Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 610: obtain

"Um... these words are really a headache to read, even after translation,"

With a frown, Charles threw the document in his hand onto the table.

It records the magic of the West Sea, and their so-called spell is completely another thing.

This kind of text that resembles a cluster of earthworms also appeared in the previous magic circle.

Let's not talk about the so-called magical talents, if you want to learn their power, you must fully understand this weird text.

To put it simply, through guidance, the so-called magic power that permeated the air was stored in one's body, and it was stimulated through this kind of text, which was their so-called magic in the West Sea.

It is said that in the ancient past, there was a wizard who was born and was stronger than Julio.

However, Charles was very skeptical about this, and this is probably just their boasting.

Because in recent decades, facing the expansion of other waters, the West China Sea is very sluggish.

There is truth under the guns, and they obviously cannot cope with the power of gunpowder.

Their only use is that this extraordinary power can be passed on, but the power of technology can also be passed on and is much stronger than them.

Charles now judges whether a thing is valuable, first consider whether it is helpful for exploration, he obviously feels that these magic inheritances are useless to him.

"Charles, don't think so, their magic is still very useful, you see, they even have alchemy, and they are true alchemy that can refine real gold."

Anna looked at her with bright eyes, she seemed to be very interested in these things.

"The question is, what do we need gold for now, take that thing with the creatures of the earth and sea, and let them sell us the darkness?" Charles said with a hint of ridicule.

"It may not be very useful for exploring the surface, but this kind of conversion material will definitely play a very important role in the industry we are developing. Don’t forget that gold can not only be used as currency, it is also an industrial material, your mobile phone Gold can be used in the chip, but there is no gold mine in the Earth Sea."

" time..." Charles muttered to himself while looking at the table full of documents.

He certainly knew what a brilliant spark would erupt when a magic system collided with an industrial system, and maybe the so-called magic technology civilization could be born in the future.

In fact, the clues have already been made before, and his prosthesis is the product of the combination of gear and magic.

But that is all for the future. If the darkness is not recovered, there is no future at all.

Charles stood up and reached for the coat next to him, "Julio's things are useless, and the magic of the Western Seas is of no use. Now I can only see what is in the false gods in the sea of ​​mist."

"Where are you going?" Anna asked.

"Of course, go to the Heikes and ask them to contact their gods. We have unconditionally demonstrated our technology. Now it is his turn."

Anna's tentacles stretched out and wrapped Charles' waist. "You don't need to find them, I have a way to contact them."

"You have? By the way, you were trading with them before." Charles put down his coat again with a trace of clarity on his face.

Anna knelt on the table and picked various materials from the West Sea. To completely cool Charles there, she seemed to really care about the things sent by the wizards of the West Sea.

"Hurry up, don't you want to find them?" Charles was very confused about Anna's behavior.

"I still use my hands on this kind of thing? When I think about it, someone is out there to help, so please wait with peace of mind."

Sure enough, as Anna said, after a while, several tall Hikers walked in from outside, and behind them were a few divine envoys that looked like weird lizards.

The envoys came together to form a long strip. In the next second, their bodies began to blur, gradually turning into Piper’s semi-transparent and semi-black worm bodies.

"He seems to have some ability to replace each other's material. Is this Pibo's ability?" Charles secretly asked.

Piper twisted and hovered in mid-air. Charles' room could not fit his nearly ten-meter-long body, but his tail could easily pass through the wall and stay outside the room.

The tall Hikers put their hands on their chests and bowed to their gods, then silently turned and left.

"What's the matter? Charles." The middle-aged voice resounded in Charles's mind.

"We need to organize everything we have, unite them to enhance the power of the explorer, everyone else gave it, and now it's yours."

Piper twisted his mouthparts slightly, and a mass of black meat wrapped in transparent mucus was smeared on the ground by it. This piece of kneading is not dead, it can still move.

"This is a blessing from the gods, but this blessing is very unstable and needs to be poured in by us."

Before Charles could speak first, Anna next to him spoke first. "You got the corpse of a god, just send us something like this?"

Piper twisted his mouthparts and turned to Anna who was dissatisfied. "How much do you think ordinary humans can absorb? This kind of power is very special. If the injected power is stronger than the body, they will turn the object."

Charles looked at the pieces of meat that were constantly twisting on the ground, "So, what you call the blessing of the gods is the meat of the corpse of the gods? Let us eat it?"

"No, this is a medium specially cultivated by us under the breath of the gods. Through it, you can use the sporadic power of the If an ordinary human eats the corpse of a god, there is only one ending in the end. ,death."

Charles carefully looked at the meat in front of him, watching it twist on the ground like a maggot. "If human beings absorb this kind of thing, what will be the consequences?"

"First of all you will never die again."

"What!?" Charles looked at Piper in shock.

"Don't get me wrong, I just mean that your body will never die, not your consciousness. When you accept this power, your body will always remain vigorous."

"Illness, hunger, and pain can also harm you, but it cannot harm your body. When you die, it will become an existence independent of you."

"In other words, as long as I eat this thing, my body will come alive? This is not a good thing. Since it is bad, let's talk about the good. What can I get for such a high price?"

"You will be able to better inspire the power of the gods, such as your relics and the things you have integrated into your body. Those things are no longer outside of your body, they become you completely."

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