My Superhero Can’t Be This Jerk

Chapter 311 Green Lantern Batman

After the wall was blasted away, dazzling light emitted from behind the wall.

The Molodian monsters illuminated by the light roared and screamed, and retreated one after another.

The Molodian monsters are afraid of the light. This dazzling and white light, like the sun, burns their eyes.

Green Arrow and Emiko, who fell to the ground, looked to the other side of the blasted wall.

The dazzling light almost blinded the two of them.

After being in the dark for a long time, seeing such a bright environment for a while, the eyes cannot adapt immediately.

After getting used to the dazzling light, it was Eric himself standing behind the broken wall!

He was wearing a bat suit, standing on top of the ruins, with his hands raised high!

On his raised right hand, there is a flickering silver arc.

There seemed to be a great power contained in it, shaking Emiko's heart.

For a moment, she seemed to feel that the Batman in front of her was like a god coming down to earth!

The flickering sparks in Eric's hands are the harbinger of his unleashed thunder.

That's right, he also has a secret weapon, which is his final ultimate move - Thunderbolt, which is more powerful than Storm's lightning superpower!

The artifact bestowed upon him by Queen Hippolyta!


The thunder jumping in his hand, as his fingers fell, crashed towards the Morodian monsters in the entire floor.

The Heaven's Punishment Thunder that contained the power of annihilation and destruction, along with the light that pierced the entire building, swept towards the monsters running in a hurry.

Like a tsunami, they were instantly submerged.

This time the screams turned into roaring and running monsters, and the lightning that contained the power of divine punishment was their biggest nemesis.

Under the huge impact, Emiko passed out in an instant.


After Emiko wakes up,

It was found that it was the early morning of the next day.

She opened her eyes and saw that she was lying in a tent.

The harsh sunlight came in from outside.

Made her slightly uncomfortable.

She got up, opened the zipper of the tent, looked outside, and found that she was in a sandy field.

There are many tents set up around.

Injured and bandaged members of the Ghost Car Gang are boiling water for cooking.

Her head hurt slightly, "What happened? Are we saved?"

"Yes, Emiko, we were saved, Batman saved us."

Green Arrow with a white bandage on his head walked towards Emiko.

"The thunder released by Batman shocked all those monsters and fled deeper underground. I believe they will not have the courage to return to the ground in a short time."

Arrow explained to Emiko.

"But... how did he do it?"

Emiko was a little surprised, "My impression of Batman would not release Thunder, are you sure he is Batman and not Shazam?"

"Shazam is dead, he is indeed Batman, but not from our world, he is from another world. As for releasing Thunder, Batman has a lot of incredible things, you know, he is always the one who has the backup Scheme guy."

Green Arrow wasn't too surprised.

He knew that Gotham's Batman also had several magic props, and he heard that he bought them from the magic black market, specifically to target the Justice League's Wonder Woman.

So it's not surprising that this otherworldly Batman has props that can unleash magic on a large scale.

"Unbelievable props? Do you mean magic?"

Emiko nodded pointingly, and after a while, her beautiful eyebrows frowned again, "But... the magic in this world is dead, he can't release magic... the gods And magic is a thing of the past, no one can use magic at all."

Emiko thinks that the thunder that Eric unleashed might not be magic.

The reason is simple - the magic has been lost for many years.

"Perhaps you can ask him."

Green Arrow shrugged, "I don't think he will be stingy about sharing the answer with you."

"No, I don't get along well with guys who play superheroes in the dark all day long."

Emiko gave up the idea of ​​finding out the answer, she walked towards the boiling kettle, "However, I, he should be the hope you have been looking for!"

At this time, Eric, who was discussed by Green Arrow and Emiko, was sitting alone in the tent studying a strange ring.

A ring with faint green light—the green light ring.

"The day is bright, and the night is vast. There is nowhere to hide. The aliens are chaotic, and they are afraid of my divine light. The green light is always bright, and the light of all ages..."

He muttered the oath of the green light in his mouth, and kept playing with the small green light ring in his hand.

It was picked up by Erik from the lair of the Morodians.

After being suspended in the air, he landed on the ground, released the power of light and thunder, startled the monsters away, and picked up the ring from a corner.

The green light ring has always been one of the most magical props in the DC universe. Anyone who is selected by the ring will be endowed with powerful power.

As long as it is something the user can imagine, the green light ring can almost transform it.

But it also has a defect, in addition to frequent charging, it does not work on yellow objects, that is, the famous yellow defect. The reason why the yellow defect can make the ring lose its effectiveness is that it can sense the "fear" in the ring user's heart.

In addition to charging and yellow flaws, the green light ring is often restrained by a move-that is, the light-off procedure.

The light-off program absorbs the surrounding light to construct a dark area, and at the same time absorbs the light of the rings, making the rings unable to operate and extinguishing the light of all the rings.

Now the green light ring is in Eric's hands, but he is just playing with it and has no intention of wearing it.

It's not because he doesn't have confidence in his willpower and courage, but because he doesn't think it's necessary to use this power at this time.

Eric stared at the green light ring, and suddenly thought of the legendary Bruce Wayne who became the Green Lantern.

Dark Multiverse-Earth 32, in the criminal alleys of Gotham City, Bruce Jr. witnessed the murder of his parents. He was deeply saddened and knelt on the ground, facing the dead bodies of his parents, in great pain.

A ring of lights flew over, and Bruce put on the ring of green lights without hesitation. He wanted to kill the robber who killed his parents.

This was deemed unjust by the Green Lantern Ring, and was rejected by the Green Lantern Ring.

However, Little Blue's strong willpower caused damage to the light ring, so that darkness invaded.

Bruce put on the lantern ring, used a powerful weapon, and killed the robbers.

Then Gordon, the Green Lantern Corps, and everyone who stopped him was killed by him.

Going astray, he turned into the Daybreak Lantern and joined Barbatos' camp to conquer the entire universe together.

Bruce Wayne who put on the ring eventually became a blackened bat.

Even power, if it cannot be controlled, is only a source of evil and destruction.

Eric sighed and put the ring in his belt.

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