My Teacher is Sun Wukong

Chapter 1774: custom

"I can speak Chinese, but not much." After a long time, the young woman said this.

"You can speak Chinese, that's great." Xiao Fei, Daban, Aishwarya also came over, Xiao Fei said enthusiastically. "It doesn't matter if you don't know much, as long as you can understand what we mean." It is."

The young woman nodded and didn't speak, probably because of the bad Chinese.

"We are all tourists from afar. I want to go to the provincial capital. I accidentally pass by here. I don't know your village. Can you take us overnight?" Xiao Fei asked.

"That needs the approval of the head person," the woman said.

"The head person, is it the equivalent of your village head?" asked the fat man.

However, the woman did not answer his words, but pointed to a big stone in the distance and said: "You will go to the stone to rest, wait for the head to come back, and don't walk in the village."

The fat man still wants to say something again, Xiao Fei stopped him: "Let's go there and wait."

The four men and one horse went over, put down their luggage, put the horse on the big tree next to it, and sat on the stone steps to rest. At this time, although the sun is very large, it is good to have a big tree next to it, which can shade them.

“The Yao people here don’t seem to be very warm and hospitable.” After the stability, Dafang said.

"She doesn't call it enthusiasm, she doesn't want to talk to us more, probably because she wants to avoid it." The fat man said: "We are all young men, and she is a young woman. And her Chinese is not saying Fluent, so I don't want to say more."

"It turns out that." said the big die.

"I don't know what their heads are doing, how long it will take to come back," asked the fat man.

"Probably hunting is going, maybe it is farming." Xiao Fei said.

"Where is there such a high mountain, where is the field? Even if it is, it is estimated to be very poor, only one season in a year." Dafang said.

"Then what do we do now, just wait here?" asked the fat man.

"Wait, after all, we still want to charge at someone else's home." Xiao Fei said.

So, a few people closed their eyes and raised their minds and began to wait. And Aishwarya took the rosary in his hand and began to chanting the time.

Waiting is long, especially when it is dry, and it feels that time has passed very slowly.

After about an hour or so, the young woman came over with a basket. Take a few bowls out of the basket, and the bowls are filled with greens and they are given to them one by one.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

A few people took the bowl and thanked them sincerely. They have been eating wild food for ten days in the mountains, and today they are eating normal meals for the first time.

The woman did not speak, just waited quietly waiting for the basket, waiting for them to finish, so I packed up.

Xiao Fei and several others picked up the chopsticks and carefully looked at the food in the rice bowl. I found that all of them were dishes, and none of them were rice. Like green vegetables, but not green vegetables, it is like a tea that has been soaked. However, it was run with vegetable oil, which was filled with faint oil. In addition to this there are a few soy beans.

No matter what you haven't seen before, pick up the chopsticks and lick it in your mouth.

For ten days, I have been eating dry food and eating barbecue game. Now suddenly eat the dishes, even if the taste is not very sweet, they also eat with relish.

After eating, several people expressed their gratitude again. The woman nodded slightly, took the food into the basket, and left.

"Big die, you just said that they are not very hospitable, how are you doing now?" The fat man asked: "If you are not enthusiastic, how can you give us something to eat without reason?"

"I can't do it if I say it wrong?" said the big die.

After the woman left, it was a long wait. When I was bored, I closed my eyes and even leaned on the trunk of the big tree.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly, Xiao Fei opened his eyes. A long breath, said: "Almost gone!"

"Boss, who finally left!?" The fat man and the big die woke up, strangely asked. It turned out that in order to pass the time they just faked and did not really fall asleep.

"You still don't ask about this," Xiao Fei said.

"Why, there are monsters here. What you said just now is the monster finally gone?" asked the fat man.

"No, no." Xiao Fei said quickly.

"Not just fine, not just fine." The fat man said, "The Yao people here are so simple, so kind, I am really afraid of monsters to hurt them."

"I am also afraid." Xiao Fei said, "He Jiacun's affairs have made me difficult to let go. The arrival of several of us should bring them stability and peace, not disaster. But those hateful monsters are going to The road blocks us, and by the way it hurts innocent civilians."

"Fly, please promise us. If there are monsters in this village, be sure to kill them in the cradle, don't let them hurt the villagers." Dafang said.

"Reassured, I used the knowledge to check it before entering the village. There is no monster in the vicinity of the square. Although the white wolf is the overlord of this place, it is not here. There is no monster in this mountain. But to ensure that nothing is lost, I still looked around."

"That's fine," said the fat man. "I really don't want to see where we go, and there are people who suffer."

"Like Conan, there is a murder case wherever he goes." Dafang said: "Conan encountered the murder case, which was arranged by the author, and we met the monster, which was arranged by the gods."

"There are no monsters in this village, but it is difficult to protect other villages. The road to the West is still very long. There are many more monsters waiting in front of us." Xiao Fei sighed and said: "In the future, we will try to minimize the number of others. The village. It’s just that it’s easier said than done. It’s hard to do.”

“It’s really hard to do, because we have to prepare supplies, water and food, and charge the phone. So if we come to a place with monsters, we’d better surrender the monsters and enter other people’s villages. Said the big die.

"It makes sense. Now that you are fine now, the two of you first went out to the village. Look at the surrounding terrain and once again ensure the safety of the villagers in the village." Xiao Fei said.

"Good!" said the fat man and the big die. Then the gods went out and the bandits left. And their flesh is left in place, as if they are still sleeping.


As for the statement that Xiao Fei just said, he finally left, and he said that it is actually Moonlight Bodhisattva. She lost the moonlight mirror, and she still wondered if Xiao Fei had secretly hid it. Therefore, she secretly used the gods to spy on Xiao Fei and her four people, and actually peeked for half a month.

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