Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 652: normal

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff~"

   Each head fell to the ground, and the continuously flowing blood quickly solidified into dark red plasma, covering the entire deck.

   The sticky stepping is very uncomfortable, but everyone doesn't care about it, because as the sacrifice continues, the number of people is decreasing.

   "Om~~" The chain saw almost wrapped in plasma stopped, but it stopped when it wanted to change back into a prosthetic limb.

   Charles, who was holding his head, looked down and found that a piece of human bone was stuck on the chain saw. This is why the chain saw could not be changed back just now.

   He stretched out his hand to pull off the bone fragment, threw it into the viscous plasma, stumbled back to the stool behind him and sat down.

   "Ah... **** it! This feeling is really uncomfortable, ah!" With an expression of pain, Charles raised the blood-red prosthesis and hammered his forehead continuously, heavier each time.

   "Do I need some numbing medicine? This should alleviate your symptoms." Linda asked with her arms folded next to her.

   Charles shook his head, "No, now is a critical moment. Taking anesthetics will affect the judgment. Don't stop, the next wave will continue, Linda, this time you and Grace."

   "Okay, I see." Linda nodded calmly, grabbed Grace's hand and walked towards the **** circle ahead.

   While chatting, the two of them cleaned up the corpses on the ground with other selected sacrifices. The circle was rubbed clean by blood once again, and they needed to be painted again.

   This time it was no longer three people. There were eight people including Linda and Grace. They circled in a group, chanting the weird spells on the paper.

   Suddenly one of the young people wearing a turban stopped, and pulled out a one-meter-long fishbone from the neck and cervical vertebrae.

   "What are you doing! Suddenly stopped again, so many people are waiting for you, are you embarrassed?" Linda followed the other sacrifices and stared at the man with obvious dissatisfaction.

The young man waved his hand and apologized to everyone with a wry smile, "Sorry, sorry, that thorn is my life-saving relic. If I don’t pull it out, I probably won’t be able to die. It’s because I didn’t think well and didn’t advance. Take it out, I'm really sorry."

   "Okay, sit down quickly and continue offering sacrifices." The painful Charles flicked his left hand, and the steel prosthesis turned into a chain saw and began to spin. The blood splashed from the chain splashed on Lily's hair.

   But Lily didn't pay any attention, and looked at the people sitting cross-legged in the circle.

   Those people began to read in a low voice, their voices getting louder and louder, and as their expressions gradually fell into madness, Charles suddenly interrupted them. "Wait, eight people are not so good, it's better to get another one together."

   The eight people complained in low voices, and interrupted twice in a row. No matter who was dissatisfied, Grace's mouth was high.

   Charles, who was holding his head, looked away from the crowd, but after looking around, he didn't find the right person at all. "Forget it, then Lily."

   Charles reached out and grabbed Lily next to him, and threw it directly as if he had lost a ball.

   Lily, who was held by Grace in her palm, looked at Charles and stopped talking, "Mr. Charles, I..."

   "What's wrong? Say what you want to say quickly, don't chirp, I'm dying of a headache now."

   "Mr. Charles, I don't want to go first, if I can, I want to be with you."

  Looking at Lily's pleading gaze, Charles stood up and walked over, "Hey, you can't do anything about it, anyway, I don't bother to bear this kind of pain, Dip, you take over my business."

   "Yes, Captain!" The enthusiastic Dip pulled out a black thorn.

   "Hee hee." Seeing Charles walking towards her, Lily had a sweet smile on her face.

   Then Charles took a transcript and read it with Lily who was standing on his shoulder.

   The voice is getting louder and the expression is getting crazy. In the dimness, he felt a force of pulling away upwards, as if a big hand was pulling his soul and running towards the black figure.

   A slightly nervous Dip tightened the black thorn in his hand, waiting for the arrival of the last moment.

   "It's just killing, what do you do so nervously? It's not that you haven't killed before." Audrick said to him with a smile.

   "This is the captain's order, I must do it well, or he will be angry."

   "It doesn't matter, don't be afraid, he is also among the sacrifices this time, and after he dies, he won't scold you."

   Hearing Audrick's words on the side, Dip was taken aback, and then nodded happily. "Yes, it is true, then my worry is unnecessary, blind man, so many people, I guess I can't be too busy, you will also help later."

   "No problem, we have such a good relationship, of course I have to help with this."

   During the conversation between the two, the sacrifice ceremony came to an end. Dip stopped the conversation and slowly approached Charles' back, holding the black thorn.

   He raised the weapon in his hand and pierced the aorta in Charles's neck fiercely.

   Just when the black thorn was about to touch Charles's skin, an unbearable tightness felt in his brain. The hair on the back of Charles's neck instantly stood up, and he instinctively shook his neck back slightly.

With a sound of "pouch", the black thorns that were pinned like mud were inserted into Charles's neck obliquely, and came out from the other Immediately afterwards, a sharp pain surged up, and an instant in my head The tightness disappeared instantly.

   A bomb exploded in Charles’s brain, and instantly it was messy.

  Deep was about to pull the black thorn from Charles's neck, but was pinched tightly by Charles's steel prosthesis and couldn't move.

   At this time, Dip's scaly face was full of anxiety, "Captain, you quickly let go, if you don't pull it out, you can't die at all!"

   "Why am I dying? Why is there such a heavy smell of blood? What the **** am I doing?"

   Just as Charles was thinking about these questions, he saw his opposite, and Audrick was raising an axe and struggling to hack at his wife Linda.

   Before he had time to think about it, Charles's heart moved, and dozens of transparent tentacles instantly rose from the deck and directly drew Audrick into the dark sky nearby.

   Charles quickly kicked back, kicked Dip directly behind him, and stood up under the gaze of everyone around him.

   Looking at the weird array on the ground, the pile of miserable corpses next to him, and the giant black figure in the distance, Charles' expression gradually became horrified.

   "This...what the **** is going on? Why should I bring my crew here to die?"

   Charles recalled his own memory and found that he just lost any fear of death. Sending Lily to death is as simple as letting her go to breakfast alone.

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