Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 672: Source quality

When everyone has read the content inside, Linda who is recording is the first to speak, "So according to the information recorded above, we have been wrong before? And because of this, we will have a high death. rate."

Before Charles could answer, Feuerbach suddenly jumped out from the side, gloating and said: "Ohhhh~That's not wrong, it's simply wrong to the horizon. In comparison, your previous method is like Leave your mouth open and use your nostrils to eat fish."

   "The test record that the captain found at the beginning is the original existence, and the method that is now fully mature is completely the same as the sky and the underground."

   "According to the above statement, it is said that not only the effect is poor, but also over time, there will be the risk of backlash. Fortunately, I am smart."

   "You knew before...then you don't...say...?" The first officer looked at Feuerbach in mid-air.

   "I also want to say, the problem is that I am a spy! I have to say it, isn't it very professional?"

"Okay, don't say those irrelevant things, Feuerbach, I ask you, is all the information recorded on this true? Regarding the so-called primordial sex, as long as the primordial **** of the matched gender can be absorbed, Continue to increase strength?"

As Feuerbach swiped his hand, all kinds of information quickly appeared beside him, "Yes, that's it. There are 73 pairs of sexes at the source now. You can continue to produce relics by letting 002 radiation, and then Cycle to increase strength."

   It seems that the power of the relics can be fully utilized by the Foundation after so many years of analysis.

"Please don’t just talk about the advantages but not the disadvantages. I remember that this recorded the side effects of this fusion of the origins. With the continuous integration of humans, it will become more and more difficult to control the power in the body. If you cannot control the power in the body, eventually The human body will gradually collapse, and his skin and bones, hair and even soul will become new relics!" Linda next to him reminded.

"Hey~ It seems that you all know everything, so my appearance is a bit redundant, okay, okay, I will go now, and you can read the information for the rest, and the machine drawings for identifying the gender of the relic are also in it. "Speaking, Feuerbach was about to leave, but Charles stopped him.

   "Wait, we already know the things on this book, but there are some things that are not written on it, we also need it. I believe that with the current level of science and technology of the Foundation, we should have thoroughly understood it."

   "For example?"

"For example, why do the relics have all sorts of strange abilities under the coordination of 73 genders? What is the rule of their matching? And the relics in the Earth Sea should not be descended from the surface, so how did the relics below be born? of?"

   He has no shortage of strength now. After so many years of exploration, although his strength has been continuously strengthened, strength is not the most important here.

   Compared with the so-called strength improvement, these data are the core existence, and only by mastering these can it be said that the power of the source quality can be fully utilized.

   "Why can you have all kinds of abilities? It's because they are contaminated."

   Hearing this, everyone present immediately cheered up and didn't want to miss a sentence.

   "Who polluted by?"

   "The gods in your mouth also include the attributes of attachments. I'm just an agent. Don't ask me. This is a big proposition. I only remember that the research center has studied it."

   "Tell me all your experimental data, these are what we really need." Anna pushed open the door and walked in directly.

"Hmm..." Feuerbach showed a very embarrassed expression on his face, "I'm afraid it won't work, don't forget, these relics are also from 002, and our research on relics is also the power of studying 002. This kind of thing cannot be given to you. ."

   "Why can't you give it, it's this time, you still plan to hide it? Believe it or not, I ran to your door to get it? At that time, I am afraid that many people will be curious about the location of the foundation's house, right?"

   As soon as he heard Anna's threat, Charles's heart suddenly shook, and he wanted to suffer. Sure enough, "Swipe!!" Feuerbach's eyes instantly became pitch black, and a cold voice like a viper entered everyone's ears.

   "You keep asking for our information, do you really think we owe you?!!!"

"I tell you, the things have been given! The data has also been sent, we have already paid our things, and now we must do your things!" With a beep, the projection in Feuerbach’s ear Disappeared directly in mid-air.

   "Anna, you shouldn't say that. No matter what their purpose is, we are at least allies now." Charles stood up and said to Anna.

   Anna did not speak, and after a blank glance at Charles, she turned around and was about to leave.

   "Hey! Have you found the location of the Foundation? Where are they?"

   But in response to Charles's question again, the door closed with a heavy sound.

   A few seconds later felt a bit cold in the room for a while, Nico teased: "This sister has a terrible temper. Do you like this, Charles? How did you meet?"

   Charles sat down again with frowning brows, and said again, "No matter what," this method is still needed.

   Jax will take a group of people to experiment. If there is no problem, take down the previous absorption ceremony and release the new one. "

   As for side effects and the like, only when you can live to that point can you consider this aspect of things.

   "Preparations have already begun, and the first batch of experimental subjects are already in place, but the experiment requires an observation period, which is not so fast." The Explorers Association said without rush.

   "Try to be as fast as possible, and a group of explorers can be the first batch of experiments. Since the Foundation is cooperating, it should not be mine again.

   After Charles finished speaking, he directly presented the three-dimensional map in front of him. On the left side of the huge nebula, red lines were appearing, that was the direction of the explorers.

   He gently swipes his fingers to draw the longest red line directly, "Okay, we'll have enough rest for a long time, we should start."

The crew of    Narwhal assembled again, watching the crew’s faces on the deck, Charles felt a little calm. "The Narwhal! Let's go!!"

   When the huge spaceship took off slowly and gradually flew into the dark wall.

   In the crowd watching below, a pair of frantic eyes stared at the narwhal that was drifting away.

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