My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 484 The Queen's Meeting

At this time, Eric was heading to the small town of Arcadia alone.

He used to be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., but now he's Batman.

All the arrangements for the Dark Knights have been prepared, and all that needs to be done now is to increase the possibility of victory.

In other words, I still like daily life, this kind of continuous battle is not attractive to me.

Flying the latest model of aircraft, Eric looked at the dark sky outside and complained in his heart.

But unfortunately, he can't grasp this kind of thing.

Turn on the communicator and connect to the already contacted reinforcements—Queen Hippolyta and her Amazon army.

The Amazons who had been sitting on the sidelines during the crime syndicate, this time, Eric will not let them idle.


The plane flew across the night, leaving traces that cut through the air.

Eric has now mastered the piloting skills of the plane, so now he can fly the plane to South America.

In the Atlantic Ocean, according to the coordinates provided by "Poison Ivy", the island hidden in the mist was quickly found.

The outside of the island is filled with thick fog. I am afraid that ordinary ships will get lost here. It is simply impossible to penetrate the fog.

But Eric, under the command of "Poison Ivy", turned around and quickly entered the interior of the island.

It has to be said that the plant transformation of "Poison Ivy Girl" has the ability of uncanny craftsmanship. An ordinary island was transformed by the other party into a shape and environment similar to the original paradise island in less than a year.

After getting off the plane, Eric met the "Poison Ivy Girl" who greeted him.

"Poison Ivy" is still so charming, with charming eyes.

"I thought our Batman had forgotten about this place. After all, there are more than a thousand women here. You have become the biggest scumbag in the world!"

"Poison Ivy" teased Eric when she came up, as if all the women on this island were Eric's harem.

"Although thank you for saying that to me,

But I don't have that much ability. "

Eric tidied up his equipment calmly and walked up, ready to shake hands with his old friend "Poison Ivy".

But the way "Poison Ivy" greeted Eric was very special. Instead of shaking hands with him, she pulled Eric to her side and kissed Eric's helmet lightly.

"It's the etiquette for the two of us to meet, just like the last time we were in West Africa, it's really a nostalgic time."

After Poison Ivy finished her rituals, she took Eric to meet Queen Hippolyta.

Along the way, you can see burning torches and Amazon female warriors training in the arena.

"Aren't you going to ask me what happened outside?"

Eric stared at "Poison Ivy" with great interest and asked.

"Of course I know what's going on outside. Do you think I'm isolated from the world and hiding here as a savage?"

"Poison Ivy" gave him a blank look.

"But Queen Hippolyta obviously doesn't want to participate in your affairs. Queen Hippolyta has been paying attention to your fight with the Syndicate last time. Although I tried to persuade her to help you, she refused."

"Poison Ivy" likes to live here. The back half of the island is covered with plants, which is considered a paradise for her. And staying here is accompanied by many female warriors of the Amazon family, so she has been staying here for a while.

The relationship with Queen Hippolyta is not bad.

"It looks like you like it here."


While talking, the two came to the palace of Queen Hippolyta.

The queen is still as majestic as before.

"It's been a long time, Batman!"

The queen steps down from the throne.

"I would like to thank you for your great help in choosing this island for us, which has become our new home."

The Queen expressed her gratitude to Eric.

"No, it's mainly Rowling's credit. I actually did very little."

Eric pushed all the credit to "Poison Ivy", saying that he only did a little thing.

After exchanging pleasantries, Eric directly explained his intention.

He briefly told Queen Hippolyta about the "Dark Knights" and the dark multiverse.

"I see, my daughter, how is Diana?"

Hearing that her own universe might also be the legendary cannon fodder universe, the queen frowned. She first asked about her daughter's situation.

"Diane is fine with her. If there are no accidents in the plan, she has come to this world now. Queen, I believe you will meet again."

Eric told the queen that Diana might come to this world.

"I've always been worried about Diana. What she had suffered was a trial that didn't belong to her. That child has been burdened with a lot since she was a child. She is different from us Amazons and has a high sense of identity with humans. She loves Humans...hehe, this child actually said such things."

The queen smiled wryly, but there was more pride in the smile.

"The world was dragged into crisis by Omega. Diana persisted stubbornly and refused to seek your help. In the end, she even agreed to the deal with the Goddess of Three Phases in order to deal with Omega. She is a child who never makes people worry. But It is precisely because of that that she is the princess of our Paradise Island."

The queen of the Amazon said with emotion.

"Batman, do you want us Amazons to stand up against the thugs of the Dark Knights?"

The queen asked Eric for the purpose.

"No! My purpose is just to hope that the queen can help me deal with one person."

Erik didn't ask the Queen and the Amazons to fight the Laughing Bat, that's not realistic at all.


"The drowned souls who once wiped out the underwater Atlanteans by themselves."

"Drowned soul?"

Eric nodded, "Yes, a Batwoman."


The deep sea in the small town of Arcadia was worrying about how to transport these surviving humans to the inland, when they suddenly found a dark shadow on the distant sea.

That seems to be a group of humans?

The mighty soldiers on the ship stood on the hull and drove towards themselves.

At the same time, there was a howling sound in the air, which seemed to be the sound of an airplane.


Eric's bat wings spread out in the air, and he flew towards the deep sea and the others rapidly.

At the same time, changes have also taken place in the sea.

The waves on the water surface became turbulent, and the water flow seemed to be split from the middle, and the rushing waves splashed around.

"Drowned Soul" Bruce Wayne came out from the middle of the water.

She stood on top of the waves, squatting halfway, holding a golden trident in her hand, surrounded by "dead water" around her.


Brucey looked at Eric and asked aloud.

"It's me. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. Should it be said that all encounters in the world are reunions after a long absence?"

Under the watchful eyes of the trio from the deep sea and the Sage Grove Mental Asylum, Eric jumped into the air with a light leap.

The invisibility ability of the second-generation bat suit is turned on, which gives him the ability to fly in the air, allowing him to levitate in the air.

"Don't think that you call the Amazons, I will be afraid of it. Batman, you don't know my past. Not only have I been dealing with Atlanteans, but the Amazons, I have also dealt with them. Cross-talk."

In Brucey's world, the Amazon warriors have all turned into men.

This is also predictable. After all, in Brucey's world, all members have changed sex, and it is not incomprehensible for Amazon female warriors to become male warriors.

The prince of Amazon is De'an, nicknamed "Qi Xia".

Although dubbed the title of prince and hero, he is indeed an out-and-out fool.

At least Brussie never took him seriously.

Her enemy has always been the sea queen of Atlantis.

The woman who destroyed her world.

"As I have said before, no matter which direction the world develops, no matter what possibilities are developed, none of them is the ending of your victory. Light and darkness are opposites, but once the darkness gathers, then the light There is no way to fight against it.”

Brucey and Eric faced each other and said regretfully.

In her eyes, Amazons, male or female, were no threat to her backwater army.

"Really? Bruce Wayne, you are wrong, as long as everyone's power is poured into the light, then the remaining hope will not be cut off."

As soon as Eric finished speaking, he quickly flew towards Brucey who was at the top of the wave.

Hope to hit the opponent with speed.

But it's a pity that Brucie's water control ability is also top-notch, no less than Aquaman's. She swung the trident, instantly cast a water wall, and at the same time controlled the dead water to surge up.

Brucie fought in the water, which was equivalent to adding wings to a tiger, and she was confident that she would never fail no matter what.


Eric passed through the water wall, but was knocked away by the opponent's trident.

There was a gap in the armor between Eric's arms.

When she wanted to control the stagnant water again, Brucey suddenly felt a muscle contraction, her arms could not move, and her head became a little painful, as if something was squeezing her head.

"Is it mind power?"

Brucey instantly thought of the extent of the attack she had received.

Turning his gaze to the direction of the deep sea, he instantly locked on a woman with a cropped head.

"Can just this level of thought power make me headshot? How naive!"

Brucey shook her head, clenched her hands, and just exerted some strength to break free from Cindy's mind control.

Her body has been transformed, and she is no longer an ordinary person. Cindy's willpower to kill ordinary people can only cause a little damage to her.

Brucey used the stagnant water to rush towards Cindy and his party.

Seeing this, "Steel Man" immediately stood in front of the crowd, trying to block the attack of the dead water for them.

But this "venomous" creature devoured him in an instant.


"Steel Man" screamed and disappeared immediately.

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