Mysteries of the Earthsea

Chapter 291: Sea trial

Chapter 292

"What about oxygen?"

"Simple, the soul holding candle in the West Sea can meet this demand. Although it was not originally used for this kind of thing, it can indeed supply oxygen after it is lit."

A few blue candles appeared in the hands of veteran hands full of calluses. Charles saw this thing once. It seemed to be a medium for summoning the little black man.

He really didn't expect that this thing could still provide oxygen.

After strolling around on the boat, Charles nodded in satisfaction. He is worthy of being a top ship designer. What he did not consider, the other party has already thought of it.

This degree of transformation is no less than rebuilding a new ship, and as a result these people actually did it in just one month.

"Yes, I like it very much. Although I didn't talk about it before, I will prepare the cost of rebuilding the ship."

Hearing this, the old man with eyes showed a proud expression. As a designer with ingenuity, he hoped that every ship he designed would be recognized by every employer.

But he quickly threw away this emotion, after all, he is still in a state of being imprisoned.

The old man hesitated for a few seconds and then asked, "Your Excellency, since the ship has been built, as agreed, should we let us go back?"

"Don't worry. There's a test sail." Walking to the deck, Charles snapped his fingers below.

The crew who had already prepared next to him rushed up excitedly, preparing for the trial voyage.

With the Narwhal, there was a deep whistle. She began to drive towards the dark sea.

After hundreds of meters away from the ship, Charles patted the ship with his hand. "Man, show me one by one."

"Kakaka~" The gear mechanism on the rear deck began to rotate. Under everyone's gaze, the steel plates on both sides slowly gathered up like egg shells.

"Swish swish~" All the ropes on the deck instantly shot to the surroundings, wrapped around the handle on the inside of the iron plate and started to pull.

"Bump!" The two steel plates slammed into each other above, and there was a muffled noise.

If someone looks from the outside, the Narwhal becomes a semi-elliptical iron ball.

There are no gaps in this iron ball. There are a few small thick glass windows in front of the iron ball, which is convenient for observing the outside from the inside.

Although he can see, his field of vision is greatly restricted, and he can only look straight ahead.

Since it is a sea trial, of course it is to test the diving function of the ship.

Under the leadership of the designer, the sailors went to the cabin to open the water injection valve.

As the storage tank was slowly filled with sea water, the whole ship slowly dived into the water.

When the entire ship entered the sea completely, everyone on the ship suddenly felt a feeling of chest tightness. They instinctively increased their breathing, and the feeling was like the feeling of water rubbing their chests.

Sailor West's face was extremely ugly, and he had a hunch that the mission this time might not be as simple as the last time.

"It's ok, there is no water leak, everything is normal." Charles quickly walked towards the wheelhouse after patrolling the boat quickly.

The furnishings in the cab have also undergone some changes, with a round raised screen at the front end of the rudder wheel, which looks like a very rudimentary TV.

"This is sonar. We found it with great difficulty. Be careful with this thing. If this thing breaks, you will be blind under the sea."

After the old man said, he pressed a red button with his hand, and the screen lit up.

"Beep~" A small white circle slowly spread out from the middle of the screen. After a few seconds, another round started again.

Anyway, it is someone who has watched TV. Charles certainly understands what this means, which is similar to sound wave detection in his bat form.

With this thing, anything that appears around the ship can be quickly reflected on the screen. Whether it is alive or dead.

"Beep beep~" The sound of the sonar suddenly began to rush, and a large group of bright spots was displayed on the screen, which was approaching the Narwhal at a very fast speed.

Everyone in the cockpit suddenly felt a sense of suffocation. The elderly designer's hands were shaking like a sieve. He couldn't figure out how something came over as soon as he opened it.

Just before everyone reacted, several big mouths with three rings of sharp fangs were directly printed on the glass of the observation port.

Even when Charles was about to order the torpedo to be launched, he saw that the giant teeth on the glass disappeared, and a few red swaying back and forth in front of him.

Charles glared at the second officer next to Feuerbach, "Is it interesting?"

That's not an urgent danger, it's just this guy's shark.

Feuerbach smiled carelessly, and patted the scared almost paralyzed old man on the shoulder. "Hahaha, Captain, I think everyone is too nervous, so I just made a joke for everyone."

Charles turned his head to look at the bandage at the helm, "With Hope Island as the center, circle around. Let everyone adapt to underwater work."

The silent bandage nodded and began to turn the rudder wheel.

"As for you, since you are free, come with me to work." Charles pulled Feuerbach by the collar and walked towards the captain's room.

Working on water is definitely not the same as working under water. As a captain, we must allocate the working hours of all people to ensure that each of them has reasonable work and rest.

The underwater environment was darker and more suppressed by the water, and the crew struggled to adapt, but there was one person on this ship who adapted quickly.

Lily lay on the glass observation port in front of the deck, marveling at everything outside, under the illumination of the searchlight, the style in the sea could be seen.

Although it was pitch black most of the time, Lily still watched it with gusto.

Just after she laughed and watched a blue-shelled Nautilus hit by the submarine, a big hand reached out and grabbed her in his hand. It was Charles's.

Putting her furry head on Charles's hand, Lily said happily: "Mr. Charles, I just saw a purple glowing thing, so pretty!"

"Don't look at it, this is still nothing on the island. If you go to the open sea, things outside can make you have nightmares."

" Then can I watch it more now? When we go out to sea, I won't watch it."

Charles supported her to walk into the cabin, "Take your mouse to try new underwater weapons. This is your gunner's duty."

Just as Charles raised his foot to walk into the cabin door, he saw the bandage in the cockpit waved to him.

Charles had just arrived in the cockpit, glanced at the chart next to him, and found that he was not driving too far, only forty nautical miles away from Hope Island.

"There is... something found..." The bandaged hand pointed to the sonar.

On the upper left side of the ship, there is a bright spot that is twice the size of the ship, constantly shining.

"Is it moving?"

" a dead thing..."

"What happened after being so close to the island? Go over and take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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