Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 617: The third floating island

Before long, these invisible things were easily solved by Charles and others.

Charles points to the sloping forest next to him. "Apart from this invisible monster, is there anything else inside?"

After observing for so long, Charles clearly saw that there were many living creatures in the forest, and the forest was full of life.

"Well, there are some other things in it, but as long as we don't go in, they won't come out. The forest has been explored and there is nothing useful."

Charles looked at the sloping forest next to him, full of vigilance. In this case, try to stay safe.

When the other ships also dealt with these invisible monsters, Charles ordered them to move to the left away from the forest.

Although the forest is far away, there are other troubles in the darkness.

Suddenly, without warning, a floating airship suddenly tilted, and several sailors on the deck who did not grasp the edge of the ship fell screamingly.

Other exploratory airships approached for rescue, including Charles' Narwhal.

"Audrick! Take your subordinates down to see what's going on!"

Two bats circled the floating airship that was still tilting, and then quickly flew back. "Captain! Something is laying on the bottom of the boat, it looks like a swarm of insects."

As the Narwhal turned to the bottom of the ship, Charles saw the dense black carpet like flies.

It was a black beetle the size of a human head. The flapping of its wings brought a buzzing sound like a fly, and their joint inciting force lifted the entire exploration ship directly.

Because their color is also black, it is a perfect camouflage color in this darkness, so it was completely invisible before.

"The sky is indeed much more lively than below." Charles stared at the dark bottom of the boat and his heart condensed.

Several meter-long tentacles with white arcs protrude from the bottom of the ship, interlacing each other into a giant net of thunder and lightning.

"Bah Bah Bah!!" The welding white light instantly pushed back the darkness.

When the strong light disappeared, the airship had returned to normal, and the fragments of the scorched worm corpse slowly fell like snowflakes.

Charles's move shocked the hearts of other exploration ships. Some people felt that such a powerful strength could be compared with Julio.

As the only Governor who is still exploring, his strength should not be underestimated. The other crew members looked at Charles with a layer of awe in addition to respect.

"Don't froze and continue to rise!" Hearing Charles' words, the flames from the chimney heated the air in the airbag, and the buoyancy caused the airship to continue to float.

In the next part of the road, although there were some minor problems, they were all solved by Charles.

After another six hours of hard work, they successfully reached the third floating island. Compared with the previous two islands, the shape of this island is very strange.

If other islands are eggs hit on the ground, then this island is an unbroken egg, it is an erect oval.

Its color is black and gray, and it looks like a rotten and moldy apple with a layer of mold on it, making it difficult to see what's inside.

The other end of the sloping forest is connected to the bottom of the island.

The crew of the Narwhal looked at Charles at the same time, waiting for his order.

Recalling the ending of the exploration team before, Charles shook his head slightly. "Let them explore and observe by the side. If there is any abnormality, we can have an early warning in advance."

After confirming each other with semaphores, the four ships knew each other's mission. From Captain Locke's Windbreaker, a small airship carried a sailor to the island.

This is Locke's bait, and he seems to be the same as Charles thought.

Under everyone's gaze, the crew member circled the island for two and a half times and waited until the airbag was somewhat deflated.

In the end he even logged into the island and returned safely.

This is strange, the island in front of it does not look like a dead island that has swallowed many lives.

"Swish swish!" The three rushed directly toward the huge floating island with the hang gliding wings.

"Captain, I dare say that these three people must be the dead team selected by lottery." The second officer Nico elbows the side of the boat, watching the scene in front of him curiously, his expression seems to be watching a drama.

Charles is holding a single-hole telescope and staring at them on the white "mold".

The heads of these people are deflated, and they can be immune to most of the mind control. If the natives on this island really have such enemies, it should not work for them.

Half an hour later, a thick dark smoke swayed up from the island, that was the signal.

The airship quickly leaned to the side of the island and took them all back. In addition to the three before, there was one more person beside them.

The white spacesuit and the face of Feuerbach unsurprisingly expressed this person's Foundation identity.

This is an important clue, Charles can't give up easily, he quickly turned into a bat, and glide toward the airship over there.

Ignoring the approaching Captain Charles rushed forward, and directly put the steel prosthesis into the mouth of Feuerbach and tore off his fangs hidden in the posterior molar.

"Papa" Charles reached out and slapped his face directly. "Where is your human headquarters now? Why don't you make contact with the humans in the Earth Sea?"

Feuerbach, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, raised his head and looked at Charles sullenly, his mouth raised, revealing a mocking smile. "I do not know."

Charles felt annoyed, and stretched out his steel fingers to pinch the other's little finger joints. He immediately twisted and twisted his fingers forcibly.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you! What's on it? Did you fall from it or what happened? What happened to you?"

Faced with such a huge pain, Feuerbach never felt any sadness, but closed his eyes and smiled, as if he was enjoying the pain.

Just when Charles was thinking about letting Anna come over and directly extract the memory of this guy, Captain Locke who had been watching next to him spoke.

"Governor Charles, some of my crew can hypnotize, he can help you ask the answer in his heart."

A bearded man wearing a red headscarf took off the headscarf and took out a crystal ball from the pit on his head.

Charles nodded and took a step back.

A handful of powder was sprinkled directly on Feuerbach's face, and the beard placed the crystal ball in front of him, muttering something in his mouth.

Feuerbach sneered constantly at first, but gradually, his eyes became demented.

Seeing that the beard made a please gesture at himself, Charles took a step forward again.

"who are you?"

"I am in everything, I am me, I am you, I am him."

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