My Twenty-four Heavens

Chapter 84: Hope of curing cancer

   What did Zhang Tong see?

   He saw Xie Qiang shrouded in the light of the rune with his own eyes, returning from a **** state to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  No scars or polyps were left even during this process, and some were just in the most normal and reasonable state.

what does that mean?

   This means that Xie Qiang's physical recovery ability has reached an incredible level.

   "If I also have this power, does it mean that I can cure my cancer!"

   Zhang Tong stared at Taishijie’s Xie Qiang, with an expression of ecstasy on his face.

   Cancer is cancer, its essence is to inhibit the dysfunction of cancer cells, leading to the uncontrolled proliferation of cells in organs and tissues.

   This kind of proliferation is undoubtedly a burden to the human body.

  The proliferated part of the tissue will continuously absorb the nutrients of the original organ and squeeze the survival resources of the original organ.

   Cancer is a disease that involves the nature of genes. Even if the hyperplasia is cut off, it will quickly grow again.

   It is even possible that due to external stimuli, there are more hyperplastic parts.

   Zhang Tong promoted the development of civilization in the Primordial Realm for what he hoped to find a solution to cancer.

   Stepping into the blood-moving state, Zhang Tong can control the blood in his body, allowing cancer cells to grow as slowly as possible.

   But that is a palliative solution, not a permanent cure.

   Even because of physical problems, Zhang Tong didn't dare to easily step into the cave world, because he was afraid that after he stepped into the cave world, the skyrocketing blood would even cause more trouble inside the body.

   But it is different now. The life evolved by Xie Qiang gave Zhang Tong hope.

   "Recovering after injury will inevitably leave scars, and even in the process of cell proliferation, a large number of polyps will be produced."

   "The most important thing is bones, internal organs, blood vessels, nerves... these deeper things are difficult to recover under normal circumstances."

   "But during Xie Qiang's recovery process, the entire recovery process turned out to be terribly perfect!"

   Zhang Tong looked at Xie Qiang in the Primordial Realm with ecstasy. He was eager to know what kind of abilities Xie Qiang had evolved:

   "Ding Ding, what abilities did Xie Qiang evolve?"


   "According to deduction, this life is determined to be an extraordinary life."

   "On the bones of this extraordinary life, there are natural bone writings."

   "This kind of bone writing allows the life to master the power of the wind."

   Ding Ding used its almost unlimited computing power for the first time to deduced the mystery of Xie Qiang's bones.

   But Ding Ding's answer is that Zhang Tong cannot be satisfied. What he wants is not the bone inscriptions in Xie Qiang's body, but the secret that allows Xie Qiang to recover completely!

   "It's not this, I need to know why Xie Qiang was able to recover from **** blood to completely normal."

   is a matter of my own life, and it is difficult for Zhang Tong, the creator, to remain calm.


   "Due to the influence of the special environment during the evolution of this life, the body has undergone an unknown mutation, and this mutation fills his body with dark energy."

   "Just like every cell of a normal human being is filled with water and oxygen, the dark energy transformed by bone inscriptions has become a part of the life cell."

   seemed to be afraid that Zhang Tong would not be able to fully understand his explanation. Ding Ding also made a sincere analogy to let Zhang Tong understand Xie Qiang's state at the moment.

   Zhang Tong’s eyes were brighter than ever before, and he stared at Xie Qiang, who was still in the process of transformation:

   "In other words, if the cells in my body can also degenerate into this state, the function of tumor suppressor genes will completely return to normal."

   "At that time, my cancer can be completely cured?"

   What a surprise!

  As a monk who moved the blood realm, Zhang Tong could feel the malignant changes in his body that were out of his control almost every day.

   Even if Zhang Tong has suppressed as much as possible, cancer cells are still stubbornly proliferating.

   The feeling of counting the countdown to life every day, but it's not at all uncomfortable.

   And now?

   The hope of healing is before his eyes, and Zhang Tong can't wait to have this ability.

   is not Zhang Tong's creator level, and now he is still stubborn silver, knowing that the key lies in the human race of the Primordial Realm.

   So he took a deep breath quickly and controlled his emotions:

   "Only by transforming this power into a power that can be practiced by humans, can I truly benefit from it."

   "So next, we must find a way to arrange Xie Qiang to the Taichu realm."

   When thinking of Taichu Realm, Zhang Tong subconsciously looked towards the sky.

   His gaze broke through the barriers of the world and descended on the Primordial Realm where the flow of time was completely different.

  Today's Taichu realm has formed a pattern of opposition between Eastern Xia and Xiyu.

  The Dayu of Eastern Xia believed that human beings can coexist with other intelligent life, while the Chonghua of Xiyu firmly believed that non-self races must have different hearts.

   The divergence of ideas, coupled with the accumulated contradictions, made it impossible for Dongxia and Xiyu to live together in peace.

   Not to mention, for a natural hero like Chonghua, it is impossible to accept that another emperor sits on an equal footing with himself.

   Under such circumstances, in the past period of time, the two countries have fought more than once.

   In addition to small-scale armed conflicts, there have also been several turbulences in the two countries that the other side has provoked.

   Although this kind of turmoil is a headache, but under the powerful power of Shen Yu and Mo Shun, after all, it is still unable to overcome any storms.

   Because the high-end combat power of Eastern Xia and Xiyu are equal, and the waterways in Eastern Xia are vertical and horizontal, and Chonghua believes that the human race should recuperate at this stage, so the entire Primordial Realm has entered a period of peace.

   The fierce beast was exiled by humans to the outside of Kyushu. The two countries on the land of Kyushu restrained each other.

   "It's too calm, it won't work, I will bring you war."

   Looking at the peaceful development of the two human nations in the Taichu Realm under the wise leadership of Shen Yu and Mo Shun, Zhang Tong shook his head slightly.

  As the supreme creator, Zhang Tong knows that war will bring countless tragedies, but he also knows that war is a catalyst for human civilization.

   would rather be a peaceful dog than a person in troubled times.

   That is the simplest desire of ordinary life for survival, but for Zhang Tong, the creator, he values ​​the progress of civilization.

  The life of an individual is too small. Even the Three Emperors who have laid the foundation of human civilization will eventually come to an end.

   Without the Three Emperors, human beings have still developed to this day, possessing a more prosperous civilization than the Three Emperors era.

   And all this is inseparable from war.


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