on the phone.

"Your Excellency, where do you need to dial?" the telephone operator inside asked respectfully.

Charles looked at her and said calmly; "Hope Island Governor's Mansion."

"Beep~beep~beep~" The phone rang continuously. After James waved his hand gently, the other people who were talking next to him were immediately cleared out by the Navy.

While James was also walking out, he saw an able woman come in. He had stretched out his hand to stop, but when he found that the woman was Margaret, he turned and left.

The woman with a scar on her face leaned back against the wall, silently looking at the other person calling.

After beeping for half a minute, the phone was finally connected. "Hey?"

"Anna, it's me. I'm already down. The Pope has snatched Lily. We need to have a good chat."

"Oh~, let's talk about business in a moment? Governor Charles is really a diligent old scalper."

"This is also a private matter, don't hide it, let's talk face to face to understand."

"Beep~~~" The phone was hung up.

Before Charles put down the phone, he felt a little bulging in his arms. When he lowered his head, he looked face to face with a girl. Looking at her green cross pupils, Charles knew that this was his daughter Shining.

"Dad, the woman doesn't want to see you. She said there is something to be done to me. As long as the Pope reappears in the Earth Sea, I can take care of him." Shining opened her hands and hugged herself from her clothes. father.

Charles put his hand in his arms, jammed Shiny's armpit and lifted her Then you go back with her, Swan is here with me. "

"Huh~!" Shining disappeared in an instant, and returned after a while. "She said then kill him, and what else is left."

"You tell her that I learned something from him, and I asked in person if it was true."

Shining disappeared and reappeared again.

"She said, believe it or not."

"You tell her! This is a big deal about your daughter! This is not a joke!"

After a few rounds so quickly, Charles, who was already a little impatient, continued to speak: "You tell her--"

However, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted in a frustrated manner. "You are crazy! There is a phone next to you, can't you call these boring nonsense! Is it interesting to let me pass it around? I haven't seen each other for so long, and just play with my daughter as soon as I meet?!"

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