My Teacher is Sun Wukong

Chapter 175: The enemy is coming

The surname of Vietnam is similar to that of China, with the names of Tang, Chen, Yi, Fan... and the Koreans have many people surnamed Li, Jin... basically all of them are inherited by China.

In the Tang Dynasty, Huaxia was known as the Great Dahua, and now several neighboring countries are basically affiliated countries. At that time, the court sent troops and officials to station there, where the wife and children were born, so the surname was also passed down.

Yan Wenxiong is a famous descendant, and the head down technique is very powerful. What he is best at is raising a devil, and the head-down technique that he performs is a ghost drop. Ghost drop can also help people to transfer, it is said that many stars have gone to find him to help raise the devil.

Seal the hen of the dead child in a bottle and feed it with various sacrifices. The ghost of the devil is not wise, and he will be grateful to the person who feeds it. Therefore, there is a ghost's possession of the ghost, and the star can be red.

Of course, once such a devil is rebellious, it is also very powerful. It caused some people to commit suicide, and died very badly.

Like the top descendant of Yan Wenxiong, the average person is not to move him. However, the family power of Murong Chenxing is huge, and there is also a black power background. This time, the reward is very rich. Therefore, Yan Wenxiong gave him a face and made a special flight to the flower city.

In the afternoon, Xiao Fei’s downfall challenge also made Murong Chenxing realize the power of his martial arts. I felt that I could not use force to deal with him, so I thought of asking the headmaster.

This presidential suite is where they meet.

Just then, the door to the room suddenly opened automatically. Yan Wenxiong looked up and saw no one outside the door!

Just when he was puzzled, suddenly the figure flashed. A middle-aged man appeared one meter in front of him.

This is the illusion in the Nanyang witchcraft! ? Yan Wenxiong’s heart was moving.

Take a closer look, this person is as thin as a bamboo pole, looks very strange. The eye sockets are deep, and the eyes are sharp and sharp, just like a scalpel. When you look at it, you don’t dare to look at it again.

"Aruna, you are not in Nanyang, what are you doing in the Huadu city of China?" Yan Wenxiong looked at him and asked.

This Aruna is a famous wizard in Nanyang. He used to work in countries such as Malaysia and occasionally to the coast of China.

These two people are the top sorcerers of the two countries. They usually do not interact with each other. I did not expect to meet here today.

"The person who asked you to come, afraid that you can't deal with his enemies, but also invited me." Aruna said in a blunt Chinese language.

There are many Chinese in Malaysia, and most of them are rich. Therefore, most of the customers of Aruna are Chinese, and he also learned some Mandarin.

"Hey, do you think that I can't even deal with an ordinary boy?" Yan Wenxiong said with arrogance, "The martial arts strong people, the most yang is strong, there is no big deal. My little devil's haze, Not afraid of anyone's yang."

"Don't you be afraid that his enemy is a Taoist? He also invited us both, which proves that his enemy is not simple," Aruna said.

"As long as it is not the top Taoist of China, I can't crack my head down." Yan Wenxiong is full of confidence. "Do you think a teenager can have this kind of Taoism?"

"So, do you think that I am superfluous?" Aruna looked cold. Suddenly, the eyes of the straight hook gaze at the past.

Yan Wenxiong suddenly felt that he was covered by an invisible force. I feel like a beautiful woman who is naked and naked, and is stared by a satyr. And this power can also invade the inside of his body.

"Hey, hey..."

A shrill sound rang, and a metal chair behind Wen Wenxiong was bent by this invisible force.

Suddenly, a cloud of black gas emanating from the back of Yu Wenxiong, this group of black gas quickly condensed into the shape of a little ghost. Suddenly, the surrounding air became cold like ice. This group of black gas is the haze of the little ghosts he raised, which offsets Aruna's gaze.

The two men’s sorcerer confrontation this time is actually quite equal. After a temptation, the two did not continue to attack each other. Because they already know it, the ability of the two is indifferent, and they can only be defeated if they fight.

In fact, their confrontation this time is an unwritten rule of countless circles. If anyone loses in the confrontation, whoever has to quit this action. Let the powerful wizards enjoy the rewards provided by the guests.

"It seems that this time we have to cooperate with each other. After the event, the reward is divided into half," Aruna said.

"Good!" said Yan Wenxiong. "With the cooperation of the two of us, I am afraid that the top Taoist priests from China will not be able to save this person."

"However, before you start. I have to ask you, if you come here, are there any ancient Wu practitioners who have alerted China?" Aruna said.

Although the ancient Wu practitioners in China are hidden in the dark, they often do secret things to defend the country's stability and unity.

The greater the so-called ability, the greater the responsibility. In the ancient martial arts, there are two unwritten rules. The first is to protect the country. The country is gone, and they certainly cannot be cultivated with peace of mind.

For example, during the war of resistance, there were some ancient military strongmen who went to be the guards of the anti-war generals.

Of course, there have been some ancient martial artists who have thought about killing devils in person. However, the ability of a person is limited, and it is not a big deal to kill the enemy in person. Therefore, the best way to protect the country is to protect those senior generals.

During the period of life and death of Huaxia, there were some differences of opinion in the ancient martial arts. Some went to the national army, while others went to another camp. At the end of the day, I saw the corruption of the national army, and many practitioners turned around.

Throughout the end of this period of history, most of the senior generals in the camp of the people's interests have not been injured on the battlefield.

The second rule of the Huaxia ancient martial arts is to prevent those who practice cults from doing things that are harmful to the world. It is even more taboo for foreign sorcerers to come to China to harm people. So Aruna was a little worried, they were discovered by people in the ancient martial arts.

Although they can be rehabilitated by their cultivation. But after all, they don't want to get into trouble, let alone they want to do business with Chinese.

"You can rest assured that I am very careful this time." Yan Wenxiong said, "And the people we have to deal with are just a small person, no one will take care of his life and death."

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