My Wife Knows The Plot

Chapter 53 Education from Emperor Guy

"Why, you are quite calm at this time, don't you worry about the situation that you have caused you to lose control?"

In the laboratory underground in Loulan, Orochimaru asked Tsunade who was watching the experimental data while doing the experiment.

"Compared to that, I am more worried about you running over to the muddy water." Tsunade said lightly.

Orochimaru was speechless when he heard this. He did have the idea of ​​wandering in the muddy water before. After all, the four pairs of Mangekyō were there. The Mangekyō of Uchiha letter he had coveted for a long time also wanted to verify it.

But he was warned by Tsunade and stared at him for a few days, no way. I want to go now, but it's too late.

"When you decide to become the new wind of this era, don't hesitate. If you can't let this era where the windmill has stopped moving, any wind is meaningless, Tsunade, you are still afraid."

"I have my plan."

"No, Tsunade, you are afraid, afraid that you can't afford the expectations of others, afraid that the changes you bring will cause casualties. But Tsunade, people who worry about everything, can't do anything.

When you choose this path, if you don't abandon your humanity, you will fail.

It's like doing business, like studying. You always pay first before you get more. Compared with the beauty that you bring after success, some necessary sacrifices are worth it. Between the choices, you haven't escaped the eyes of ordinary people. "

"You don’t need to teach me. We can only move forward on the road we have chosen, no matter whether it is right or wrong. ."

Tsunade said a few words softly, then frowned and left here.


Here is the battlefield where all forces revolve around Three Tails. With the powerful toad of Jiraiya Summoning, the situation is once again blurred.

Here, Qi Yu, facing Terumi Mei's just gorgeous Water Style attack, did not choose to resist, but dodged and retreated to the shore to watch the battle.

On the huge Three Tails three to four hundred meters above, following Uchiha letter jumped out, using his Mangekyō Sharingan's space-time pupil technique to avoid Sarutobi Hiruzen's iron rod extension attack.

I also used the space channel to close and almost cut the Summoning beast and ape demon. Fortunately, the ape demon reacted quickly and immediately released the Summoning technique and slipped away.

Uchiha said a pity in the secret, and then continued to concentrate on using the pupil technique to manipulate the floating Three Tails that had been swaying a few times.

But it does not mean that Jiraiya and the others have no means. They saw the strong toad that had just landed, and the body of more than ten meters jumped.

When it reached the height of more than 100 meters, the toad burst into an air current, and the huge toad was hit like a heavy blow, and then it fell straight down.

But at the same time, a figure rushed from the toad to Three Tails like a cannonball.

"Eight Inner Gates Sixth Gate, King Gate, open!"


The figure yelled loudly on the way, and instantly exploded with a majestic momentum.

A burst of white light exploded, the air current swept all around, and the dazzling green arrogance hovered the whole body. It was more beautiful than Qi Yu's golden body Chakra Mode at the moment, and the person here was Might Guy.

Above Three Tails, seeing Kisame, who was already powerless by Three Tails, stopped using Samehada to bully it. Seeing the green shadow attack, he blocked the front.

"Accept the trick! To the peacock!" Guy rushed to shout with his wings spread out.

When approaching Three Tails, ignoring the Samehada that Kisame greeted, swept towards Kisame.


At the moment when Kisame waved Samehada vigorously, a flame ignited on Might Guy's feet, not only ignoring Samehada, who was stabbed by countless swords, but also made Kisame, who was also using strange power, knocked back and hit the Three Tails shell. .

After a successful blow, Guy took advantage of the momentum to chase, and immediately shot directly with both fists.

'Da da da……'

In an instant, Might Guy's fists were like machine guns, and he shot countless flame fists.

Even Uchiha Xin and Itachi who reacted with attack support, Xin's blade manipulation, and Itachi's Fire Style Phoenix Fire Technique did not break Guy's peacock.

High-speed punches hit the shock waves and flames of the air, firmly suppressing Kisame, and dispelling the attacks of Xin and Itachi.


It wasn't until Might Guy finished exporting one set to the Peacock before he retreated under the attack of the other three Sharingan.

At this moment, Kisame appeared. He was rough and thick-skinned. He was still in ragged clothes and scarred all over his body while relying on Samehada to resist most of the attacks.

The super-strong air shock wave and high temperature caused Kisame to be bruised all over his body, and at this moment Samehada was quickly transporting him Chakra to recover.

The repulsed Might Guy fell into the air.


"The Seventh Gate of Eight Inner Gates, surprise the door~ open!"

Another dazzling white light flashed, and a more powerful aura bloomed with the scattered shock waves.

‘Boom boom boom~’

Then everyone was stunned, the full-bodied Might Guy full of blue arrogance, directly tapped his feet in the air quickly, and then jumped from below Three Tails to above Three Tails.

"Come on, Konoha's proud blue beast!"

Guy didn't forget to report his title. Under the gaze of the four people on Three Tails' back, he held his right hands in the air, ready to attack.

Kisame, who was recovering now, gritted his teeth and tried his best to jump out of his hands to form a seal. He wanted to show shame.

"Day Tiger!"

"Water Style·Big Shark Bomb Technique!"

A Might Guy with a blue arrogance, a giant white energy tiger rushed out from above with both hands.

Kisame Jieyin, a huge shark bullet greeted him.


The two huge energy clusters collided, bursting out violent shock waves, and punching each other.

"not good!"

Seeing that Kisame's huge water shark bomb could not consume the opponent's energy group, Obito snorted.

In an instant, the white giant tiger shattered the water shark and came straight through.


The white day tiger rushed down, directly bursting into an extremely brilliant white light, even here in the daytime, it was completely enveloped by the white light in an instant.

Kisame's unique skill, the Great Shark Ball Technique, is very strong, and it can also absorb the opponent's ninjutsu to increase the intensity. However, what he faces is not ninjutsu and Chakra, but the air cannon fired by physique.

With a violent roar resounding through the sky, after the white light of bright blind eyes flashed, super shock waves and hurricanes rolled in, so that everyone nearby could not look at the top for several breaths.

When everyone reacted and looked shocked, Three Tails was no longer visible, and only a figure in a green costume fell.

And the huge Three Tails was kicked directly to the lake nearly a kilometer away.

On the Three Tails, a red Susanoo of more than 20 meters with a shield in his left hand is slowly dissipating.

Behind Susanoo, Kisame and Xin came back to his senses, looking at the obvious cracks on the red Susanoo and Itachi's slightly pale face.

Feeling the pain of the internal organs caused by the violent vibration, Kisame and Xin looked at the green figure lying on the lake in the distance in horror, and swallowed their saliva unconsciously.

Rao knows the powerful Qi Yu of Emperor Guy. Rao has seen it in the animation in the previous life. At this moment, he is also looking at Guy in a trance.

But Qi Yu returned to his senses in an instant, immediately swallowed his saliva and turned around and ran away, because Guy fell not far from him, his eyes still staring.

However, just as Qi Yu thought, Guy, who was out of breath after landing, ignored his state and saw a man in a black robe with a red cloud picture next to him, and immediately reopened the Sixth Gate of the Eight Inner Gates.

‘Swish swish’

The green figure was like a flash of lightning, and a few leaps rushed to Qi Yu's side. Qi Yu, who was trying his best to escape, was helpless.


Qi Yu, who was staring at Mangekyō Sharingan, turned around and swept away with a slash, but only saw Might Guy's left hand bursting with flames, and Qi Yu's slash was dissipated with a single wave.

"Power Prelude!"

Then the extremely fast speed surged again, surpassing Qi Yu Mangekyō Sharingan's insight speed and kicked forward.

Qi Yu entangled the golden Chakra's double swords at the same time trying to slash from the right.


A burst of air exploded, Qi Yu was kicked directly by brute force, but the double-sword attack failed to break the energy on Might Guy's feet.


Qi Yu, who flew upside down and paddled a hundred meters on the lake, stabilized his figure, and faced Guy who was rushing again, hurried to his double swords.

Guy didn't avoid it, and the speed remained unabated, raising his leg a Leaf Hurricane and flying Qi Yu's double swords.

At this time, Qi Yu, who had already turned on Sage Mode, suddenly flooded his right foot with his golden Chakra coat and kicked it against the sudden Guy.

"Ji Konoha Diamond Force Whirlwind!"

Might Guy burst out suddenly, and the blue Chakra attached to his feet and kicked suddenly.


In an instant, the gentle surface of the lake exploded a vacuum of tens of meters, and a huge wave of ten meters high suddenly appeared and surged in all directions.

The green figure of Might Guy was still in place, and there was still a little golden Chakra rain on his body, and he flew directly below Three Tails a few hundred meters away.

Another jump, the rope was thrown in the air, Three Tails caught Kisame and lifted it hard, lifting Qi Yu up. Uchiha Shin, who seemed to be guilty, tried his best to use pupil technique and quickly manipulated Three Tails to fly away.

In this way, Akatsuki coaxed five people out of the game, and then was kicked by Might Guy and left.

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