Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 644: Position

"The future of the earth and sea is darkness. As long as we find darkness, our earth and sea have a future, and we have a future."

  As soon as Charles finished speaking, Linda quickly rushed to him, staring at his eyes of different colors.

Immediately afterwards, she pointed at Grace who was shrinking in the corner with a trembling finger, and shouted excitedly: "Wrong! She is the future of the earth and sea humans! The future of the earth and sea will always belong to them, not to our monsters! !"

   "You are simply ruining the future of the Earth Sea human beings in your hands! This is not saving the Earth Sea at all!!"

   After Grace opened her mouth in the distance, she finally plucked up the courage and said: "Ms. Linda, this is all I want to do. For everyone, I am willing to—"

   "Shut up!! What do you know!! You are nothing in their eyes!! What you think now is not what you really think! That is what they instilled!!!"

   Grace was too scared to speak, and the cabin became quiet again, leaving only Linda's rapid breathing.

Charles patted the steel prosthesis on her shoulder, put his mouth close to her ear, and said in a voice that only she could hear: "If you think my way is not good, then you think of a better way than this. Come, let's talk about such illusory words again."

   "You have pity for her? The question is that we might even die in the next exploration. What is the difference between us and her? Who will pity us?"

   "Earth Sea is so cruel. I thought you had adapted to it a long time ago. Since pulling out a few needles in your mind, your heart seems to have softened a lot."

   "I am not their hero. To save the earth and sea, it is useless to rely on heroes. Everyone must give their own strength."

   After saying these words, Charles continued to walk towards the deck.

   "Captain, do you remember the cognitive problem I told you before? Do you still think you have no problem at all?"

   The footsteps of Charles's boots kept on, "Relax, after so much, my self-perception is not that easy to change. I am still alone, and my humanity has not disappeared."

   "This has nothing to do with human nature. This is a simple matter of addition and subtraction. Sending them up as bait is far better than being submerged in the ground and sea."

   The heavy hatch opened, there was a creak, and then the hatch closed heavily again.

   The next morning, before it was time to assemble, Charles had already arrived on the Narwhal, and he carefully checked all the details.

   Waiting for the crew to come to the ship one after another, Charles just finished the inspection.

   "Captain, there seem to be a lot of ships going this time." Dip crouched on the side of the ship and looked at the four floating airships beside him unexpectedly.

   "The first time I contacted the official foundation of the foundation, they must have been very concerned about it. It is impossible not to send someone over."

   Of course Charles knows these things. It doesn't matter whether it is worry or suspicion, he hasn't told any lies anyway.

   "Woo~~" The deep whistle sounded slowly, and the Narwhal slowly floated in the air.

   Everyone on the site looked over, and their eyes were full of expectation. This exploration is of great significance.

  Under the purple light, Charles looked at all the crew on the deck "Assemble. Sign up!"

   Registration is always the biggest beginning. The first one is the chief mate, who is covered in bandages.

   "Bandages, duties...first officer, assist the captain and organize various work plans..., be responsible for preparing cargo stowage plans, 0-8...cockpit watch."

   Next is the second pair. Today's second pair has a lot less makeup on his face. With a white lace collar, he looks much cleaner.

"Nico, the second officer, performs navigational watch duties; is in charge of the correct use and daily maintenance of driving equipment; is responsible for navigational books and materials, notices and daily management and correction, as well as the registration of various records. 8-16 cockpit watch. "

   "Audrick, chief engineer officer, is fully responsible for the production and administrative management of the engineering department; inspecting the implementation of various rules and regulations of the engineering department to keep various equipment in good technical condition."

   The blind vampire of the past has completely healed, and now he is arguably the most handsome of the Narwhal.

   "Jackson, the chief executive officer: maintain the normal working order of the engine room; supervise the use and maintenance of propulsion devices and additional equipment, boilers and lubrication and cooling, fuel oil, starting air, overweight power and emergency devices."

  "Brooker's second-hand duty is to perform the duty of duty, in charge of the use and maintenance of auxiliary machinery and auxiliary systems, emergency power generation systems and fuel tanks, transfer pumps, oil separators, air compressors, oil-water separation equipment and slop tanks.

  The two newcomers to the crew unexpectedly have big beards, only white and black.

   "Planck. The post chef, responsible for the crew's meals."

   The fat chef is still so fat, but after so many things, the special kindness on his face has been wiped out, and there is only toughness on his wide face.

   "Claire, a job helper, assists the chef in taking care of the crew's meals."

   "Deep, the captain of the sailor, is responsible for instructing the sailors in the maintenance and repair of anchors, cables, and loading and unloading equipment; leading the sailors to do the paint, sailing, and high-altitude operations, and the 16-24 cockpit is on duty."

   The deep diver sailor seemed eager to try, as if he couldn't wait to start.

   "Siffler, one job: to perform steering, navigation watch duties and daily deck maintenance."

  As a vampire from Dark Crystal Island, the old sailor of the Narwhal has now reintegrated.

   "Walter, the second job: perform various craftsmanship of cable, gangway and deck."

   "Linda, the ship physician on duty, is responsible for the treatment of the crew members' diseases and daily physical examinations."

   The bald woman is holding Grace like a young mother, her eyes are very calm.

   After watching them say one by one, everyone looked at Grace and Norden who were silent next to them.

  Norden couldn't speak, but Grace couldn't.

   But seeing Charles look over, Norden, who arched his green body into a ball, quickly wrote with a pen.

   "Norden, one job: to perform steering, navigation watch duties, and daily deck maintenance."

Seeing what they had said, Grace bit her lip lightly. Suddenly she stepped forward and shouted: "Grace! Duty weapon! When the ship is in danger of being irresistible, she uses self-detonation magic to lure someone out. , To protect the safety of the other crew members, don’t worry, I will do it when I am needed!"

   Her cheerful voice made everyone on the boat look at her, but this time she did not hide, and straightened her chest generously.

The corner of Charles' mouth rose slightly, and slowly said: "Charles, captain on duty! Responsible for the safe transportation of ships, production and administrative management, and responsible to the shipping company. To maximize the safety of ships, lives and property, and decisively in case of emergency Properly handle all matters! Narwhal, let’s go!!"

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