My Wife, King Arthur

Chapter 137: Divided wife!

Chapter 137 Divided Wife!

PS: Should anyone think why I want to develop the jungle and exclude Warcraft? ? C.C. and Evangeline will be out soon ...

PS1: Hesitant to join the ghost princess?

PS2: 8,000 today, the update is complete! Is everyone happy?

"A million people ..." Kailar stood at the highest point of the city wall with Altria, looking at the three huge circles below, and sighed gently, "How much labor is this? ... "

"Because the young and middle-aged people have been killed by us, men should occupy about 23%, women should occupy the majority, teachers, don't you think too much about the labor force of this group of people." Kailar students , A girl with a baby face with beautiful green hair stood up and said, her name is Vivian Claude, one of Kailar's apprentices, and she has excellent talents in statistics and breeding. It is also one of the right and left arms of Altria's internal affairs.

"Fool." Kaylar laughed and cursed. For this group of students, he didn't have to pretend to be too aristocratic. It was very easy. Laughing and scolding would make people feel a sense of glory. Lal's personality charm, to be honest, when Kelal scolded people, it was more relaxed: "Why can't women do things?" Kylar shook his head and laughed.

"Also a woman, how many things can you do?" Kailar asked with a smile while looking at her.

"But teacher, it's different ..." Wei Wei'an said for a long while, of course it's different! She is a student who has been carefully cultivated by Kailar for decades and has received various higher education and knowledge training. How can she compare with those village women?

Kaylar saw her thoughts and shook her head and smiled: "You are too young, Vivian!"

Yeah, Kylar has known since he watched the duel between Jeanne and King of Scotland that, even with his vision and technology, what's the use of knowledge and experience of any top talent in this era? Any one of these top talents has Kaylar's knowledge, vision, experience, and knowledge. After technology, he will be comparable to Kaylar and even more outstanding than Kaylar.

Just one who has not received advanced knowledge education, no knight training, and no war reckoning will be able to maximize his art of warfare through the study and display of wild roads, even if it is a Scottish king who was beaten by King Usher. They all have 20,000 cards. What about the others?

呢 How about Alexander the Great, who was brilliant in strategy and war? What about the Romanian Empire behind all the surrounding countries? Where is the oldest Uruk?

Isn't this group of people the worst talents in the world than him Kailar?

Kaylar started to face everyone and revise his arrogant ten-year plan.

And now he also needs to teach himself to the group of students with high eyes, don't underestimate anyone, you don't have this qualification, even for the war students I specially cultivated ... Jeanne is enough to defeat you! Dignified! Think of Jeanne's guy who has no formal education or training.

Although Jeanne was lying in the Kailar Manor and watched by the girls with big swords, Kailar had decided to use her as a model to educate students.

I do n’t know in the future how much challenge Jeanne encountered because of this decision. If you know that Kailar is intentional, I'm afraid I will cry aggrieved, right? !!

凯 Between Kailar's thoughts, the knights began to maintain order and awakened more than one million slaves.

的 The Scots, who were kicked by the knights and kicked up, were well recognized. The aristocracy was cursed, the civilians were silent, and the prisoners of war were numb.

Ten people were squeezed into a tent. Although it was crowded, it was the best place to warm in the cold weather. However, some stupid people made the tent strictly because of the cold. As a result, all ten people in the tent were poisoned by carbon dioxide. , Suffocated to death, there are still many such stupid people, thousands of tents, more than a dozen of this happened, most of them are nobles who do not understand common sense of life, watching the knight lift the corpse, everyone has a heart Qi, obviously this is not Carmelo's, because the knights who were out of vigilance outside yesterday did not dare to go inside this Scottish tent. The black light was blinded and sapled and lost in the campfire. Who knows him died?

This was guarded by Kailar, so there wasn't any Camelot Knight in the tent circle last night.

I put away the sad thoughts of rabbits and foxes. They are alive in this group of people.

With more than one million people, one person can melt the snow in one breath. Although the winter morning is very cold, thanks to the large number of people, no snowflakes have come down.

The entire site is still clean. The knights forced the crooked Lala to stand in a dozen squares. They looked up and looked forward. Where can I see Altaria and others standing tall on the wall?

It's just that the protagonist of this time is not them, but the women ~ ~ all women! !! "Altolia yelled," Forty years old and under fifteen years old, stand up on both sides! "

The women were in a mess, and by the time they were split into two, it was already a mess.

群 This group of women is constantly noisy in Scots, and the entire Carmelo has turned into a vegetable market.

Many people ran out of the city gates or heads to explore the brain, watching the coquettish Scottish women laugh as if they were watching a play.

They found that since King Arthur's throne, not only his own welfare has increased, but also his joy. Looking at this group of Scots is really joyful!

The whole country is full of a buoyant atmosphere.

这种 And this atmosphere is exactly what Kylar said, just like the great men who painted circles around the sea at that time, it caused a great impact nationwide and boosted the economy of the entire country.

He started to create such an atmosphere. When reforms and innovations in the future lead to the Great Leap Forward, he said that the less resistance he will receive.

Of course, the disadvantage is that a bad one will cause blind worship of individual leaders. Although Kaylar is confident that it will not cause a runaway, this kind of thing needs to be avoided as much as possible.

"Married and unmarried are divided into two groups!" Altolia continued to order, and now it is about the same as the 20 and under 20, although the Scots are not looking for a marriage, they need farming or Subsidies for households, but most of them over the age of twenty-five are married, and less than 300,000 unmarried Scots under the age of twenty-five, and the remaining are either old women or young girls, which is difficult to complete Cross-mission reception.

And if the women who had husbands were given to Carmelo's bachelors, it would obviously cause the unrest of the slaves ...

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